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Derivative project of "Xiang Dao Shi"

This is the most eye-catching one of the six novels in "Six Different Records". It takes the mysterious and magnificent incense as the theme, takes the Legend of the White Snake and the Legend of the Five Immortals as the cultural background, and takes Hangzhou West Lake as the stage where the story takes place. The strange love of life. It is not only a legend and a myth, but also a display of a unique form of human life, and it is the modern psychoanalytic theory that supports the connotation of this story...


​The Story of the Fragrant Taoist

The perfumer Bai Xuan possesses unparalleled skills in perfume blending, especially good at making women's incense, and her incense shop is also famous all over the world. Once, for a high salary, she took over the order of men's fragrance, which became the starting point of tragedy.

Bai Xuan's body has a female personality and a male personality at the same time. The latter is regarded as his younger brother Bai Lang. They love each other, and they can only sleep and live alternately, and cannot meet in the real world. This beautiful body, when it appears as a woman, is Bai Xuan, and when it appears as a man, it is Bai Lang.

Bai Xuan's main clients are the mutants related to the "Five Immortals". Most of them turn into women and perform seductive tricks on men, and Bai Xuan's fragrance gives them great support. In order to deal with these goblins, the monks with Jinshan Temple as their base camp formed a Noseless Sangha, using breath-holding as a method to fight against and attack the "Five Immortals". The fight between Fahai and the White Snake is an example of this.

With the help of Bai Lang, Bai Xuan used the spices that Zheng He brought back from his voyages to the West to develop a masculine fragrance, which was specially used to deal with women. Unexpectedly, this fragrance was used by the buyer to deal with Bai Xuan. A general fell in love with Bai Xuan secretly, and seduced Bai Xuan with the fragrance that Bai Xuan made herself. The two fell in love at first sight at the incense tasting party held by the government and made a marriage contract.

It wasn't until the wedding scene that Bai Xuan realized that she had fallen into a trap and was misled by her Mixiang, but it was too late to escape. She was dragged into the bridal chamber by the drunken general and wanted to have intercourse with him by force, but she found her penis, and in shock, he cut it off with a knife. Bai Lang died, and Bai Xuan died afterward. The two souls who secretly loved each other passed away.

Hu Huangbai Liuhui Wuxian, also known as Wutongshen, Wuxianshen, Wudaxianjia and Wuxianshen, refer to the five animals of fox, weasel, hedgehog, snake and mouse, which are called five animals in Northeast shaman culture. Those elves who are "going out of the horse".


Their common feature is that they are small in size, and most of them like to be active at night. Except for hedgehogs, most of them behave dexterously and quickly, and their whereabouts are surreptitious, with an elusive and mysterious temperament. After a large number of mythical beasts became extinct in the "Shan Hai Jing", these mysterious small animals took their place and became human beings' loved and feared companions and rivals.

Chinese people in the period of farming civilization generally believed that the "five immortals" belonged to spirits who are half immortal and half demon. If people worship them and respect them as gods, they will get what they want and get the blessings they need. When hurt, they will retaliate with sorcery, causing the perpetrators to suffer catastrophe and die an ugly death.

"Fox fairy" represents the fox family. As early as the "Shan Hai Jing Era", there were legends about it, such as the story of Dayu marrying a nine-tailed fox that we talked about in the past. Among the five immortals, the fox family has the longest history and the oldest qualifications, and is also the representative of the highest spirituality in the wild animal world. After long-term practice, the fox family can absorb the essence or popularity of the sun and the moon, and then they can transform into human form. Many members of the fox family are full of lust, keen to flirt with humans, and perform seduction on white-faced scholars or girls. He is also mischievous, good at making trouble and teasing humans, and often puts people in embarrassing situations. On the other hand, as long as they are willing, they can also heal people's illnesses and bring them good luck (Click here to read the full article)


One of the cultural backgrounds of the incense master:
Five Immortals Going South and Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night


The second cultural background of the incense master:
The Wrong Love between the Lovely White Snake and the Scumbag Xu Xuan

Love and Enmity Between Humans and Snakes

The mystical legends that appeared near the West Lake in Hangzhou are entirely a specialty of the lakeside culture. The huge and tender lake is the cradle of folk discourse, from which many fairy tales and romantic stories have been born. There have been local legends about the "Three Monsters" in the past: the three-legged toad in Jinshatan, the giant turtle in Liufugou and the white snake in Leifeng Pagoda. These amphibians and reptiles constitute the distant motif of West Lake culture. It is said that in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the three-legged toad was captured by alchemists, and the big turtle was caught by fishermen and disappeared into the dark area of national memory. Only the white snake was firmly suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda, which became a love tragedy passed down forever.

The close relationship between dragons and snakes has a long history. The Siku Quanshu collection "Feixuelu" records that a woman from Shandong Province had a thing on her arm, which was hidden under the skin, and its shape was like a dragon. Women like to dip their arms in water for this. One day when there was thunder and lightning, the woman stretched out her arm out of the window, and sure enough, a small dragon flew out of her arm and flew away through the clouds. Another story tells that a tailor was sitting in the house, and suddenly he heard rustling in the wall, and a small snake came out from the crack, and grew bigger as it went, and after a while when the wind and rain came, the little snake turned into a dragon and flew away. up. Humans and these harmless dragons and snakes not only live in peace, but also become their hosts. This kind of close relationship between man and nature is really worthy of our praise.

But among all the reptilian elves, only the big white snake has a tense relationship with humans, full of horrors like original sin. As described in the Old Testament, the snake is a symbol of desire and temptation. It tempted Eve to eat the "fruit of the knowledge of good and evil" in the Garden of Eden. mass reproduction of humans. The philosophy of the Jews is surprisingly similar to that of the Chinese. This is a common fear in the Asian cultural circle.(Click here to read the full article)

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