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  • Research Institute | Dake Zhu's speech:one's cultural renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Research institutions related to Zhu Dake can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is purely academic, such as research projects or laboratories set up by universities and libraries; the second category is more commercial, such as research institutions in Pudong, Shanghai , whose goal is the incubation and operation of the copyright of Zhu Dake's mythological works; the third category is a multi-combination, such as the New York Research Institute in preparation. Research Institution Profile Monash University launches Zhu Dake's research topic Monash University, a member of the Australian Ivy League, approved a translation research project on Zhu Dake in July 2022, entitled "Deciphering Cultural Metaphors in Zhu Dake's Works", which was led by Xu Zhichang and Liu Hai Hosted by Lan Lan, and received the first phase of financial support from the school, the second phase of research funding will be provided by the Xinjinshan Chinese Library and its foundation. The project aims to go beyond the borders of Chinese geography and Chinese literature, and directly hit the myth/literary scene in the field of East Asian cultural linguistics with a cross-regional and cross-cultural attitude. The unveiling ceremony will be held in May 2013 上海科技影都AI创制生态中心启动,未来电影就这么拍! Monash University launches Zhu Dake's research topic Monash University, a member of the Australian Ivy League, approved a translation research project on Zhu Dake in July 2022, entitled "Deciphering Cultural Metaphors in Zhu Dake's Works", which was led by Xu Zhichang and Liu Hai Hosted by Lan Lan, and received the first phase of financial support from the school, the second phase of research funding will be provided by the Xinjinshan Chinese Library and its foundation. The project aims to go beyond the borders of Chinese geography and Chinese literature, and directly hit the myth/literary scene in the field of East Asian cultural linguistics with a cross-regional and cross-cultural attitude. ​蒙纳士大学帮助新金山图书馆解码中文文本 New Jinshan Chinese Library in Ballarat, Australia set up "Zhu Dake Works Research Room" Ballary, Victoria, is a famous city formed in the old gold rush era. Chinese gold diggers and their descendants have become important residents of this city. Xinjinshan Chinese Library, founded by Mr. Sun Haoliang, moved from Melbourne to the new location in Ballary last year, and specially set up the "Zhu Dake Works Research Room", which echoes the research project of Monash University, and becomes an important source of Chinese literature for Australian minorities. One of the many items to pay homage to. ​ 新金山图书馆创始人孙浩良先生接受维多利亚信使报记者采访 Established in Shanghai Pudong ​ "Zhu Dake Mythology Shanghai Research Center" Shanghai, as the birthplace of Zhu Dake and a landmark city of modern Chinese civilization, has shown a strong interest in historical traditions. Relevant organizations are preparing the "Shanghai Incubation Base for China's Mythology Industry" and the "Zhu Dake Mythology Shanghai Research Center", trying to transcend the pathological constraints of the pandemic era and reconstruct the relationship between mythology and history with a future-oriented attitude. associated. The unveiling ceremony will be held in May 2013 Preparations for establishment in North America ​ "Zhu Dake Mythology Institute (New York)" As the residence of Zhu Dake, New York is the world's top commercial/cultural gathering place. The Zhu Dake Institute of Mythology (New York), which is under preparation, tries to transcend the distinction between the East and the West, relying on the breakthrough research results of New Energy Science in the United States, break through the disciplinary barriers of mythology, occultism, life energy, natural therapy and psychoanalysis, and focus on Construct a cross-cultural and cross-time and space body and mind healing system. New Jinshan Chinese Library in Ballarat, Australia set up "Zhu Dake Works Research Room" Ballary, Victoria, is a famous city formed in the old gold rush era. Chinese gold diggers and their descendants have become important residents of this city. Xinjinshan Chinese Library, founded by Mr. Sun Haoliang, moved from Melbourne to the new location in Ballary last year, and specially set up the "Zhu Dake Works Research Room", which echoes the research project of Monash University, and becomes an important source of Chinese literature for Australian minorities. One of the many items to pay homage to. The unveiling ceremony will be held in May 2013 The old appearance of Zhu Dake Cultural Creativity (Shanghai) Studio 朱大可文化创意(上海)工作室,注册成立于2016年,原址在静安区永和路汇智广场,是朱大可及其团队进行研究、创作和市场运作的主要基地,从这里诞生了大量文化创意作品。2023年1月,因疫情和其他可以理解的原因,该工作室正式谢幕。此处保存了长达八年的场景记忆,为了那些神思飞扬的岁月......

  • Chronicle of Qingqiu | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    "Qingqiu Chronicle" Derivative Project "Juvenile Gluttony" is an original Chinese children's full-length novel. In the current monotonous and scarce children's culture, the first season has been widely praised by young readers and parents., the largest e-book selling platform, received 100% favorable comments from readers. The first season of the book is written by Ke Xing'er, and the second season is written by Zhu Dake, which is a "good story" created by teachers and students. Over thousands of years, it leads the majority of children readers back to the dreamland of food...... Qingqiu Chronicle Part 1 word making summary of the story ​ Cangjie was born dumb, lived with the witch grandmother and cousin Axie, and was gifted with the ability to draw talismans. The great god Fuxi took a fancy to his talent and kindness, not only let him speak, but also endowed him with the supernatural power of creating characters. The magic of this kind of magic is that whenever he creates a word, there will be something corresponding to the word in the world. For example, when he made the character "miao", there was a temple at the end of the field; when he made the character "chi", a pond appeared in front of the temple; when he made the character "tao", a pottery kiln appeared. In this way, he created many things that did not exist in the world, and since then he has become famous and grown into a young priest. At that time, the world was divided into the traditional Jiesheng school and the word-making school represented by Cangjie. There was a fierce struggle between the two factions. The two sides competed in the word competition, and the word making school represented by Cang Jie won a big victory. ​ In order to create more oracle bone characters to promote civilization, Cangjie gave up his priesthood and opened a character school to create characters with bright students. He further invented the comprehension and pointing method, the speed of word creation was doubled, and the function of expression was also perfected day by day. Cangjie created a character "miao" for himself, which turned into a beautiful and kind girl at night, who became his most beloved lover and wife. The female disciple Ju Chan failed to fall in love with the master secretly, from love to hatred, violated the prohibition, and created some words that caused disasters in the world: "rape", "jealous", "slut", "kill", "crazy", "demolition", etc., and also created " "Thieves" and "thieves" have led to thieves, smuggled in the black market, and made huge profits. These dark Chinese characters spread everywhere, bringing crisis to the bright world. Cang Jie was very angry and expelled her from the division. With evil dark characters, Ju Chan seeks refuge with the ambitious King of Tong Tong, Hu Zhong, and creates more evil characters for him. The world begins to be filled with injustice, oppression, resentment and violence, and disasters abound. Not only that, under the conspiracy of Ju Song, Hu Zhong pretended to hold a "National Word Competition Conference" and invited Cang Jie to the meeting, but took the opportunity to kidnap his beloved wife Miao, in order to coerce him into creating a bloodthirsty super monster. In desperation, Cangjie had no choice but to hand over the character "mo" that he had created earlier. So a vicious demon king appeared in the world. It flew in the sky, attacked the people of Qingqiu, devoured life, and caused huge casualties. Hu Zhong took the opportunity to attack Qingqiu and defeated the defenders. The king was forced to commit suicide and the people were in dire straits. ​ Hu Zhong's son, Hu Zheng, was a prince with a conscience. He secretly released Cangjie while his father was busy fighting. Cang Jie escaped from birth and wandered around in the fallen motherland, hoping to create a new character that is more powerful than the "magic" character to defeat the forces of darkness, but he has never been able to do so. He walked along the Luoshui River and the Yellow River, looking for hermits and experts, and after going through hardships, he finally got inspiration from the decoration on the turtle's carapace, and finally created the word "dragon"-a great mythical beast was born. It has won a great victory in the battle with the devil. Under Cangjie's call, the people of Qingqiu country launched an uprising, and the army of Qitong country, which lost the support of the "monster", retreated steadily. Hu Zhong committed suicide in despair in the palace. Cangjie rescued his beloved Miao, and the two embraced and wept. ​ To commemorate this great victory, Cangjie coined the character "鳯" again, and the gorgeous and soft phoenix flew from the sky to dance with the mighty dragon. The people looked up to the sky, cheered warmly, and respected him as the new king, named "Cangdi", and Miao became his queen. A new nation was born, and a civilized age of peace and happiness seemed to be at hand. In order to prevent the magic characters and dragon characters from being used by bad people, Cangjie built a bronze box to seal up those dangerous "original characters". Before long he became seriously ill. Before dying, he ordered Mia that it must be destroyed. But Miao did not carry out her husband's will after Cangjie's funeral, which left dangerous seeds for the future world crisis. Read word fragments Qingqiu Chronicle Part Two big character maker summary of the story ​ This part is the plot transition from the first part to the third part. It first reviews the reasons behind the death of Cang Jie. It turned out that Ju Song used dark witchcraft to hammer the ox blade with Cangjie's name written on it every night to break it into pieces. After spending more than three years in this way, Cangjie's whole body was finally broken to death. Before his death, Cang Jie entrusted the bronze box to Miao, and made her a "beauty" character. It was a magic sheep fairy, who could transform into a girl and become the most loyal maid around Miao. After the demise of the Qi Tongue Kingdom, Ju Song turned to Jiu Huang, the character smuggler, and with his help, created dark Chinese characters, and then invented bamboo slips and sentences, using this technology to lead civilization astray. She puts on makeup to attend Cangjie's funeral, and uses this opportunity to connect with Qingqiu Guoshi Masi, and establishes a secret anti-miao alliance with the latter. She also seduces her talented junior brother Pillon, turning him into another important ally. In order to help Ju Song overthrow the regime of Qingqiu, Masi stole the bronze box and released the dreaded word "mo". The Demon God reappeared, flying in the sky, causing great fear among the people. Ju Song took the opportunity to form a coalition army from various countries, defeated the army of Qingqiu, occupied the capital, and became queen himself. At the enthronement meeting, she personally killed Miao, using her death to crown herself. But Miao revealed Ju Song's life before she died, and it turned out that she, like Miao, was a creation of Cangjie. In other words, Cang Jie is not only his master and enemy, but also her father. Pi Yong found the original characters of "Ju Song" from the bronze box, confirming that what Miao said was true. After learning of this fact, Ju Song fell into madness, because it was she who killed her father. Qingqiu Chronicle Part Three word god summary of the story ​ Cangjie not only created the three characters Miao, Jusong and Mei during his lifetime, but also left a word "and" on a piece of tortoise shell. In the ruins of the Fuxi Temple amid lightning and thunder, the word "qi" stood out, turning into a magical baby boy with double pupils. The blind Qitong King Zihu was passing through the ruins, and found the tortoise shell and baby from the rubble. Knowing his origin, he named him "Jiagen" and raised him with care. In order to conquer the surrounding countries, the Witch King Jusong opened the twelve dark gates of the universe, using the chaotic energy in the night sky to create twelve evil beasts similar to the "magic" beasts of the past, and launched more ferocious and brutal wars. Sorrows are everywhere, and people are dying. She also sent "Qongqi", one of the twelve evil beasts, the most cunning and vicious, to search for and kill Jiagen. In order to rescue Jiagen, Hu Zheng was seriously injured and died. The sheep fairy "Mei" rescued Jiagen and took him to escape with difficulty. In such war-torn times, Cangjie's son, the young protagonist Jiagen, thrives and becomes a handsome sixteen-year-old boy. He decided to find his biological parents, and determined to restore peace to the world. ​ In order to achieve this goal, Kagen and Kazumi set out again and came to the sacred mountain where the "Imperial Rider" lived in seclusion - Mount Fuyang, where Jiagen learned the secret technique of taming the beasts, hoping to revive the "Twelve Gods and Beasts" ", and use their divine power to fight against the Witch King. They also found bone seals representing the "Twelve Divine Beasts" from the Fusang Sacred Tree, but before they could be revived, the "Qiong Qi Corps" surrounded Mount Fuyang. They launched a bloody massacre, and the impatiens rider and a large number of mythical beasts were unfortunately killed. The evil beast storm launched by Jusong caused a huge disaster, and even the capital city became a place where evil beasts ravaged. Kill the conspirators, arrest Pillon, and put him in a dark prison. Jiagen finally learned that Cangjie was his biological father, and then realized all the secrets of his father's creation of characters, and grew into a new generation of "character gods". He held high the banner of resistance and called on the people to form a rebel army. After Jusong created the evil beast Qiongqi, he created Chaos, Wuwu and Taotie. They are called "Four Fiends" together, and their magic power is infinite, causing Jiagen's army to retreat steadily. Just when he was constantly frustrated, Jiagen was blessed by the gods and was able to enter the "different world" built by his father Cangjie. Under the guidance of Cangjie's "dead spirit", he discovered and mastered the mysteries of the twenty-four solar terms and the operation of the universe. From this, eleven "air beasts" except Mei were created. With the help of their divine power, Jiagen killed the "Four Evils," and the rebel army broke into the palace and arrested Jusong. Jiagen intends to use the penalty of blinding Jusong's eyes to avenge his adoptive father, Huzheng. At the time of execution, he accidentally discovered that Jusong was his real mother, and Jusong also realized that the only young man who defeated her was her own child. Back then, it was Cangjie and Jusong who carved the name "Qi" on the tortoise shell with the aim of creating a magical child. This process of giving birth to a child is called "zi pregnancy". At that time, it was a more sacred reproduction than childbirth (flesh pregnancy). Inspired by the ghost of Cangjie, Jiagen awakens the great love in his heart, forgives and releases Jusong. But Jusong rejected his son's kindness, took the sword and stabbed his son's chest. Jiagen died in pain. At this time, the sheep fairy "Mei" uttered the prophecy and curse given by Fengshen Feilian back then - Jia Gen will be killed by his mother, but he will be resurrected, and his mother will also gain eternal life, but both eyes will be blind. All the bones in the body are broken, and they can only crawl on the ground like insects, living on soil and earthworms. The curse took effect on the second day, and people saw Jiagen resurrected with blood, while Ju Chan crawled on the ground like a snake. After struggling in his heart, Jia Gen decided to use his own body parts to remove the curse that God had placed on his mother. Despite the dissuasion of everyone, he blinded himself and broke his limbs. This move moved Fengshen Feilian, who withdrew half of his curse—Ju Chan could walk again, but she was still a blind woman. Faced with his son's repeated pardons and rescues, the stubborn Ju Sang finally wakes up and regrets the heinous sins he has committed. The mother and son cried together. They let go of their previous suspicions and immersed themselves in love and affection. Jusong is determined to destroy the twelve evil beasts in order to prevent them from continuing to harm the world. She told her son that the way to subdue the evil beast is to use a hammer to crush the original characters carved on the ox blade, turning the evil beast into dust, and then draw its image into a figure and record it in the shamanistic book "Shan Hai Jing" (book Possess the magic power of the enchantment, which can imprison those evil beasts), only in this way can the evil beasts be prevented from causing harm to the world again. Jiagen was elected as the king by the people of Qingqiu, and respectfully called him "ancestor". He entrusted the "Twelve Qi Beasts" as the "Twelve Zodiac Signs" to protect the people born in the year under his jurisdiction. But the evil beast Qiongqi was not killed by Jia Gen. It successfully suspended animation and escaped, accumulating strength and preparing to make a comeback. It predicted that Ju Chan was going to kill him, so he stole the shamanistic "Shan Hai Jing" first, opened the enchantment of the dark word system, and released more ancient evil beasts. The powerful army formed by them is marching towards Qingqiu country. A new disaster is about to strike. Jiagen and his mother Jusong decided to join hands to fight against evil beasts, defend the homeland of mankind, and restore the devastated human land. ​ Historical Analysis of Chinese Characters: The origin of Chinese characters in the framework of civilization The Dichotomy of Cultural Anthropology Two British and American old men, Toynbee and Huntington, started the debate on the grand narrative of civilization. This is undoubtedly a deconstruction of human history, which has triggered a new wave of historical standardization. As the elite members of human beings, the intellectuals have declared without shame that they have the powerful ability to draw a line with the humble animal kingdom, that is, they have found the four great signs that distinguish humans from animals. The best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari claimed in "A Brief History of Human Beings" that walking upright, having a larger brain capacity, using fire (becoming the earliest cook in the biological world and the inventor of the dark night culture), and being good at socializing are all important. It is the main scale for human beings to differentiate themselves from the animal kingdom, and it is also the four magic weapons for human beings to climb to the top of the biological chain. Although this classification method is crude and uninnovative, it is enough to satisfy the cognitive hunger of the scientifically illiterate public. This kind of standardized operation can also be repeated in the writing of human history. When people need to name some human historical activities in ancient times, they will use "culture" to name them. For example, historians call the remains of human activities discovered in the Yangshao area "Yangshao Culture". And there are four standards to measure this "culture" - The first is to have pantheistic religious beliefs and have professionals such as priests and wizards; the second is to master a complex language system and be able to use this language to start a dialogue with gods/humans; the third is to have mobility/settlement The gathering villages and houses with vegetation/stone materials; the fourth is the use of stone and pottery tools, stone tools tend to be more detailed, and there is a differentiation of tools and decorative functions, and it is possible to fire wheeled pottery (especially painted pottery), And make it an important commodity in regional trade. After the "culture" continued to move forward, people finally waited for the great thing called "civilization". The lonely fireball on the ground slowly illuminates the wise faces of human beings. Green Daniel proposed three signs to measure civilization. The first is writing, whether it is pure pictographic or pictographic/phonetic double-material writing; the second is the emergence of large-scale cities, even with tall terraces, stairs and city walls. And it can accommodate more than 5,000 residents; the third is the ritual building that forms a system, such as the pyramids of Egypt and Maya; Japanese and Chinese scholars also add a fourth sign, which is the metal manufacturing system marked by bronze casting (mining, smelting and casting technology), this "three plus one" system, has become the basic tableware that people use to taste history. This is actually the three "globalization" processes in the history of early human evolution. In the first stage of "gene seeding period", the great migration from Africa achieved the great goal of Homo sapiens globalization; and in the second stage of "painted pottery seeding period", human beings promoted The wave of globalization of painted pottery. In the third stage of the "bronze seeding period", human beings completed the process of bronze globalization by means of escape and trade. Without these three baptisms of "globalization", the cultural miracle of the "Axial Age" would not have occurred. (Click here to read the full article )

  • Scenery photography | Dake Zhu's speech:a personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Dake landscape photography works As a writer who is highly sensitive to vision, Zhu Dake took some interesting landscapes with his mobile phone and camera during his travels, which became a pile of visual fragments reflecting the Chinese landscape in the early 21st century, providing limited private records for historical researchers. ​Xinjiang scenery 2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 新疆风物2013 Chengde Mountain Resort 2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 承德避暑山庄2008 Wuzhen years 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 乌镇岁月 Yuanyang Hani style 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 元阳哈尼风情 Lijiang Fengyue 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 丽江风月 Huangshan presents the old appearance of Canggu Village 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村 黄山呈坎老村元代建筑 Huangshan Hongcun Ancient House Community 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 黄山宏村古屋群落 Huangshan Xidi Ancient Village 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村 黄山西递古村

  • Criticize Dake Zhu | Dake Zhu's speech:one's cultural renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Excerpts from comments on Dake's works Wang Hongtu: How to make ancient people desire written in modern language? In the newly published novel "Six Different Records", Zhu Dake uses the "six senses" of the senses - eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind - as a framework to write a story driven by "Chinese desire" . Wang Hongtu, a professor of the Chinese Department of Fudan University, was impressed after reading it. Starting from the word "desire", he carefully analyzed the author's grasp of the deep texture of the human soul and the internal structure of the unique writing in "Zhu language". Read More > Chen Runhua: Prophet, Wizard or Believer of Romanticism——Impressions of Zhu Dake Zhu Dake in the 21st century is far from being comparable to those cheap romantics in China in the early 20th century. As a contemporary believer of the romantic spirit, based on all the memories of the pain of life in a continent, Zhu Dake expressed his earnestness and sincerity in the "wilderness where God has disappeared", facing the empty heaven that has long been swept away by kitsch. And a strong call. Read More > Han Liyong: Walking in the Ultimate Value The cultural swordsman behind the curtain For a long time, Zhu Dake has been hailed as a lone ranger in the literary world. It is not an exaggeration to think of his strange and sharp writing style, and his murderous aura sealed with a sword. But is a person who walks his own way so chivalrous? Xia, the space to walk is the rivers and lakes, but the place where a swordsman walks is the way to use it, and the mind and body. In my eyes, Da Ke is a natural wonder. Although there have been more and more rumors about Zhu Daxia in the world after his comeback, whether Da Ke is walking in the rivers and lakes or on the Taoist body, this is a person who recognizes Zhu Dake Going your own way is the most effective way. Dake, where is his "independence"? Read More > Ma Xiaoyan: The Playful Novels of Cultural Nomads——On Zhu Dake's Novels He has a deep-rooted passion for Chinese. In my opinion, this is precisely the attachment a Chinese poet should have to his mother tongue, but it is rarely integrated into the writing blood of a critic. Not to mention his ideological contributions, but in terms of linguistics alone, he has contributed different language families to Chinese. He was born to play incessantly with language. I am not at all surprised that he turned from academic research to fiction writing. This is nothing more than his riding the horse of language, breaking into another language space, and starting a new nomadic career. Read More > Scenes from the dark places of ancient civilizations: Zhu Dake and his "Ancient Matters" After reading Zhu Dake's essays on the exploration of Qu Yuan's suicide scene, he must have been infinitely surprised and novel by his detective reasoning and assumptions. Considering his rigorous and fascinating reasoning and deduction, he is good at solving all kinds of legendary riddles and setting things right, which is refreshing. As a novel genre, "Ancient Matters" provided him with a wider game space by resetting the "crime scene" in the process of "solving the case". Read More > Topic of Literary Controversy Magazine: Contemporary Scholars' Discourse Series·Zhu Dake 1. Emergence of Chinese cultural spirit in the Han Dynasty——Also discussing the movement of searching for ancestors, usurping scriptures, making talismans and building charms in the Han Dynasty (Zhu Dake); 2. The Adventure of the Truth——On Zhu Dake's Research on Chinese Myths and Legends (Ma Xiaoyan); 3. Empty light and the turn of political theology—an echo of Zhu Dake’s research on Chinese mythology (Zhu Qinyun); 4. The spiritual pedigree and discourse strategy of a cultural deconstructor (Xue Zheng) Read More > The cultural "standard bearer" of our time: "Prophet" Zhu Dake In today's "burning labyrinth", in today's "noisy era", Zhu Dake is "peerless and independent" like a prophet, waving "the lightning of words", tracing the "files of fugitives", burning He wrote the "Cultural Calendar of the Watcher", wrote the "Map of Chinese Culture in the 21st Century", and praised the "Feast of Hooligans". Read More > Research on Zhu Dake's Literary Criticism This paper argues that his criticism has four characteristics. First, he uses metaphorical writing; second, his criticism has a sharp and acerbic style; His criticism reflects his elite aesthetic taste, as well as his critical stance that combines the value characteristics of "liberalism" and "new leftism". The third part interprets the value of Zhu Dake's literary criticism, and summarizes the enlightenment brought by his criticism to contemporary literary criticism. Read More > Shen Qiaosheng: Impressions of Zhu Dake Zhu Dake is a poetic and charismatic person. We are all students of the Chinese Department of East China Normal University. I am in the seventh and eighth grades, and he is in the seventh and ninth grades. It was an era that could shine a light on history. Like all dogs barking, everyone was trying to make a sound. Amidst those boisterous voices, I read Dake's words, and remembered that his words were proud and powerful, with a distinct texture. Read More > Hu Heqing commented on Zhu Dake: The Hibernation of the Cultural Dinosaurs Literary writers are frivolous enough, not to mention Zhu Dake, a vanguard critic born out of the new wave of literature, must be extremely impetuous! I have to admit that I also held this view before reading Zhu Dake’s article one person. I've always thought it was "bad" to read newspaper reviews. Therefore, I have never read Zhu Dake's famous controversial articles in the past few years; since then, the frequency of Zhu Dake's name appearing in newspapers and magazines has become increasingly rare, which makes it even more difficult for me to change this lack of sufficient reasons. prejudiced. Read More > Guyun: Zhu Dake's Adventure in Ancient Mythology Reading Zhu Dake's "Ancient Chinese Gods" is an adventure, and writing a book review for this masterpiece is an adventure. This work combines multidisciplinary theories such as anthropology, archaeology, phonetics, etc., with a wide range of academic aspects and rigorous theoretical construction. In this case, any thoughtless comments may constitute a misinterpretation of the author and his works. Read More > ​Zhu Dake's "Rogue Revival Theory" Zhu Dake began psychoanalyzing "rogues" in 1994. He published the book "The Feast of Hooligans: Narratives of Hooligans in Contemporary China" in November 2006. It can also be regarded as a generous gift to this era of "falling apart" values. Read More > Other related comments The Speech of "Zhu Language" Cui Geng: A Special Puzzle (Originally published in Southern Literary World Issue 2, 2020) The Myth of Recreation——On the Restoration of Cangjie's Character Creation Process in the Novel "Zi Zao" A Fantastic Journey Through Words and Illustrations: Ten Things to Know About Six Strange Records Personnel Metabolism and Abnormal Art Backlash——Read Zhu Dake's "Six Abnormal Records" "Six Strange Records": Exploring Human Desires with Fiction

  • Criticism of Contemporary Culture | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    ​ Contemporary Cultural Criticism This block recommends reading representative texts of Zhu Dake's contemporary cultural criticism Catalog of this page 1. Sweet Journey——On the Phenomenon of Yu Qiuyu ​2. The half-length narrative of China in the zero age 3. National rhetoric and literature of traumatic memory 4. Literature: The Battle of the Century between Chinese and Arithmetic 5. An Incomparably Difficult Apology——Reflection on the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution 6. Colonial Lu Xun and the Rise of the Politics of Hate 7.1985-2005: The history of Chinese culture acting like a baby 8. Age of Zero: The Big Talk Revolution and the Revival of Petty Bourgeoisie ​9. The Burning Maze——Memorandum of Pioneer Poetry 10. The Gate of the Prophet——The Outline of Haizi and Luo Yihe 11. Allegory of Death: Death Images in Gu Cheng's Poems 12. The Velvet Trials and the End of Nobelism sweet trip ​——On Yu Qiuyu Phenomenon read see more see more see more China in the 1900s half body narrative see more see more see more read National Rhetoric and Literature traumatic memory read Literature: Language and Numeracy Battle of the Century read An extremely difficult apology—— Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution read colonial lu xun and The Rise of the Politics of Hate read 1985-2005: ​History of Chinese culture acting like a baby read Age Zero: The Big Talk Revolution revival with petty bourgeoisie read Burning Maze-- Memorandum of Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry read The Prophet's Gate— ​ Haizi and Luo Yihe Discussion read The parable of death— ​ Death Imagery in Gu Cheng's Poetry read velvet trial and ​The End of Nobelism read

  • DAKE ZHU'S SPEECH:A PERSONAL RENAISSANCE | Chinese mythology novelDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    ​A man's renaissance DAKE ZHU'S SPEECH: A PERSONAL RENAISSANCE 非洲的暴风雨(2) ENYA 00:00 / 02:59 Come on, just push open this door, you can enter the home of a Chinese watcher and cultural revivalist Chinese Culture Decoding @DakeZhu Online Portfolio Zhu Dake's important articles will be shown to you step by step in this space. You will see my various discussions on Chinese history, the history of Chinese mythology, contemporary popular culture and Chinese literature, and even, you can read my memoirs and my legend ary novels. Of course, all these texts are mainly rendered in Chinese characters. Make tea and burn incense, waiting for your presence ​Zhu Dake Collection Deco Ju Dec 20, 2022 18 min 小说/诗歌 罕达奇迹书 老王为自己不能有条毫无破绽的裤子而气恼,因为它在他上学时令其困窘。在罕达,所有的女孩儿都嗤嗤地笑,狡黠的眼睛在上面溜来溜去。男孩儿则鬼头鬼脑地拍拍他的臀部,很会意地离去。只有坐在课椅上时老王才心情好转。有一次老王拍拍屁股对他爸大老王说,你看怎么办?他爸眉头一皱说,小兔嵬子,... Deco Ju Dec 20, 2022 7 min 文化批评 神话考古和的“鹰翼之醒” 古老神话中的鹰蛇对抗 鹰与蛇的二元对立,无疑是苏美尔神话的重要母题。在一组美索不达米亚的“埃塔纳”(Etanna)泥板上,记载了鹰蛇之战的诸多细节。 鹰与蛇原本是住在白杨树上的邻居,鹰栖息在树顶而蛇安居于树根,双方都向大日神沙马什发誓,要忠实于彼此的友谊。但鹰却率先背叛自己... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 7 min 2005,中国的文化牌局 1、三驾马车的话语牌局 2005年,中国大众发出了惊天动地的叫喊。“沉默的大多数”终于结束“沉默”,转而成为中国最大声的群体。这个文化事变,修改了中国话语权力的老式牌局。 关于制度和文化孰是孰非,孰轻孰重的问题,一度是中国知识界讨论的焦点之一。自由主义学者坚持“制度决定论”... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 6 min 我们需要另一次新文化运动 ——在中国经营论坛上的演讲 演讲时间:2011年7月4日 演讲地点:上海浦东星河湾酒店报告厅 女士们,先生们,谢谢大家这么有耐心听了一天漫长的演讲,主持人的嗓子已经哑了,我也刚打吊瓶回来,所以我很同情他。谢谢大家的耐心。我希望我的发言,是盛宴的最后一道小小的甜点。... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 31 min 文学批评 燃烧的迷津 在一个贫瘠的年代里,诗人有什么用呢? ──荷尔德林 A. 边缘的景观 我所面对的文化(无论它是种族的还是世界的)充满着对诗歌的各种误解。诗并不像人们确信的那么重要,它不是什么“种族的触角”,相反,它有时候不过是种族的渲泄物而已,然而正是那种对诗歌的过高估价导致了某个运动的诞... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 28 min 中国历史 亚细亚痛苦及其消解模式 绘画中的自我刺瞎和自我流放的俄狄浦斯 上 篇 一 俄狄浦斯和苏格拉底的产业 俯察一个傲慢而四分五裂的欧洲大陆,痛苦之神奔走哀号的遗迹触目皆是,悲痛的火焰的建筑在时间里颤抖,从透明的历史中永恒地现身。这现身之所以永恒,正是基于痛苦之神的有力性。它,或者叫做痛苦本体、痛苦的最高... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 32 min 中国历史 信念的诞生 “我的哲学就是对上帝的期待。” ──海德格尔 基 督 耶稣基督是犹太社会的一个奇怪的入侵者,上帝之所以把此人派来,也许因为它绝望于人类,却又不愿制造第二次大洪水让他们完蛋。这点我以后还要深入探讨。耶稣,按幸德秋水的说法,过去可能是一种性隐喻,现在却是神圣绝望的民间煽动者,耶... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 4 min 小说/诗歌 新童话:五个丑女孩 我的老家在福建省西南角,被很多很多大山包围着。从前,那里的人要进一次城,或者寄一封信,都需要很长很长时间,因为要在群山里走很长很长的路,遇见很多很多危险。 山里住着一位叫做蓝采和的神仙,是有名的“八仙”之一。他有一位比他更神通广大的妹妹,没人见过她的长相,也不知她叫什么名字... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 2 min 思想随笔 《文化叙事》自跋:与时间神的和解 本书所收集的,是我1982年以来的大多数文学批评文章,它们在被抹去尘土之后被重新点亮,大致地勾勒出我的文学生命轨迹。为了编订自己的写作年表,我坐在地板上,从阁楼上的书橱里翻检那些早已泛黄的老旧杂志,一股霉变的气味弥漫开来。在昏黄的灯光下,我突然意识到,我曾经是那个“阁楼上的... Deco Ju Dec 19, 2022 4 min 中国历史 《长生弈》自跋:小说写作就是我的“长生术” 每天晚上,我都要环绕住所附近的无名小湖散步。那里有一块空地,被众多老年舞者所占领。他们身穿白色制服,紧跟流行音乐的节奏,动作规整地舞动每个肢端,就像一些白色的幽灵,漂浮在灯影、建筑物、水汽、雾霾和树丛之间,赋予这世界以古怪的魔幻调性。... Audio of Zhu Dake's works, about Ding Qi 鼎:青铜记忆及帝国图腾 Artist Name 00:00 / 26:59 About copyright derivation ​ Zhu Dake Image Collection 1/27 Global Culture Trail Deco Ju vor 5 Tagen 可怕的周朝酷刑:2500年前骸骨做出无言见证 Deco Ju vor 6 Tagen 英伟达超越微软 成为全球最有价值上市公司 Deco Ju vor 6 Tagen 苹果发布AI新功能:ChatGPT和iPhone融为一体 Deco Ju vor 6 Tagen 在喜马拉雅山麓,勇敢的夏尔巴人用生命谋生 Deco Ju May 22 男性睾丸塑料化:人类生育力大幅下降的原因? Deco Ju May 22 白宫女厨二人组:近十年来在国宴上演绎烹饪外交

  • Longevity game | Dake ZhuDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    back to homepage Excerpts from Zhu Dake's Novels ​Changshengyi Chapter 1 Gamble Luoyi, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty The fourteenth year of King Zhou Xiang (638 BC) ​ holy dream ​ In early spring, the setting sun slanted on the face of Zhou Xiangwang Ji Zheng, illuminating his wrinkles and white hair. The chill in the royal garden was very deep, and the remaining lotus and fallen leaves in the pond had not yet shown their vitality. The palace slaves added charcoal stoves around them to build a small warm wall for the king. Ji Zheng put his arms around the young queen Shu Kui, tasted the goji sauce wine tribute from the Shu land, and said some boring love words. Suddenly, at his feet, he saw a dead blue-gray bird with its belly turned to the sky and its tiny claws curled up on its chest, like some kind of eerie omen. At this time, a gust of evil wind blew over the cup on the wine table, and the crimson wine flowed all over the floor. The sky quickly dimmed. A bright moon rose above the pond in the middle of the garden. Ji Zheng saw a large silk-brocade mat rimmed on the surface of the water. piece. The giant Yan Mo, who is in charge of death, is wearing a purple robe, with long nails on his paws, wide cuffs, and holding a skeleton scepter. He appears on one side of the chess table, while on the other side stands a young man in white, He holds a sugarcane bow in his hand, and in the quiver on his back is a short arrow made of roses, which is the spring god Jumang that is in charge of life. They sat down separately and played chess as if no one else was there. A certain book called "The Edict of Carmomy" recorded the most famous life-and-death gamble in the God Realm in the most concise words. It claims that the bet is divided into three games, the first game is betting on the life of the king, the second game is betting on the life of Peng Zu, and the third game is betting on the life of all living beings. But Ji Zheng didn't know about it. All he knew was that around the mat, everything stopped, the pool water, the leaves, the birds, and the wind were all frozen in time, and Ji Zheng's own limbs also lost power. His eyes were focused on the chess game, and he couldn't even hear the beating of his pulse. He felt himself dead. After an unknown amount of time, Yama pushed the pawn away, like unlocking the lock of time. At this time, Gou Mang pierced his claw with a tiny flower thorn. He didn't realize that a small drop of blood appeared in the center of his paw. He got up and walked in front of Ji Zheng, and whispered in a hoarse voice: "In the chess game just now, Chunshen Jumang lost your life. You will die in ten years, and your throne will be taken away by others , your queen will become someone else's woman, and death will be the only fate of your family." After finishing speaking, she disappeared in a gust of wind, and the Jumang, mat and chess case also disappeared without a trace. Ji Zheng suddenly woke up from the frozen state, not knowing whether this was a dream or a real scene. Yama is the legendary god of the underworld, and his appearance means death. Is this a premonition of death? The king was pale with fright and dripping with sweat. The queen coquettishly said in a half-drunk state, "My lord, what's the matter with you?" Ji Zheng didn't bother to answer, and hurriedly pulled the bell, calling for his personal guard Chang Zhongbiao, and ordered him to quickly summon the imperial divinator. Youhuang, the gray-haired hexagram master, rushed into the palace. The maid waited for him to bathe and cleanse himself, put on the black dress specially used for court priests, knelt in front of the lacquer table, and performed calculations with the freshly picked yarrow, with a respectful and dignified expression. He took one hexagram as "Zhen", and the fourth line turned into a thunderstorm, which is an auspicious omen that there is no danger. You Huang explained that the God of Hades would change his mind halfway and would not hold the king accountable. But "shock" is a tree, and it is an image of Jumang. If you want to get rid of the crisis, you must turn to the God of Spring for help. Another tortoise divination master of the Yin tribe who came from Zhouyuan repeatedly burned a piece of tortoise shell with fire, and carefully examined the cracks in the sunlight. He reported with a sad face that there were three cracks on the tortoise plate, and the middle line represented the emperor. , the left and right lines respectively represent the God of Spring and the God of Underworld. Among them, the pattern of the underworld god invades the emperor pattern, thick and powerful, like lightning, while the emperor pattern evades to the right and merges into the pattern of the spring god. The two patterns merge into one pattern, which is a sign of being protected by the spring god. The fortune-teller stood back and whispered to the king that as long as he followed the direction of the crack, that is, looked east, he could find the "undead medicine" he needed. The tortoise divination master further explained that as long as he has the "undead medicine", the god of the underworld will give up his life; but if he wants to obtain the undead medicine, he must send someone to find the "undead person", because only he has this kind of god. medicine. After hearing this, Ji Zheng felt that Longyan was overjoyed, and immediately decided to hold a large-scale Spring God Ceremony to pray for the grace of Jumang. At the same time, he ordered the warriors in the palace to be recruited to explore. Anyone who can bring back the "undead medicine" will be rewarded with land. and titles. Fortunately, he still has ten years to live, so he has enough time to reform his destiny. Ji Zheng's call-up order quickly spread throughout the court, but no one responded because everyone thought it was nonsense. The matter has been put on hold. The queen said disapprovingly, "Your Majesty, you shouldn't believe in the hexagram master's nonsense. There is no medicine for immortality in the world. My brother said that people are always going to die. Either it is heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than the red cat." "You are too young to understand the value of life. With it, the widow can defeat you in bed, and defeat those greedy relatives." The king said arrogantly. Uncle Kai, dressed in military uniform, twitched his lips covered in lipstick, turned his head and walked out of the room, and went hunting on horseback with his younger uncle Ji. ​ spring festival The king's capital was called Luoyi. In the time of King Zhou Xiang, it was the largest city in the East, comparable to Nineveh in Assyria, Heliopolis in Egypt, and Susa in Elam. Ji Zheng is not a talented king. After taking over the power from his father, he found that this is a kingdom full of holes. Its territory has been carved up by those powerful relatives and has become fragmented, while the central government is shrinking day by day. He has been in power for a long time, and he has always dealt with the princes carefully, and the rest of the time can only be spent on matters such as drinking and having fun. At that time, Zhou Gongdan issued an edict prohibiting alcohol in view of the fact that the Yin merchants died of alcohol, and Zhou people were not allowed to drink alcohol except for sacrifices. This prohibition governed Zhou people for four hundred years. But in the late empire, the old system was abolished, and the wind of drinking came back, becoming the main entertainment of the royal family. Ji Zheng personally advocated and mobilized the people of the whole country to get drunk in the wine together. The winemaking industry developed rapidly in this way, and the wolfberry sauce wine produced in Sichuan, made of crutches as raw material, became the most favorite drink of the royal family because of its attractive and indulgent fruity aroma. In order to resist the threat of the underworld god Yama, Ji Zheng issued an imperial decree to turn "long live" into a carnival of words. As long as the bell and drum to announce the time in the palace ring, the people in the palace will shout "Long live", the officials in front of the hall will follow suit, the attendants in the hall will follow suit, and the guards outside the gate will also shout. It is even more necessary to shout at the same time, so that the whole Luoyi will resound with the cry of "long live". Ji Zheng got the satisfaction of "immortality" in this huge sound. Even he himself did not expect that after more than two thousand years of training, this word has been used very skillfully by his people. That day, when the sun was shining on the streets of Luoyi, Bo Xia, the doctor of the Song Dynasty, was walking full of thoughts, when he heard the sound of long live, he had to stop walking with the passers-by, and shouted "Long live", feeling a little ridiculous in his heart. This king, because of his fear of the god of the underworld and his greed for longevity, actually invented this kind of word game. The empire, which is in danger, is full of joyful dramas everywhere. Passing by a tailor shop, the passionate female seamstress shouted at him, "Long live the doctor!" Several young women on the road turned their heads and smiled at him. Bo Xia placed his right hand on his left chest, bowed to pay respects, but did not stop. He is the Priest of the God of Spring in the Song Dynasty, and he is just a passer-by in Luoyi. Last year, he single-handedly saved the Song Xianggong Zifu from the encirclement of the Chu army's chariots, and sent him back to the Songyi Palace to recuperate. This feat was so widely celebrated that no one knew about it. Ji Zheng happened to be short of talented people around him. Hearing the news, he sent someone to comfort Zifu, and asked him for Bo Xia by the way. Bo Xia had no choice but to follow the envoy to the capital and become Ji Zheng's personal staff. One of the big things he has to do now is the upcoming Jumang Worship Ceremony. Uncle Chunguan was seriously ill, and Ji Zheng ordered him to act on his behalf. He needs to prepare three animal sacrifices, arrange spring plowing performances, and places for the king and ministers to salute and sit. Fortunately, he used to be the officiant of the Song Dynasty, so he is no stranger to this complicated ceremony. He took the wooden tablet with the king's decree, walked through seven yamen, found the officials in charge, assigned the tasks carefully, and arranged them in an orderly manner. By noon, he had completed all the layouts and walked briskly towards Miyagi. The north wind is still steep, and the people have not let go of the sorrows of winter, but Bo Xia is changing the scenery of the seasons. Wherever he went, the willow branches danced lightly above his head, and the willow trees began to sprout, bursting out the thin green leaves, like rice grains. Bo Xia stopped, stretched out his hand to caress the willow branch on the side of the road, and felt it laughing happily. Bo Xia said "Hello" in his heart language, and the willow tree shook its branches and leaves to salute him, just like a woman shaking her long hair. Bo Xia's palm just held the tentacles of Chunshen. In the days of "Lichun", Luoyi began to become bustling, and nobles from the city, princes from all over the country or their representatives came to the city one after another. They gathered in the palace, then went out of the city and meandered eastward, and arrived at the round hill eight miles away, to worship the great spring god Jumang, and pray to him for a good harvest throughout the year and the prosperity of the country and the people. Although the empire has become weaker and weaker after the Haojing Rebellion, the countryside is waking up from the severe winter, and the breath of life emerges from the cracks in the land. Bo Xia can even see those weak air currents rising slowly like steam , lingering over the fields, bringing a new round of hope to all living beings in the world. Ji Zheng came to Yuanqiu in a chariot with eight horses. It was the king's private drive. He led the crowd into the Jumang Temple, faced the tall statue of Jumang, took off the crown after the Dazai placed the jade table, and presented jade cong, jade bi and jade huang, three animals of cattle, sheep and pigs, as well as jade coins and wine Jue, and then quietly listened to the high priest Yan Lu recite the lengthy sacrificial oration. The sunlight coming in from the gap in the carved window illuminated the white wings spread out behind him. Ji Zheng looked up and saw that the square face of the statue of Jumang was always wearing a smile with unknown meaning. After the ceremony, all the officials came to the steps in front of the temple together, sat on the pre-laid brocade cushions, and waited to watch the cattle farming performance planned by Boxia. Ji Zheng shut Yan Lu out of the door, left alone in the temple, and started a secret negotiation with God Jumang. He first greeted the great god as a king, then praised the holy site of Jumang with moving words, and then began a lengthy prayer, complaining about the threat of the god of the underworld, begging for the protection of the god of life, and claiming that if he can escape To go to death, one hundred Jumang temples will be built all over the country to repay the grace of the great god. This pleading took more than half an hour, but Gou Mang never showed up. Ji Zheng was very disappointed and began to cry, heartbroken for his short life. At this time, with tears in his eyes, he saw God Jumang take off the square mask, revealing the original shape of the boy in white. He stepped down from the throne, holding a sugarcane bow in his hand, frowning. "As a king, don't you know why the underworld god wants to take your life?" "I once dreamed that the Great God played chess with the Underworld God, and the Underworld God said that you lost." "He needs a lot of dead people to fill because of the emptiness of Hades, and your death can cause chaos, war and mass death. I tried to stop him by playing chess, but it didn't work. I lost two games out of three. For this reason, I can only protect your life for ten years. You must find a way to live longer by yourself." The temple became silent again, and the statue remained motionless, as if everything just now was an illusion. Ji Zheng waited for a while to see that the great god would not have any more rewards, so he had to put on the tall crown again, walked out of the temple with a sad face, and returned to the dragon mat with soft seats. The crown swayed gently on his forehead, and on it stood a housefly that had woken up early and hung with each other. As soon as his buttocks sat on the dragon couch, the bells and drums rang deafeningly. Twenty-four buffaloes representing the twenty-four solar terms, and a shepherd boy in green clothes and green hats on his back, take the first step of spring plowing under the whip of the farmer. The copper plow penetrated deeply into the soil, and the fertile black soil was turned over in large chunks, exposing the dry roots of the millet, and the earthworms and centipedes were squirming in panic. The Royal Orchestra played the solemn ancient music "Cloud Gate". At that time, the bells and chimes rang together, and the sound of drums spread to the distant mountains shrouded in clouds and mists. The courtiers waved their long sleeves and danced lightly. Their smiles and postures attracted the attention of the officials. Then, the court chorus in red robes sang a solemn and distant eulogy—— "In a good year, there are many millets and rice crops, and there are also high farms, trillions, and donkeys. They serve wine and wine, and give them to their ancestors. With a hundred rituals, they will bring blessings to Confucius." Ji Dai, the younger brother who was sitting next to Ji Zheng, wore a jade crown inlaid with lapis lazuli, a lake-blue dress with golden threads, and a yellow cotton robe to prevent freezing. While watching the performance, he followed the audience around Senior officials and nobles discussed loudly, talking and laughing happily. "I heard that Goumang is not only in charge of farming, but also the god of love, responsible for all sexual matters in the world. I hope that today's sacrifice can benefit the king and all the nobles." Ji Dai tapped the charcoal fire hand stove with his fingers, with ambiguous words He said with a smile, as if the Great God was his retainer. All the officials let out an echoing laugh. Ji Zheng didn't seem to care about his younger brother's arrogance. He called Bo Xia to his side and said, "You did a good job in this year's ceremony. I want to reward you with a pair of rhino horn luminous cups." Bo Xia said: "Thanks to the grace of the Holy One, I am truly ashamed of receiving it. The only thing I want to ask is the case of the elixir. I am willing to serve the king and make a special trip to the east to find out its whereabouts as soon as possible. " Ji Zhengxi was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on his sad face: "If you complete this mission for the widow, the widow will give you a large fief and give you the title of viscount." Ji Dai looked at Bo Xia with a half-smile and said, "Hehe, the journey here is difficult and dangerous, the doctor should be careful, be careful that if you go and never return, you will not be able to recover the king's order." Bo Xia looked at Ji Dai in surprise, all kinds of doubts and conjectures welling up in his heart. As Ji Zheng's half-brother, the conflict between them has long been known to everyone. In order to seize the throne, Ji Dai once bribed the Xirong army to attack Luoyang, but failed, and the rebellion plot was exposed, so he had to flee to Qi State in embarrassment, and took refuge in the power of Duke Qi, temporarily avoiding the limelight under his wings. Four years ago, under the pressure of his stepmother Huihou, Ji Zheng was forced to pardon Ji Dai and allow him to return to Beijing to live. Ji Dai wept bitterly and apologized to her father and brother, saying that she would never reverse the case. Ji Zheng softened his heart for a moment and allowed him to walk around in the court at will, making him once again the second most powerful person after the king. Now, his hostility spanned several feet, piercing his skin like a sharp needle, making Bo Xia shudder. He couldn't find out what it was all about. He knew that he didn't make this decision to please Ji Zheng, nor did he intend to challenge Ji Dai, he just wanted to use this to save the Grand Duke Zifu of the Song Dynasty. This outstanding political leader was wounded on the battlefield and was dying. It was said that only the elixir of life could save him. The Zhou Kingdom is in decline, and Zifu is the only hope to save the kingdom. But he carefully concealed this secret intention. ​ ​ Dong Xun ​ In the early morning of Bingzi Day in mid-spring, Bo Xia led a mission of 20 people, carrying generous gifts from the king, set off from Luoyi, facing the rising sun, and headed towards Song State. The entire convoy consisted of six carriages, the first of which was Bo Xia's own sedan chair, pulled by three horses, which was the standard equipment for imperial doctors. There are four attendants on the second car, and the third car is used to load royal gifts-a pair of bronze statues of mythical beasts, a set of eight bronze tripods from large to small, twelve sets of colored lacquer tableware from Chu State, thirty-six horses Shu brocade, the fourth to sixth are escort chariots, each with three warriors, namely the driver, the archer and the spearman. When Bo Xia left the city, the fiery red morning glow reflected the palace and city walls, and all the trees stood upright in the wind, shaking their branches to greet him. Peonies are in full bloom on street corners and beside wells. The earth dog looking for food in the garbage dump bowed its head humbly. The people who got up early were watching quietly on the street. They looked blankly, watching the cavalry with the king's flag fluttering, strolling through the east gate, and the rising sun was shining on their bodies. ​ ​ harem Bo Xia didn't notice it at all, just two miles behind him, another horse team followed them like a ghost, like a mysterious shadow clinging to the entity. It was the troops sent by Ji Dai, led by Queen Shu Kai's elder brother Zhai You, and Ji Dai herself was walking quickly into Shu Kai's inner room at this moment. The maids closed the door behind him. He undressed and climbed into the young queen's low painted bed. This is Ji Dai's thirteenth tryst. At that time, Ji Zheng summoned the army of Di State to attack Zheng State and took Zheng State’s Licheng for him. In order to repay the support of Di State and make this support last for a long time, Ji Zheng married Di Shukai, the daughter of Bo Di who was only eighteen years old. The queen, just because of the old husband and young wife, has very different ages and tastes. Zhai Shukai was born in a nomadic tribe in the north, and he loved riding and shooting field hunting, while Ji Zheng was old and not familiar with equestrian skills, so he had to ask Ji Dai to accompany him. The young and handsome Ji Dai seizes this opportunity to have an affair with Kai Shi, and the two quickly fall in love. A few years later, when Ji Dai was arrested by the Jin army, he would still recall the wonderful moment of falling in love with Shu Kai at first sight. That day, she was wearing a black dustproof gauze, a narrow-sleeved blouse, and a golden chain mail on the outside. A green jade ribbon was tied around her waist. She also had a quiver studded with gemstones. carved bow. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were astonished. King Ji Zheng looked at his wife in military uniform with a smile, showing a happy expression. Ji Dai also stared at her intently, stretched out two salty hands from her eyes, and stroked her body back and forth. Shu Kai suggested: "Riding a horse is worse than driving a cart. All the maids I marry like to ride a horse." Ji Zheng then shouted: "Wait." He turned to all the officials and said, "Who is better at riding a horse and can protect my queen?" Ji Dai said: "My equestrian skills are not bad, let me do it." Shu Kai looked at this heroic uncle, and his heart beat with admiration. The servants surrounded Shu Kai and ran in front. Ji Dai was riding a BMW and also quickly chased after them. The two spurred their horses, and started a race, leaving everyone else far behind. As soon as he turned a mountainside, Shu Kai reined in the reins, looked back and smiled: "I have admired the prince's appearance and talent for a long time, and it is my honor to meet you today." Ji Dai stared at Shu Kai intently: "This king is just a countryman, and his appearance and talent are not one-ten-thousandth of the Queen's." Shu Kai's expression was flustered: "Will you enter the palace tomorrow morning to greet the Queen Mother? I, I, I have something to tell you in detail." As soon as she finished speaking, the maids rushed over on horseback. They were very worried that the queen's riding skills were limited, and what would happen. Shu Kai immediately stopped talking and looked at each other affectionately. They both knew each other, turned their horses' heads, and galloped in completely different directions. With the whining of horn horns, the royal hunt officially kicked off. On the second day, Ji brought in greetings to the king, thanked the prey rewarded yesterday, and then moved to the queen mother's palace to visit her mother. After exchanging greetings with Huihou for a while, he excused himself to say goodbye. At this moment, Zhai Shukai was already waiting anxiously in the corridor. She bribed the maids around her with money, and they hid out of sight knowingly. Ji Dai hugged Shu Kai and passionately kissed him. Shu Kai hurriedly stroked Ji Dai's chest, and leaned into his ear and said, "Master, wait, let's go to the room over there." So they stepped on the soft lambskin, crossed the promenade with various symbols painted on both sides, turned seven or eight corners, entered a dimly lit small room, and bolted the door from the inside. Shu Kai soon let out a scream, mixed with Ji Dai's dull hum, the crackling of bodies colliding, and the noise of a woman's hands slapping the wooden bed. The ladies of the court eavesdropped in fear not far away. In the depths of the imperial palace, the sound was like a breeze, passing over the ears of eavesdroppers, golden nanmu columns and carved doors, and hiding insidiously in the cracks in the blue brick floor. Ji Zheng is currently inspecting the country of Chen. Shu Kai lied that he had menstruation and did not go with the king. A beautiful and lazy woman eagerly awaits her lover in her bedroom. Her black bun is loose, and her snow-like skin is like white jade, exuding the unique sexy brilliance of Turkic and Mongolian women. Ji Dai put her nose on her chest, greedily inhaling her body odor, which was the ecstasy of skin and perfume, while the queen enjoyed the touch of this strong man. His black body hair and tattoos on his arms made her fascinated. Short of breath, they quickly reached the expected climax. After the matter was over, Ji Dai kissed the queen's neck lightly and said, "Your brother should have left by now, right?" Shu Kai giggled and said, "Brother is already on his way this morning. He is a good hunting dog and will keep an eye on Bo Xia." "This throne should belong to me, but Ji Zheng took it away and forced me to go into exile in Qi State. I would rather die than die." Ji Dai said with full of resentment, "If it wasn't for the step forward of my mother, I would still be living under the fence." "This incompetent old thing actually wants to use the 'undead medicine' to live forever, he really can figure it out." Ji Dai had a worried look on his face: "That Boxia is not someone to wait for. I have heard many rumors about him. I am afraid it will be difficult to stop what he is going to do." Shu Kai comforted and said: "Don't worry, my brother has practiced soul washing in Xirong for ten years, and he can't find an opponent all over the world. He will definitely come back with Bo Xia's head. But Ji Zheng has many eyes and ears in the palace. Sooner or later he will know about us. Oh, I don't know when I will be your queen." She sighed deeply. Ji Dai looked at the vermilion roof beams and the curly grass patterns drawn by golden threads, with a frenzied expression on his face: "Things will change soon. Brothers always take turns to sit on the king's throne. I have already told you brother It was agreed that the day when he returns to Beijing with Bo Xia's head in hand is the day when I will start." He rolled over and started kissing the ambitious woman next to him. He knew that this was a political and emotional double gamble, and this woman was not only his bed prey, but also a political dice for him to bet against Ji Zheng. She is a rare treasure in his hands. ​ ​ ordered The Bo Xia mission crossed the border of the directly-administered area of the empire, crossed the border of Zheng State, and headed slowly towards Xiangyi, the capital of Song State. The cattail grass, bracken and coriander are swaying in the wind, the farmers are bending over to cultivate in the fields, and the beautiful village girls are picking the new and tender mulberry leaves and curly ears, and the singing of labor can be heard from time to time, which is the folk song of Zheng State. Nostalgia poured into Bo Xia's ears like this. Returning to his hometown this time reminded him of his childhood games and short-lived love in his youth. At that time he had loved a young sweet potato girl. When it was raining, he was secretly playing with his little penis in front of the door, and the girl saw him playfully, tied it up with a fine hemp rope, held the other end in her hand, and dragged him to run wildly in the rain until Until I can't breathe. Later, he put on his trousers, picked wild flowers in the forest, and made an oath, saying that the other party would not marry, and the two children were so moved that they burst into tears. A year later, the girl's family moved to the state of Chu. With tears in his eyes, he watched the ox cart slowly leave, his glass heart fell to pieces on the ground. This first love that ended in parting meant the end of childhood. What he sees at this moment are all the beautiful scenery of the past, but people are gone, leaving only sad fragments of memory. He didn't know how to get back his first love girl and return to that unattainable childhood. For Bershar, his childhood was so fragmented, full of mysteries that were hard to recall and explain. For a long time, he has been deeply confused about his birth. But after that national ceremony, an incredible adventure completely changed his view. For the first time in many years, he grasped his roots and had the joy of being reborn. father god That day, just after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the god of spring, Jumang, King Ji Zheng's team left in a mighty way, with flying flags and swift horseshoes, leaving behind a mess of rubbish. The handymen were cleaning up the mess after the celebration, while Bo Xia walked into the Jumang Temple alone, looked at the huge statue with a human head and a bird body, knelt down reverently, put his head on the futon, and began to pray silently. This is the first time he has entered the main sacrifice temple in Jumang. He felt a strong pressure on his back, which made him unable to stand up at all, and even found it difficult to breathe. He closed his eyes, and saw Gou Mang flying down from the divine throne, taking off the rigid square mask, and turning into a handsome boy in white, with dazzling rays of light radiating from his body, and a strange fragrance filled the hall. He felt that the pores all over his body were slowly opening, and some strange things were coming in and out, like some tiny and shining light clusters. They gathered around him, and then entered the body to run, driving the whole blood, like countless rivers rushing on the body, the skin and senses became sharp, at the last moment, he could even hear the cries of the spiders, they hurriedly crawled on the side of the statue Between the gaps, it seems to be rushing to a grand gathering. When Bo Xia raised his body again, he felt that he had become more sensitive and powerful, and he could hear the cuckoo singing more than ten miles away. He has had the ability to perceive plant emotions since he was a child, but he thought it was a dangerous ability, and he was afraid of being regarded as evil, so he carefully concealed it. But at this moment, this sensitivity is being strengthened and brought to a new level. He raised his head, and Jumang returned to the old wooden statue, wearing a square mask, maintaining his usual silence. At this time, the fruit placed on the divine table suddenly sprouted light green shoots. Yan Lu, the high priest of the temple, walked into the hall, wearing a strange wide-brimmed hat. He was short in stature, and his robes stretched to the ground, but he was majestic and majestic, just like a great master of a generation. He stood beside the incense table, looked at Bo Xia carefully, and then asked loudly: "Could it be that Bo Xia is under your step?" Bo Xia got up and saluted: "This is right." Yan Lu smiled slightly: "I have known your life experience for a long time, and I also know that you are going to pay homage in the temple today. I specially wait here, please accept my worship." Bo Xia hurriedly replied: "I don't dare. I don't know what the master taught you?" "Okay, then I won't go around in circles. I was ordered to tell you a secret. You have the blood of a god in your body, because you were born of God Goumang and a girl." Bo Xia looked at this famous stranger full of doubts, but he didn't know how to answer. Yan Lu looked at him carefully, and said solemnly: "According to the laws of the heavens, half-gods and half-human 'miscellaneous' like you must be raised by humans, and only when you take the initiative to pay homage to God the Father Only when the temple is opened can the sacred connection with him be restored." "Then how do you know my secret?" Bo Xia was full of suspicion. "I knew you as soon as you were born." Yan Lu smiled slightly, "You have at least one hundred and twenty brothers and sisters, including me of course, but you are the most important one, because only you can Use Jumang supernatural power. This supernatural power will become stronger and stronger in the future." Bo Xia was still at a loss. It was difficult to understand this sudden message for a while. Yan Lu showed a considerate smile: "It doesn't matter, you will gradually understand. Father God foresees that you will come here, and I have two treasures that I want to hand over to you." He turned around and took out a scroll from behind the screen. A silk book and a painted pottery bottle were placed in his hand, "This is the Goumang seeds. If you sprinkle them into the soil, various crops will grow quickly. Father God said, you will need it in the future. " After thanking Bo Xia, he took the silk book and pottery bottle, watched Yan Lu turn and walk away, then poured out a few seeds, walked out of the temple gate, and sprinkled them in the soil outside the temple. Seeing them fall into the mud, it was contrary to the normal season , grow branches and vines, climb up the steps, entangle the stone beasts and doorposts, bear various grains, vegetables and fruits, and emit a strong fragrance. All these actions are completed quickly in a short time. He was dumbfounded. He returned to the temple again, knelt down in front of the Jumang statue, suddenly felt a great emotion, burst into tears, and didn't want to stand up for a long time. For his life experience, he has always only had some vague memory fragments. It is said that before he was born, his father died in the war. When he was five years old, his mother hanged herself because of poverty. After that, he was adopted by his aunt, but he was often beaten by her uncle. As a devastated orphan, Bo Xia was infinitely confused by his biological parents leaving without saying goodbye, and even resented them for this, blaming them for giving birth to him indiscriminately, but refusing to fulfill their responsibilities. Now, the mystery is rapidly dissolving. For the first time, he knew his true origin and the source of his abilities. Father hadn't abandoned him, he thought waking up from a dream. The sun filled the entire courtyard, with soft thorns, hugging him warmly, reminding him of his mother's vague face. She was so distant and close, strange and intimate, and at this moment, from Father God, he held a similar feeling again. When he left the temple, he finally felt reborn. He opened the silk book under the sun, and saw two big cloud-like characters on it - "Longevity". In an instant, the word disappeared, as if the water vapor had been evaporated. ​ ​ Excerpted from "Longevity Game", Huacheng Publishing House, 2018 ​ ​ ​ references 豆瓣读书:长生弈读书笔记.pdf Freely switch between selected reading pages of various novels ​ big bucket Go to vat optional reading Kirin Go to Kirin Selected Reading Weeping Master Go to full text of Weeping Master word making Go to Selected Reading of Characters ​ yellow Go to Youhuang Full Text Physiologian Go to the full text of Physiologian magic mirror Go to God Mirror Selected Reading Changshengyi Go to Longevity Game Selected Reading Perfumer Go to the full text of Xiang Taoist Back to Selected Readings

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    香港中文大学 创意设计学院 (筹建中) 学院简介 该学院以全新理念,将视觉设计与人文思想、创意写作、计算机图形学、认知科学和AI技术高度结合,即将成为全球视觉设计的先锋,旨在以产学研组合的方式,培养最前沿的应用人才。 进入学院网页 人文叙事与创意写作专业 专业简介: ​ 该专业注重培养具有人文素养、擅长创意写作,尤其擅长视觉领域的创意写作,为学院的视觉设计提供坚实的有人文思想的语言创意人才。 ​ ​ 进入专业网页 三大课程板块 A.创意写作板块 ​ 小说写作 影视编剧写作 动画剧本写作 戏剧写作 纪录片写作 营销传播文案写作 双语写作 AI写作 B.专业理论板块 ​ 图像语言学和叙事学 图像小说、动画、广告专题 图像叙事与文学叙事专题 类型文学与类型电影专题 图像阐释学及其文本批评 图像人类学 图像符号学计算机图形学(computer graphics) C.外围选修课板块 中国文化史 西方文化史 中国艺术史 西方艺术史 传媒学 世界电影史 文化研究与文化批评 欢迎加盟我们的团队 我们渴望以下三个领域的教育专才: 1. 视觉设计的专家和教师 2.创意写作的专家和教师 3.计算机图形学的专家和教师 如果你在这三个领域富于建树,卓然独步,同时又对港中大情有独钟,请加盟我们的团队,与我们一道营造崭新的明天。 Call 123-456-7890 Email Follow

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    Zhu Dake video highlights Due to cultural cleansing, most of the videos related to Zhu Dake have disappeared from the Internet, and the effective links are limited. Not only have they been edited to pieces, but there are also boring advertisements attached, please watch carefully. ​Scholarly Series Zhu Dake said "Song of Everlasting Sorrow": the "work" of Shanghai women Zhu Dake said "Fortress Besieged": Surrounding Qian Zhongshu's former residence Zhu Dake Talks about the Besieged City: Intense Debate with Dou Wentao on Success Zhu Dake talks about the siege: ridiculing intellectuals in order to dispel fawning A good book / see words as faces Zhu Dake talks about "The Moon and Sixpence" with Jiang Fangzhou Zhu Dake and Shi Hang discuss the letter "Thanks to Poverty" Zhu Dake and Wu Bofan discuss Patton's letter Zhu Dake and Xu Zidong discuss Han Yu's letters ​Round Table Pie Series Zhu Dake talked with Wang Meng and others about the standard answers for Chinese lessons China is a character nation, relying on the integration of Chinese characters into a cultural community ​The inscription is Chinese language witchcraft to gain power Not sleeping for more than a month, creating a miracle of physiology ​ Zhu Dake and Wang Meng talk about the superiority of Chinese characters in the computer age Phoenix Television Zhu Dake: The History and Current Situation of Popular Culture Zhu Dake and Ouyang Jianghe talk about the value of poetry ​my humble opinion What desires did Baby Anne, Guo Jingming and Han Han express? Zhu Dake talks about Chinese people's concept of sex Other video highlights Zhu Dake Salon of Yunjian Literary Association: Dialogue with Liu Suola on "Ancient Matters" Zhu Dake talks about the crisis and recovery of Chinese culture Zhu Dake: As long as we talk about culture, we must admit the need to pretend Zhu Dake: All the "creations" of the Qin Empire were cloning Persia Zhu Dake: Who is the Terminator of Sanxingdui Civilization Cultural Enlightenment Short Video Collection (2024) All the above are taken from the WeChat video account

  • Magic mirror | Dake ZhuDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    back to homepage Excerpts from Zhu Dake's Novels Chronicle of Ancient Matters magic mirror Chronicles of Ancient Matters Volume 2 Magic mirror one ​ The Emperor's Birth Game ​ According to "Ting Fang Lu", there was once a benevolent emperor who was very tolerant to the people, his taxes were unbelievably low, and the people loved him very much. He has ten most beloved concubines, but he has not given birth to a single heir. Once, a magician from Daqin came to the palace suddenly. He performed incredible magic tricks and presented a square bronze mirror with a gold back, frame and handle, saying that he could freely enter and exit the mirror. world. The emperor asked his ten concubines to play in the mirror in turn, and if they came back pregnant, he rewarded each of them with 10,000 taels of silver. They were very happy for this, and sincerely thanked the mighty emperor for his grace. Nine months later, they all returned to the emperor with their babies. One came home late, holding a pair of twin baby girls. In this way they once again won the emperor's favor. A few years later, the emperor had three more princes (born by the first, fourth, and seventh concubines) and eight princesses with different looks around him. The emperor was very happy about this, thinking that the great country has a successor since then. Among them, the son of the first concubine was selected as the prince, which means that he will become the emperor's successor. The inscription ceremony was very grand, and civil and military officials from all over the country came to congratulate, and the whole palace was filled with flattery and gifts. The emperor also declared amnesty in court, hoping that in this way, he would gain some folk reputation for his son who would ascend the throne in the future. At that time, there were many wars in the north, but the south was peaceful. The emperor is old, and the old hard ambitions have melted. He stopped arranging the morning court and handed over government affairs to the prime minister. He sat on a soft dragon chair every day, with a haggard face, as if sitting at the end of a coffin. He looked at the children frolicking around the courtyard, nibbling his withered and yellow fingernails, his eyes were full of late joy. History of Bronze Mirror Just like the divine mirror obtained by the emperor, the earliest bronze mirror came from the Western Regions, brought by Silk Road merchants and highly skilled magicians, and was called "Fan Mirror" or "Da Qin Mirror" by the world. With slender handle. They are mostly used in market performances, where the people are surprised and applauded, and sometimes they are presented to local officials and even the emperor, in exchange for various benefits from them. Western bronze mirrors provided the original prototypes for Middle-earth craftsmen. The "Han mirror" or "Jin mirror" cast by local mirror casters is dominated by the "roundness philosophy", deliberately removing the original handle and adding a round button on the back of the mirror. This kind of pure round bronze mirror is usually It is called "Han mirror" or "Jin mirror". Although it is not as good as Fan mirror in terms of supernatural powers, there are also some works of famous masters, which have reached a rather sublime level. Most of them are in the hands of Taoist priests, and sometimes they are presented to the emperor, becoming new treasures in the palace treasury, and then rewarded by the emperor to his favorite courtiers, and finally flow to the people, becoming treasures that people compete to collect. Types of bronze mirrors The oldest mirrors are undoubtedly water mirrors. The so-called "water moon" and "mirror flower" are both names about the nature of mirror images. After the bronze mirror was invented, it was divided into two types, one is the vulgar mirror, which is used by nobles and officials, and the other is the divine mirror, which is used by immortals, Taoists and alchemists. But in the era when the magic mirror was popular, the boundary between the two has long been completely broken. The magic mirror is divided into three basic styles: "sunglasses" (concave mirrors) for collecting solar energy, "demon mirrors" (convex mirrors) for exorcising ghosts, and "convex mirrors" for entering parallel spaces. , called "you square mirror" (plane mirror). This type of mirror can be seen as a mysterious and special means of transportation, a kind of passage or ferry connecting two different spaces. The mirror owner who has a wandering mirror can freely enter and exit the two parallel worlds outside the mirror and inside the mirror. The mirror owner can choose a double life through it, thereby surpassing the basic limitations of human existence. There are many kinds of mirrors in China, including water mirrors, stone mirrors (jade mirrors, earth mirrors), bronze mirrors (golden mirrors), fire mirrors (the edge of the mirror has flames burning), wooden mirrors (possibly a kind of wooden mirror) Fossils), some appear in pairs, divided into yin and yang mirrors or male and female mirrors, and there is a pair of yin and yang mirrors, which are unique and are the masterpieces of mirror casting master Shou Tao. The best of the magic mirrors, the main mirror enters from the yin mirror and exits from the yang mirror. It is said that this can ensure the safety of entry and exit. Other famous mirrors in history include demon mirrors, see-through mirrors, and face-changing mirrors (they will whiten people after being photographed), etc. They will bring novel feelings to human beings, as well as unforeseen disasters. "Supplements of Relics" records that in the time of King Mu of Zhou, a country in the Western Regions called Juqu paid tribute to the "Huo Qi Mirror". The situation is infinitely wonderful. There is also a "moon mirror" like jade. The color of the stone is like white snow, and the light emitted from it is as crystal clear as the full moon. Zhuang Zhou's magic mirror The magic mirror appeared in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. "Qi Wu Lun" states that when Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he was transformed into a butterfly with a vivid and lifelike shape, he felt happy and comfortable, but he didn't know that he was only Zhuang Zhou. Suddenly waking up, in a state of panic, he realized that he was originally a man named Zhuang Zhou, but he didn't know whether Zhuang Zhou had dreamed to become a butterfly, or the butterfly had dreamed to become Zhuang Zhou. Zhuang Zhou tried to prove to the world that there is a difference between him and a butterfly, but this reciprocal rotation of people and things expresses a new relationship in the world. Mirror caster Dou Shaoqing claimed that Zhuang Zhou concealed an important fact, that is, his "dream" used the magic mirror. The mirror used by Zhuang Zhou is called the "Butterfly Transformation Mirror", which is a famous mirror derived from self-poison, which can realize the transformation of the body into animals or insects. He turns into a butterfly in the mirror, and thus has deep doubts about his own existence. The magic mirror promotes the birth of Taoist philosophical propositions - "I" and "things", inside and outside the mirror, the other shore and this shore, who is the real existence? The magic mirror used by Zhuang Zhou was once occupied by King Qi and King Chu during the Warring States Period, but its whereabouts were unknown. Dou Shaoqing said that after Zhuang Zhou materialized, it returned to its hometown in the West by itself. The magic mirror is a symbol of freedom, it can fly autonomously, go in and out of different spaces, and its whereabouts are very mysterious. Dou Shaoqing Shi Kuang, a musician of the state of Jin, imitated the Yellow Emperor and cast twelve magic mirrors. He passed on this extraordinary skill to the Dou family. Dou Shaoqing is the most outstanding representative of the casting mirror family, and the only master who can make magic mirrors, and has mastered the world secret of space transformation. In order to prevent peeping and chasing, the mirror casting master usually arranges the mirror casting location in the deep mountains and old forests, but it still cannot stop the tracking of the magic mirror catcher. So Dou Shaoqing built the mirror-casting workshop on a big boat, living in no fixed place, and the dragon could not see its tail, which made all the mirror catchers helpless. When he cast the mirror in the heart of the river, the surrounding river suddenly rose more than 30 feet, like a snow mountain floating above the river, and there was the sound of dragon chant, like the sound of a reed, which spread dozens of miles away. The atmosphere is vast and breathtaking. This magnificent sight was seen and became the only record of mirror casting in history. Dou Shaoqing once directed the casting of "Water Heart Mirror" in Yangzhou City. He stayed in the mirror-casting workshop for three days and three nights, and then disappeared mysteriously, leaving only a letter, written in a small seal script that had long been discarded, on which were the provisions guiding the casting of divine mirrors, including the size of the mirror body and the shape of the mirror nose. There is also a gatha style poem, praising the extraordinary magic power of this unborn mirror. The "Water Heart Mirror" was later obtained by Cao Cao. After Cao Cao's death, the whereabouts of the mirror were unknown. Because of possessing this extraordinary supernatural power, Dou Shaoqing became the target of the new emperor. The bronze mirror brought him an outstanding reputation, but also brought him disaster. His portrait hangs at the gates of various cities, as if he is the number one enemy of the emperor. Rumors about him are flying all over the sky. Some people say that he was immortalized in Songshan Mountain, leaving only a cloth shoe behind him. Others say that he has disappeared into the mirror and disappeared somewhere in the world on the other side. Mirrorcasting Dou Shaoqing pre-carved a "mirror" out of golden nanmu in the deep mountains, one side is flat, while the other side has extremely complicated patterns, and the theme and style of the patterns depend on the divine inspiration when carving the mold, not the mirror. prior design. Then, outside the wooden mirror, it needs to be covered with a thick layer of clay and fine sand to make two upper and lower mirror models. After some grinding and trimming, it becomes the official mold for casting the bronze mirror. The rest of the work was done in the back room. Dou Shaoqing heats the copper stone and cassiterite in proportion, pours them into the mold rhythmically, after cooling, breaks the pottery fan, takes out the bronze mirror, repeatedly quenches it in badger oil and deer blood, and reheats it many times to transform its brittleness , making its surface tougher. But this is not the end of the birth process of high-quality bronze mirrors. It also requires the mirror caster to scrape with a steel knife, trim the burrs, and then grind with fine sand to improve the feel until it becomes round. Then the wool felt is dipped in a mixture of mercury and tin powder for mirror polishing. In this way, after half a month, an exquisite bronze mirror will come into the world slowly. If Dou Shaoqing casts a face mirror, he must also pray to the mirror god before casting, paint and recite spells, and add Hu medicine into the copper liquid. The formula, quantity and delivery method of all these medicine powders are secret Xuan, even his personal apprentices are not allowed to watch. Only a handful of mirrorsmiths have mastered the secret of the magic mirror, and after their death, this secret will be lost forever in darkness. Finally, Dou Shaoqing will hold a consecration ceremony for the coming of each bronze mirror. He held up the bronze mirror facing the sun, and chanted the incantation to summon the God of Shaohao, calling Shaohao's divinity into the bronze mirror, transforming its internal structure, and endowing it with a certain kind of divine disposition. This is the secret of the advent of the magic mirror. Dou Shaoqing told it to Li Ah, Li Ah told Su E, and Su E told a Jingling scholar named Lu Yu before his death. Because he wrote notes and leaked the heavenly secret, Shenjing went into decline. Government records The casting process of bronze mirrors is complex and requires the blessing of spells and potions, so the number of bronze mirrors on the market is rare and precious. Once in possession, it can be used for crime, hiding or fleeing. The government is very wary of this. All products of the mirror maker must be cast with a hidden symbol or number, and reported to the official organization "Mirror Temple" for record, and included in the watch list. This kind of magic mirror is called "white mirror". In order to get rid of this restriction, mirror makers often privately cast secret mirrors and sell them through underground smuggling channels. This kind of magic mirror is called "black mirror". At that time, the largest black mirror smuggling channels were located in Jiankang in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Xiangyang in the middle reaches, and Jiangzhou in the upper reaches. All three were busy docks for smugglers. The black mirror casting workshops are mainly concentrated in Wuchang County (now Ezhou, Hubei) and Kuaiji County (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) in the Eastern Wu Dynasty. Dou Shaoqing's activities are mainly in the Kuaiji area. His water workshop sailed in the river and appeared in various branches of the Yangtze River, giving great encouragement to those who made and sold bronze mirrors. His appearance will always cause a commotion in the local area. People regard him as a legend in the industry. He is the father of Bronze Mirror and was once the whole hope of Bronze Mirror Industry. Mirror Temple and Baoguang Pavilion The official institution in charge of bronze mirror casting is called "Mirror Mirror Temple", which was set up to deal with "black mirrors". For this reason, the emperor set up a special department "Baoguang Pavilion" to track the magic mirror and its casters. Its chief is called "Baoguangqing", who is directly ordered by the emperor himself. Luan Ba was the third "Bao Guangqing". He expanded this limited-level department into the largest spy agency, and his power was far above that of the school. But after Luanba's death, this organization was useless. After Liu Ce's death, it was dismantled by the third emperor, and became a passing cloud. Even historians were ashamed to mention its existence because of its viciousness. The new emperor Liu Ce and his new favorite Xindi has never been favored by his father. On the contrary, because of his bad character, he has always been neglected and marginalized. He could feel the hostility of the entire court since he was a child. They came from brothers, sisters, civil servants, military officials, eunuchs, and court ladies, and even from dragon chairs, round fans, tables, screens, cloth curtains, pot leaks, palace pillars, carved windows, and stones. steps and corridors. He experiences that sinister atmosphere every moment. He learned to use his sight and hearing to identify sources of hostility and try to eliminate them. But the plan was only implemented after he usurped the throne. Many years later, when the old emperor passed away, Liu Ce, the son of the fourth concubine, ordered the bodyguard Luanba to kill the elder brother and crown prince and become the new emperor. Two sisters commit adultery and incest. The remaining six princesses resolutely refused, and five of them were tortured and killed after being raped. As the mother of the queen mother, she tried to stop him from killing his brothers and sisters, but he insisted on going his own way. He imprisoned his mother in the harem and continued to slaughter behind closed doors. Rivers of blood flowed in the palace. Princess Sue Su E, the princess born to the fifth concubine, is the most beautiful among all the princesses. She didn't dare to resist the imperial brother's despotic power, so she could only pretend to obey, and became his third concubine, serving him with the other two sisters every day, satisfying his various absurd sexual demands. And those two sisters were actually the loyal guards of the new emperor. On the one hand, they were raped, but on the other hand, they became his helpers, closely monitoring Su E's behavior, trying to find signs of hypocrisy from her. But Su E concealed it very well, she was flattering, with an innocent smile, she looked like an innocent girl. Sue's Escape Su E drugged the wine and turned the ambitious new emperor, along with the two women, into numbness. They collapsed on the scene of the carnival, looking like they were drunk. Su E tricked the guards, stole the magic mirror from the treasure box in the emperor's bedroom, and escaped from the palace through the side door at night. Several friendly court ladies witnessed her plot, but pretended to be deaf and dumb, and pretended to fall asleep. Su E came to the home of Xu Lin, a former court official and minister, in a small sedan chair with gray curtains, and begged him for help with tears in her eyes. Xu Lin is one of Su E's many admirers. Although he is timid, he can't resist the beauty's offensive of tears. He hesitates again and again and decides to risk his life to save her. With trembling hands, he took out two hundred taels of silver, hired an ox cart for her, and told her the location of Li A, the optician. He said, this is your only place to go. Only this person can help you pass through the mirror safely and return safely. Su E knelt on the ground, thanked the old man for his kindness, and then boarded the car and left. The earth is completely silent, only the sound of the cow's hooves stepping on the stone road, and its dull panting. The dark shadow of Miyagi gradually receded under the moonlight, as if pushing away a suffocating danger. For the first time in so many years, she breathed a breath of freedom. A liberated smile appeared on her haggard face. ​ two ​ mirror master ​ Su E joined the ranks of mirror masters. Most of them are the royal family, powerful aristocrats, officials, rich people and their dependents. Because of their privileges, they obtained the "travel mirror". Since then, they have the privilege of secret travel, become free indoor travelers, and can travel to the other side of the world through the mirror. They were perhaps the luckiest crowd of that era. The famous mirror owner in the Wei and Jin Dynasties was Tao Qian. He entered the "Peach Blossom Land" with the help of "Peach Blossom Mirror" and became a powerful observer. But he actually violated the rules of the game and announced his observation records of the world on the other side to the world. Tao Qian not only lost the "Peach Blossom Mirror" and the opportunity to enter the mirror again, but also brought serious disasters to himself. He lost the cherishment of fate and died in the night of poverty and sickness. On the other hand, this kind of free travel and escape also violated the emperor's autocratic will. It was a movement to deconstruct power, and it severely weakened the emperor's authority because he was no longer the sovereign king. He could not tolerate the betrayal of his subjects in such magical ways. There is no doubt that the mirror owner who owns the magic mirror is extremely dangerous, and must be eliminated together with the mirror and others. Funeral Bronze Mirror Bronze mirrors are magical objects that can reflect the light of the sun and the moon. Therefore, they have the power of the sun god and the moon god, and become an important tool for wizards to drive away demons. The sun, moon and stars are the origin of life. After a person dies, the bronze mirror is placed in the tomb, just like the yin and yang of the sun and the moon. The moment the coffin lid was closed, the facial features of God appeared vaguely in the mirror. It becomes a sacred lamp, illuminating the rough path of the dead. This is undoubtedly another secret nature of the mirror: playing the role of guardian of the dead, praising human existence from the perspective of hell. But in the years of encirclement and suppression of the divine mirrors, in order to preserve their lives, the mirror owners could only hide the divine mirrors in the tomb under the guise of funerals, making them disappear in the dark underworld. Thousands of years later, they were taken out by tomb robbers as ancient mirrors, and they were rediscovered. However, due to the corrosion of the soil, the divine mirror lost its original divinity and became a lifeless vulgar mirror, which was displayed in the museum window and gave off a deep luster like a fake. This is the unavoidable tragedy of the Chinese God Mirror. But its tragedy has never been necessary to reveal. Apollo Shaohao The magic mirror cast by Dou Shaoqing is a masculine object, so it is more closely related to the sun god. During a certain casting process, the sun god Shaohao suddenly appeared in his workshop, his whole body was scorching hot, his head was a rotating sun disc, and his facial features vaguely emerged. Shaoqing has unique eyes, only he can look directly into the face of the sun god, and accept his warm respect and greetings. Shaoqing knelt down, trembling all over. Shaohao caressed his head with light, and left quietly. When the temperature dissipates and everything cools down, he has the ability to cast a magic mirror. He entered the divine mirror system and became the most outstanding prophet in this field. this shore and the other shore The term "Bi Shan" originated from Buddhism, and originally referred to the place (Polo) where one escapes from worldly troubles and achieves positive results. In the mirror language system, the other shore is a metaphor for the world inside the mirror. Every magic mirror has its own specific three-dimensional space, which, like the world of Dasein, is conserved and static. Therefore, when the mirror owner uses the same magic mirror, he may go to the same world, because the other bank will circle back to this bank after being folded, thus forming a self-winding structure. But even the mirror caster Dou Shaoqing himself failed to notice the existence of this strange space. It is strange and full of strangeness, like a huge maze in which even the wisest people can get lost. The other shore pier The mirror owner sometimes has different magic mirrors, and he can log in to different other shores based on them. But this is an extremely dangerous carnival, which can lead to delusions of perception and severe madness. The ancient books are full of sinister records related to this. The decoration on the back of the traveling mirror is usually the password of the other shore world, representing the first site you arrive at after crossing, which is called the other shore dock by the world. Hunting patterns and plant patterns are mostly forests and grasslands, mountain patterns are mostly deep mountains, fish patterns and water patterns are mostly river banks or islands, cloud and thunder patterns are mostly sky (this is a bit dangerous), dragon and phoenix patterns are mostly noble homes , Snake patterns (Chilong patterns) are mostly underground palaces, and so on. The pier on the other side is the only predictable location for the mirror owner, and behind the pier is an unpredictable future. mirror ceremony Before entering the mirror for the first time, a grand ceremony needs to be held. The owner of the mirror must fast for three days, take a bath, and then hang the mirror on the wall in a dark environment, with his face close to the mirror, close his eyes and meditate to get rid of distracting thoughts. At this time, the body will become soft, like a huge blister. The mirror surface is like a big mouth, it first absorbs the face, then the neck and upper body, and finally the two thighs. In an instant, the person is swallowed by the mirror and disappears without a trace. Frequent commuters can travel between the two worlds at will without any scruples about fasting and various restrictions. The principle that the mirror owner needs to follow is to keep secret about what he has seen and heard from the other side. Once leaked, the traveling mirror will break by itself and become a useless waste. Silence is a common principle that all mirror owners must abide by. mirror maintenance Mirror owners will always face security threats. Once the mirror is dusty, dark, overturned or damaged, the owner of the mirror cannot return to this shore. For this reason, the mirror surface must be kept clean and bright, and the mirror surface must not be placed downwards to block the exit, and it must not be taken away and disposed of arbitrarily. It is the fragility of the mirror owner that promotes the birth of a profession, that is, goggles Teachers, they are responsible for the daily maintenance of the mirror, including wiping, polishing, displaying, collecting and guarding. Even in ordinary mirrors, dust is a huge problem. It will corrode the mirror surface, make it more and more foggy, and the mirror surface will become blurred. Therefore, mirror owners usually sew a soft cloth dust cover for the mirror to isolate the bronze mirror from dust. The mirror cover also has another function, which is to prevent the escape of the magic mirror. In the era of large-scale emergence of bronze mirrors, it is a frustrating thing for mirrors to disappear by themselves, but most mirror covers can prevent this kind of escape. It is like a soft wall, lying in front of the fugitives, Crush its renegade schemes. stealth mirror The popularity of bronze mirrors made them the object of concern for thieves. A profession specializing in stealing bronze mirrors began to emerge. These people were called "mirror stealers", and they were one of the fierce enemies that the mirror owner had to face. In order to get a magic mirror, they did not hesitate to break into the house, steal, and even kill people. The most famous mirror thief at that time was nicknamed "Mirror Mouse King". Among them, the mouse was an alias for the thief, and "Wang" was not only a surname, but also an admiration for his stealing skills. It is said that he has never missed any magic mirror he wanted. He is the sworn enemy of goggles, and has brought ruin to many goggles. goggles Goggles were once a popular industry during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and they did not disappear until the Tang and Song dynasties. It is similar to bodyguards, bodyguards, guards and gatekeepers. The employed mirror guards must be loyal, conscientious, abide by the secrets of the mirror owner, be good at martial arts, and have the basic skills of polishing and repairing bronze mirrors. Excellent mirror guards usually guard multiple bronze mirrors at the same time, so they can get rich rewards. Most goggle guards can only guard two or three mirrors at the same time, but the most popular goggle guards can guard nine bronze mirrors at the same time. This is the highest record in history, held by the famous goggle guard Li A, and has never been broken. This number eventually became the norm for goggles, because once the bottom line is crossed, the guarding ability of goggles will be severely weakened. This does not meet the security requirements of the mirror owner. In order to ensure the safety of the mirror owner, most of the mirror guards are knights and swordsmen. This class that used to be powerful in the pre-Qin period became weak after the Qin and Han Dynasties and needed to change careers to maintain their own livelihood. But as long as you have superb swordsmanship, as well as the skills of casting, repairing and grinding mirrors, you can become a top expert in the industry and live a life without worrying about food and clothing. The mirror owner and the mirror guard are combined into one, mostly those Taoist priests with advanced spells. A few Taoist priests, such as Ge Hong, even have their own secret method to hide their magic mirror. This secret magic is called "Concealing Mirror Curse", which can hide the magic mirror in the void and retrieve it from the void. Dou Shaoqing obtained this supernatural power from the sun god Shaohao, and since then he does not need to travel with a heavy load. He has nothing to worry about, and only a small mirror for self-portrait beside him. Hoe rape mirror The new emperor Liu Ce didn't have much feeling for the magic mirror at first, thinking that it was just a luxury toy for women. Not long ago, a Taoist priest named Wei Zhen presented a bronze mirror that was said to be polished by the Yellow Emperor himself, which could be used to detect loyal ministers and traitors. Its magical powers changed his view of the bronze mirror. The Taoist priest told the new emperor privately that once a person with a heart of disobedience was illuminated by this mirror, his heart would beat and his expression flustered, revealing the signs of a traitor. Suspicious by nature, the new emperor was full of curiosity about this "anti-rape mirror"-could it be a sharp weapon to eliminate traitors? He decided to experiment for himself. He first took a photo of Wei Zhen who was presenting the magic mirror. The Taoist priest was so frightened that he even dropped out his excrement and urine, emitting a foul stench all over his body. The emperor laughed and said that you are a villain, so he ordered Wei Zhen's head to be cut off. Then, he ordered people to hang the magic mirror at the gate of the palace, with eight guards holding machetes standing on both sides. Ministers, eunuchs, maids and handymen who entered the palace and walked past the mirror, as long as they showed signs of frightened heartbeats and red faces, they would be hacked on the spot. death, never pardoned. Three months later, the palace was empty and empty. The massacre of the second emperor triggered a war of brotherly killings, power, property, and magic mirrors throughout the royal family and the noble class. The whole country was caught in a bloodbath. The desperate fight among the princelings triggered the disintegration of the country. fisherman's harvest A poor fisherman cast his net in the Qinhuai River and picked up a large ancient mirror, about one foot or two inches in diameter. The fisherman washed off the mud and found that the surface was as bright as new, and the light emitted was surging like water waves. Fishermen can see their internal organs, and even see blood rushing through their veins. The fisherman was terrified, wrapped it up carefully, and handed it over to the local government. As if he had found a treasure, Liu Da, the governor, planned to take it as a gift for his promotion, so he named it "Shenguang Mirror" himself, and brought it to the capital to present it to the new emperor. Emperor Liu Ce saw another precious mirror entering the palace, smiled and took a self-portrait, and found himself in the mirror showing the appearance of a boar, which was so ugly that it was unsightly. All the nine clans were beheaded. After doing this, the emperor still felt that he was not enough to relieve his anger, and vowed to destroy all the magic mirrors in the world and eliminate those insidious forces that tried to oppose him. The magic mirror that Su E stole is the best among the magic mirrors. It is called "Treasure Hunting Mirror". The new emperor tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night. He ordered Luanba to find Su E and the mirror as soon as possible, and bring back these two treasures. A large-scale encirclement and suppression of the bronze mirror was launched, and the whole south was in panic all day long. Killer Luanba Luan Ba, a descendant of Luan Da, a famous alchemist during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was recorded in the "Book of Southern Qi" that he was handsome in appearance and gentle in manner. His limbs are all weapons, especially known as "hand sword". With a palm and a sword, you can take advantage of the opponent's unsuspecting and kill in an instant. The technique is simple and clear. He is known as the second killer in the world, and his status in the world is second only to Li A. During the usurpation process of the new emperor, he helped to kill the prince, and then eliminated those dissatisfied relatives of the emperor. He made great contributions to this, and gradually climbed up to become the number one warrior beside Liu Ce. After the mission of "Qingjun side" was completed, Liu Ce appointed him as "Baoguangqing", responsible for the confiscation and destruction of the magic mirror, and killed all the mirror casters and mirror guards who refused to serve him. Luanba was quite satisfied with this kind of assignment. Serving the emperor for too long, he longed for this freedom to breathe, walk, and kill at will outside the capital. What's more, he can indulge in his sensuality under the effect of Han Shi San. He led hundreds of killers out of the palace in a mighty manner, and ordered all of them to wear costumes and show off their beauty, just like palace ladies going out for a spring parade. The people stood on the sidelines and laughed at their strange attire. But Luanba didn't care. Traveling in disguise was originally Luan Ba's personal hobby, but he insisted that all his subordinates follow him as an example. He warned his killers that women's clothes can cover up their murderous intent and make their opponents relax. Female makeup is the best disguise for a professional assassin. reunion The emperor's personal intervention reduced the number of folk magic mirrors sharply. The masters who made mirrors fled one after another, and vulgar mirrors became the mainstream of the country, and were endowed with various auspicious symbolic meanings to cover up the fact that they had no divinity. The vulgar mirror thus took the place of the divine mirror. The most touching story in the history of vulgar mirrors is the "broken mirror reunion" between Xu Deyan, an attendant of the crown prince of the Chen Dynasty, and his wife, Princess Lechang. It exposes the fragility and thinness of the mirror body from the side. Any mundane knife can break one into two. The mirror caster was so angry that he vomited blood because it insulted the sacred meaning of the bronze mirror. The mirror is a sacred thing, and it becomes one with the soul of the mirror owner. Once the mirror is broken, it means the destruction of the soul of the mirror owner. Mirrors are also moral observers, and they undertake the mission of monitoring the relationship between husband and wife. According to the "Shen Yi Jing" written by Dongfang Shuo in the Western Han Dynasty, once upon a time, there was a couple who, when they were saying goodbye, cut a mirror in two and each held one half. Later, when the husband eloped with other women, the half-mirror turned into a magpie, which flew in front of the husband and protested fiercely to him. The husband, overwhelmed with shame by the bird's protests, ends up insane. What a quaint moral admonition, designed to warn couples who dare to betray their ethics: mirrors watch their words and deeds, and there will be severe judgments on infidelity. But in fact, after the bronze mirror was split in half by a sword, it died quietly. All spiritual stories about broken mirrors are nothing but lies told by scribes. It is designed to serve as a mirror to the vulgar, to conceal the fact that it is devoid of divinity. ​ ​ Excerpted from "Ancient Matters", People's Literature Publishing House, 2018 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ references In the deepest part of the ancient mirror light Freely switch between selected reading pages of various novels ​ big bucket Go to vat optional reading Kirin Go to Kirin Selected Reading Weeping Master Go to full text of Weeping Master word making Go to Selected Reading of Characters ​ yellow Go to Youhuang Full Text Physiologian Go to the full text of Physiologian magic mirror Go to God Mirror Selected Reading Changshengyi Go to Longevity Game Selected Reading Perfumer Go to the full text of Xiang Taoist Back to Selected Readings

  • great pail | Dake ZhuDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    back to homepage Excerpts from Zhu Dake's Novels ​Great Pail Chapter 1 Legend of Tizok ​ A city built on perpetual motion machines Popoka's memory notes (November 21, 1790, the seventh floor of the vat, the Moers house) ​ I am Popoca Tenoch, the son of the spiritual guide Miles Tenoch and the midwife Anna, the elder brother of Angie Tenoch, the goddess of the Feathered Serpent, from the city of Tizok—this one was borne by the Feathered Serpent The place favored by God, in the third year after the coming-of-age ceremony, that is, the year when the rule of the high priest was overthrown, my sister and I left our hometown together. The city I used to live in, Tizoque, is located in the open land in the tropical rainforest of Central America. It consists of a hexagonal building and a circular building "big barrel". Compared with the cities of the Aztecs, Tizoc has the characteristics of a more advanced civilization. According to the "Tizok Upanishad", the ring-shaped building relies on a perpetual motion machine to generate rotational power, which means that the entire city is located on a huge disc, like a super bracelet placed on a stone mill. With the help of Mayan priests, it relies on precise astronomical calculations to rotate 360 degrees every year, thus ensuring that each family can get sunshine on average. It may be the only geode clock in the world. However, due to the slow speed, the vast majority of residents cannot directly perceive its movement. The perpetual motion machine is located in the heart of the city, buried at 200 cubits [a unit of Tizoc length, each cubit equals about 45 centimeters. ] Deep underground. It is a hybrid mechanical system that comprehensively utilizes gravity, gravity, magnetism, groundwater momentum and light energy. There are also stone chambers of different sizes and their mesh passages. There is no doubt that this is an unparalleled underground building, and its complexity far surpasses the Minoan labyrinth in Crete, Greece. However, only a handful of people know of its existence, and no one can decipher its operating principle. The "Tizok Upanishad" declares that the great Feathered Serpent personally designed and manufactured the perpetual motion machine, and pushed it to walk with his own powerful energy. Circles provide a compact way to calculate lifetimes. If your lifespan is only fifty years, then when the city turns to the fiftieth circle, Feathered Serpent God will hand you over to the God of Death, and let him take you to the unfathomable nine-layer underworld, or be taken by him to many worlds. Up to thirteen layers of lofty heaven. A mysterious family called the Lorenzo maintains those mechanical transmissions to ensure that they function without malfunction. But for a long time it seemed to be just some kind of charming legend, for only two or three Tizoks before me had ever seen a member of this family. Those adventurers who try to break into the secret passage will get lost in it and die of hunger and despair. In the history of the city-state of Tizok, at least one hundred and twenty-eight explorers died in this maze, and their skulls were inlaid at the entrance of the perpetual motion maze. The latter is located in a tunnel under a statue of a god in the square, and is accompanied by a gilded nameplate cast in bronze with a macabre inscription-"The gods lead you to death". This warning is enough to discourage all "tourists". ​ ​ merse's teenage past Popoka's memory notes (November 23, 1790, seventh floor of the vat, Moers House) I don't know exactly how to tell the history of our family. If you want to trace the source, you have to mention my father, who claims to be from another planet. Of course, it is neither Mars nor Saturn, but the "Pluto" on the earth, and the name is Titlan City. The city has now been consumed by a plague called "smallpox", completely wiped from the face of the earth. Through his father's memories, it can be found that his fear and loathing of that city has reached an indescribable level. The birth of my father is a legend in itself. He is an orphan without father and mother. He was put into a wooden basin when he was born, and allowed to float in the river for an unknown amount of time. A fisherman downriver fishing in the moonlight found a baby in a basket and took him home to raise him, but no one knew his true origin. According to what the fisherman told others, there were only two things in the tub at that time: the father himself, and a delicate obsidian dagger. Because there was no milk, my father was as thin as a stick, but his eyes were piercing and he did not cry. The short sword was placed beside him, the white jade hilt was inlaid with seven small turquoise stones on the front and the back, and on the back of the shiny black sword was engraved a symbol similar to "₴", which was the special symbol of Feathered Serpent God , "г" represents the body of the Feathered Serpent, and "=" represents its pair of wings. At the age of fifteen, strictly speaking, it was the fifteenth year when he was discovered by the fisherman. His father had a lively coming-of-age ceremony, but he didn't know that it was a turning point in his life. Relatives and friends of the fisherman came to bless them, beat wooden drums, played colorful ocarinas, and sang and danced at the moonlight party. Neighbors far and near were also infected by the carnival, opened their windows and sang loudly together, and the sound spread throughout the city. But at midnight, a total lunar eclipse suddenly occurred, the black shadow engulfed most of the moon, and the sky turned dark red blood. Thousands of stray cats gathered at the party scene, facing the moon and their father, uttering screams like babies The sound is like weeping and complaining. Everyone in the city panicked, as if witnessing the end of the world. That night, some residents of Titlan died for no reason at home, as if they had been cast with a vicious spell. Various rumors began to circulate in the city from the next day, most of which pointed to my father, saying that he was the incarnation of death, representing the power of darkness, death and corruption, and performed death magic on the residents of the city under the guise of birthday rituals, Must be executed immediately, otherwise there will be endless troubles. The priests were also very afraid of this, and declared that he was the enemy of Titlan, but they were worried about offending Feathered Serpent, so they could only send soldiers to drive his father out of the city and abandon him in the thorny wilderness. The representative of the priesthood, wearing a hideous mask of beasts made of leather, issued a final warning to him: "You must stay away from us and never come back, otherwise you and your family (if any) will be executed." The father looked sad, bowed his head, and accepted the sentence of exile obediently. From then on, he began to wander between the wilderness and the dense forest, making a living by hunting and gathering plants, and learned to identify various dangerous animals and useful plants. One summer day three years later, in the tropical rainforest of the Kachu Valley, my father met a huge male jaguar, which was in heat, and had followed him for three days, never giving up. On that sultry evening, it launched an attack on its prey. It soared into the air and rushed towards its father condescendingly, as if it wanted to possess a charming female leopard. The father resisted vigorously, his left leg was accidentally swept by sharp claws, and blood poured out, but he did not retreat, pulled out the obsidian dagger, and stood under the luxuriant horn tree, majestic and majestic, like a young god. The jaguar was so frightened that it backed up again and again, making a low cry of begging. At this moment, the Tizok warrior hidden in the jungle suddenly came to the rescue and shot a sharp arrow into the forehead of the jaguar. This is a strange-looking Yucatan with dense circular markings on his body, so he has the nickname "Old Leopard". He is the leader of the "gatherers". He is keen on fighting for justice and has great prestige among the group. The old leopard followed the magnificently spotted male leopard for a whole day, and finally killed him while he was busy hunting. The old leopard later told me that the big cat behaved a little strangely, completely obsessed with its prey, and turned a deaf ear to the danger behind it, as if possessed by an evil spirit, which gave him a good opportunity to strike. "Little Mers is the real magician. He is very different from everyone I have met." The old leopard smiled mysteriously, his white teeth gleaming in the sun. After saving his father, the old leopard used spells and witchcraft to help him stop the bleeding and bandage the wound, and took him to "Tizoke", a city crawling out of stones, and applied for the right to live forever for him. After strict review, the management accepted this brave young man who fought hand-to-hand with tigers. In this way, he grew up under the care of the old leopard and became the youngest member of the gatherer army. Not only that, he also studied medicine, pharmacy and spiritual guidance assiduously, passed a series of rigorous tests, and became one of the honorable ranks of pharmacists and spiritual guides. ​ The Quirky "Barrel" and Its Residents October 1789 Tizoke City, Vat ​ The ring-shaped building of Tizok City looks like a ring-shaped crown, so it has an official name "Tizok Crown", but Tizok people are used to calling it "big barrel" because it looks more like a super cylinder. Its outer edge, which is equivalent to what people usually call a city wall, is built of thick basalt stones, so strong and tall that it cannot be destroyed from the outside at all. There used to be a deep and wide ditch at its feet, and the bottom was filled with dense and sharp iron picks. Once an intruder fell into it, his intestines would be pierced and he would die. Many years ago, a powerful Aztec army discovered its existence, so they moved soil to fill the ditch in an attempt to capture it, but due to lack of gunpowder, ladders and trebuchets, they failed after three months. , leaving behind piles of corpses, as well as exquisite obsidian weapons, which greatly improved Tizok's military rank. Based on the fear of the unknown outside world, no one is willing to leave this heavily guarded circular city. After a long time, it has become a solid closed loop. The strange thing is that Tizok City has a gate with a hard metal panel, with exquisite decorations, and it opens majestically towards the direction of the Southern Cross, and the thick bracket and hinge for lifting the gate panel are installed on the upper end in a pretentious manner. But the Aztecs didn't find out angrily until they attacked the city that it was actually a gateless city. The gate they saw was but a deceitful decoration, and behind it was a rock of despair. The only passage for the vat is two large elevators composed of winches and suspension cables, which are distributed on its inner and outer sides, used to carry carriages and bulk goods, and are closely guarded by a team of soldiers, only for collectors to enter and exit when they are working. The vat is both a city wall and a barracks-style residence, with 35,000 residents living in it. There is a circular corridor on its inner side, which is a public platform inside the class, where residents can take a walk and spread gossip. The outsides of the one to five-story houses are sealed and thick walls without windows, and it is impossible to see the scenery outside the city at all. However, there are enough doors and windows on the inside facing the corridors. Residents can see through as long as they stand in their houses. Through the opened doors and windows, most of the residents located on the ring structure can be observed, and the central tower and its hexagonal building can be seen in the distance. Only the sixth and seventh-story buildings are a special case in design. It has "arrow windows" that open toward the outer edge, but due to the small area and the four sides are blocked by thick walls, the view of the scenery is too narrow, as if A glimpse of a leopard in a tube. Of course, its name also means that once it enters a state of war, it can be quickly converted into an arrow stack for soldiers to defend. But one thing is certain, the residents of these two layers are in high positions and do not have the skills of archery and combat, but they have the power to look at external civilizations. They are not only proficient in Tizoc script, but also understand Aztec, Maya, Spanish and Chukya. Of course, in order to defend Tizok's hierarchy, these knowledge and skills must be monopolized. In the "Tizok Upanishad" left by his father, there is a brief description of the structure of the vat residents: Seventh floor: the ruler, the supreme ruler of Tizok, composed of high priests, assistant priests, governors, presbyterian elders and fertility officers; Sixth floor: creators, composed of teachers, doctors, engineers, artists, spiritual guides and theologians; Fifth floor: Guardians, composed of judges, policemen, soldiers, jailers and executioners; Fourth floor: Collectors, who have the privilege of going out of the city to collect necessary materials, one thousand of them are responsible for collecting gold, emeralds, emeralds, turquoise and opal, _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Provide core wealth for Tizok City; The third layer: manufacturers, composed of artisans, gardeners, farmers, blacksmiths, craftsmen, millers, merchants and shopkeepers; The second floor: Cleaners are located at the bottom of Tizok society, engaged in garbage removal, feces collection, haircuts, baths, babysitters, bearers, and corpse burials. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_work; Ground floor: warehouses and barns, used to store food and daily necessities acquired by gatherers, and livestock such as horses, pigs, chickens and ducks kept by clearers. ​ ​ According to Tizoc's law, there are strict boundaries between different levels and cannot be crossed casually. I once saw a child of the "maker" on the third floor accidentally run up the stairs leading to the fourth floor because of his naughtiness. His mother took him down in horror and beat him on the spot with a thorny agave leaf. The boy cried out in pain—for the first time in his life, he was taught a harsh lesson about class segregation. The boy, Motzuma, was a hereditary stonemason who later became the leader of the maker class, responsible for organizing the production and processing of the material products needed by the inhabitants. Domestic violence is the only way for Tizok people to grow up. After they grow up, they have to face more severe religious and administrative violence. The example of Mottezuma is enough to prove that without this kind of violent punishment throughout early education, there will be no good future for victims of violence. The rooftop on the top of the Datong Building is a wide avenue, except for two low warehouses built near the elevator, it looks almost unobstructed. Arrow stacks are built on both the inner and outer rings, but because there has been no war for a long time, the arrow stacks are already covered with a thick layer of moss. Every day, twenty-four patrolmen patrolled in shifts on it. Through the arrow stacks, they kept a close eye on the movement inside and outside the city of Tizok, so as to discover the traces of intruders and rebels in time. No one can easily escape the sight of these patrols. After dark, the patrolmen began to light their lanterns, and every hour, they used obsidian daggers to strike leather shields and armors, reporting the progress of time, which sounded like muffled drums, talking to the people of every household. Hourglass clocks echo each other. It is also a warning to residents: We are here, and we are watching your every move! As residents on the sixth floor, with the help of the self-rotation of the vat, all members of the Moores family can slowly observe the panorama of the surrounding tropical rainforest through the arrow window. Under the mixed effect of sunlight and rain, it emits white mist, covering the whole world, like a thick barrier. Tizok itself was bathed in thick mist. The forest and the city are looking at each other, but neither can understand the other's details. Between these two camps, there is a vast cemetery where all the deceased Tizoks are buried. Their ghosts bubble up from the cracks in the earth, trying desperately to get back to the city, but the towering walls of the vat stop them. In most cases, they can only fly around the roots of the vats, and the leaves are piled up at the foot of the wall, waiting to be eroded by the wet years, or blown to more distant places by the dry hot wind. Feathered Serpent and High Priest Hopi ​ October 30, 1789 Tizok City, Tower of Worship ​ Unlike the Aztecs and Mayans, Feathered Serpent is the highest and only god believed by the residents of Tizoc. According to the "Tizoke Upanishad", he came from a place called "YIN" on the other side of the ocean. The Tizoke people called it "YINDI", which means "Yindi". "India" is mixed up, creating a geographical fallacy that has lasted for hundreds of years. The Feathered Serpent God holds the huge energy that governs the growth of all things, and at the same time can determine the termination of its growth, and that is death. Feathered snake gods always appear at the two ends of human life - birth and death. His image is that of a serpent with outstretched fangs and enormous wings. But sometimes he also appeared in human form, looking like a general with a feather crown on his head, and a giant winged snake became his mount, which may be a composite of Feathered Serpent God and Youhouxi modeling. There are three copies of the linen portraits of this humanoid feathered serpent, which were kept secret by the high priest, the chief elder, and the captain of the soldiers, and became an important symbol of religious power. This kind of theology that deliberately associates the Feathered Serpent God with death has isolated the city of Tizoc from the entire Central America, and out of the instinct of self-protection, the city of Tizoc can only refuse to communicate with the outside world, thus falling into a trap. A state of eternal autism, which is then gradually forgotten by the outside world. On the map of America drawn by the Spaniards, Tizoc is hidden in the vast tropical rainforest, becoming a void that never existed. Right in the center of Tizok City, there is a basalt minaret - the worship tower, which is more than 100 cubits high and is the spiritual axis of the entire city-state. and a narrow wooden ladder that spirals itself. On the periphery of the worship tower, there are six interconnected rectangular buildings, which belong to the temple, the city hall, the soldiers, the hospital, the school and the library. They form a central matrix that echoes the "barrels" of the residents' circular dwellings, known as "hexagonal buildings". The high priest Hopi likes to stand on the watchtower on the top of the tower, use a monocular made in Italy to look around the entire circular city, and observe the daily movements of all residents. This may be the greatest pleasure in his life. Driven by the perpetual motion machine, the ring-shaped residential building is slowly rotating, like those sacred stars in the sky. This means that as long as Hoppy is patient enough to stand still, he can observe the situation of each family without turning his head, because they will always automatically turn to the front of his line of sight. Between the observation tower and the rotating residential building "big barrel", there is an effect of peeping at each other, and this is the initial logic of Tizok City: no privacy, completely open and bright. This structure is said to be the trump card of urban democracy. The second floor of the tower is the largest timekeeping clock in Central America, and it is also the only sign of the perpetual motion machine showing itself on the surface. It uses a sophisticated escapement mechanism to tell the time eight times a day, from one knock to eight strikes, It keeps going back and forth, loud and long, echoing over the sky of Tizoke City, and it lasts for a long time. Its voice, like cotton thread, seeped into every orifice and crevice, and shook every creature of the city. On the annual memorial day of the Feathered Serpent God, the big clock strikes twelve times every hour, just like the Feathered Serpent God's slowly approaching footsteps. Just as the bell was ringing, the city of Tizok suddenly became quiet. All the residents put down everything in their hands and prayed to the temple on the worship tower, praying for the pardon of death from the Feathered Serpent God. Sometimes, the high priest will give a speech between the two bells, which is used to shape the supreme divine authority. At this moment, he stood in front of Tizok's only "soul machine", took a deep breath, and prepared his own draft. Like the perpetual motion machine, this machine is also a gift from the Feathered Serpent God. Although it is much smaller in scale, it is also intricately constructed. Consisting of systems and lead pipes, it was the chief tool of the High Priest's speech. It can amplify the sound countless times and transmit it to every corner of the hexagonal building and the vat. Not only that, the mysterious frequency it creates can continuously control people's brain waves, and it lasts for years, just like the echo of time. "Residents of Tizok, you are in danger!" Usually, he likes to start his speeches with provocative words like this before launching into a lengthy brainwashing sermon. His tone is up and down, and his voice is round and full of magnetism. Through the complicated lead pipe, it resounds through every corner of Tizok. Many Tizok women have a crush on this thirty-two-year-old supreme power. It is said that when they listen to his speeches, they often reach orgasm, flush, tremble, and scream with infinite joy. It is these fanatical worshipers of the opposite sex that support Hopi's tough rule. Standing resolutely on the watchtower, wearing an emerald mask, he uttered charming promises and terrible threats, while the people around him shouted "Long live" heartily. On the sixth floor of the vat, stood a woman with big breasts and wide buttocks, at the moment she was looking at her leader with infinite obsession. Her name is Ma Linjie, an artist who makes a living by painting portraits for nobles, and is also one of Hopi's many sex slaves. She clenched the railing tightly with her hand, screaming sharply and continuously, like moaning from the bed curtain, but her voice actually surpassed the crowd and became the peak leading the entire chorus. From her eyes and lower body, a fluid more religious than religious poured out. In the tide of joy, her body is floating up to the vast and sacred sky together with the weightless soul. ​ 大桶音频/喜马拉雅电台 references Big Barrel's Postscript: The World Is Snowing Its Last Snow Xiangfangzhen’s Comments: The Era of Cataclysm Needs Language to Carry the Ideal Land Freely switch between selected reading pages of various novels ​ big bucket Go to vat optional reading Kirin Go to Kirin Selected Reading Weeping Master Go to full text of Weeping Master word making Go to Selected Reading of Characters ​ yellow Go to Youhuang Full Text Physiologian Go to the full text of Physiologian magic mirror Go to God Mirror Selected Reading Changshengyi Go to Longevity Game Selected Reading Perfumer Go to the full text of Xiang Taoist Back to Selected Readings

  • Young God of Cookery | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Young Food God copyright derivative project "Young Food God" is an original Chinese children's full-length novel. In the current monotonous and scarce children's culture, the first season has been widely praised by young readers and parents., the largest e-book selling platform, received 100% favorable comments from readers. The first season of the book is written by Ke Xing'er, and the second season is written by Zhu Dake, which is a "good story" created by teachers and students. Over thousands of years, it leads the majority of children readers back to the dreamland of food...... Young Food od (Season 1) ​Story Summary A long time ago, the ancient oriental country was divided into five countries according to the five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty. The reason for this great taste split is that, under the leadership of the old hot king, the human race led the allied forces of the human race to attack the holy mountain and killed the old God of Cookery in order to satisfy greed and power. The harmonious world has since become cannibalistic and full of violence. Before his death, the old God of Cookery quietly left three seeds of his descendants, entrusting them to the elves, wolves and humans respectively. The elves living in the Elf Valley first hatched the seed of the old glutton, and named it "Yan". He thrived under the upbringing of the elves headed by the old pumpkin, and learned his identity as the God of Cookery from them. But the growing young Chef God Banquet is facing a world full of dangers—— First of all, there is a little greedy beast in his heart, which often comes out of his ears, leading him to unrestrained greed and tyranny. He must have a painful struggle with this greedy beast. The second is the splitting of the five flavors. In order to revive the cuisine, the five flavors must be unified and blended with each other. The third is the spicy king at that time, who used the powerful spiritual power of spicy spirits to launch wars, bully and invade countries, in an attempt to conquer the world with spicy flavors and eliminate the other four countries and four flavors. The Firebird of the Spicy King burns down the home of the Elf Valley, and under the protection of the elves, Yan fled to the Xian Kingdom, and became friends with Little Wonton and Chu Xing'er, the princess of the Bitter Kingdom, and learned that only five seals representing the five flavors can be obtained , in order to awaken the light power in his body and defeat the little greedy beast and spicy king. In order to find the Five Flavors Seal, with the help of his little friends and the elves, Yan embarked on a long and difficult journey of exile/exploration, traveled across five countries, experienced various unimaginable dangers, constantly overcame difficulties, and finally defeated the inner greed Beast, obtained the five-flavor seal, and with its powerful spiritual power, defeated the spicy king, established the five-flavor United Nations, and realized the revival of food. Because of Yan's achievements, people respect him as the juvenile God of Cookery. Young F ood G od (Season 2) ​Story Summary In the sequel, the juvenile God of Cookery is seriously challenged by his brother, another dark God of Cookery. Different from the first five volumes to achieve the mission of "fusion of five flavors", in the last five volumes, the new mission of Yan is to completely end hunting civilization, defend farming civilization, establish good food ethics, and maintain a harmonious state between man and nature. The juvenile Taotie developed from one of the three seeds left by the old Taotie, but at the same time, another seed "Wu" also grew up in the wolf clan, and declared that he was the real God of Cookery and the authority of Xiangyan. Launch a strong challenge. Instigated by the little greedy beast in his body, he overthrew the "Xianxi Agreement" based on the principle of harmony between man and nature, and set off a wave of hunting and eating wild animals in the world. None are spared, and the relationship between man and nature has become precarious. Wu was discovered and raised by the wolves, but forcibly transformed the nature of the wolf, created a new species - the dog family, and ruled a large area of land with the support of the dog family. He promulgated dark recipes to incite the greed of the people, and he also tried to find two other small greedy beasts and combine them into a super monster to rule the entire human race. With the help of Fengshen Feilian, Yan, who was collecting species overseas, rushed back to the mainland with his closest partner Chu Xing'er, and joined hands with the food elves, the nine-tailed fox, the mythical beast of the Mountain and Sea Scriptures, and righteous humans, to launch "Mountain and Sea Management and Rescue" Actions to try to save the lives of wild animals, especially the mythical beasts of the Mountains and Seas, but with little success. Fortunately, Fengshen joined forces with the gods to create a great moat to block Wu's expansion, and the people and animals temporarily had a chance to recuperate. Wu's little greedy beast used magic to create drought and locust plagues, causing a great famine, which intensified human desire to hunt and kill wild animals. Yan introduced potatoes from overseas and promoted them, which greatly alleviated the famine. With the help of the God of Saturn, he also cultivated and promoted high-yield grains and their planting techniques, and formulated new recipes. His goal is not only the rationalization of ingredients, but also the birth of a new tableware—porcelain. But unwilling to give up his ambition, he found two other little Greedy Beasts and added his own one to form a powerful super monster "Greedy", which defeated the banquet team and turned the elves into seeds (A dormant death form), the power of justice is in jeopardy, and the mythical beasts of Shanhaijing are also facing extinction. With the help of the old gluttonous priest, Yan found the treasure tripod to deal with the big monster, and with the help of Chu Xing'er, took advantage of the greedy nature of the big monster, sucked the monster into the tripod, and turned it into a delicious delicacy-"La Mei He Steamed" ". Yan also persuaded the wolf clan to drive all the orc clan to revolt and defeated the dog clan in one fell swoop. Don't betray your relatives, leave your "remains" and flee alone. Yan thought he was dead, so he ordered his "head" to be buried grandly, and his appearance was cast on a bronze tripod to warn the world. Yan revived those food elves, revised the "Xianxi Agreement", launched the "White Table Movement", and called on the people to adopt animal orphans. He pardoned the crimes of the dog family and encouraged them to become the closest animal companions of human beings. In order to prevent wild animals and plants from being extinct again, Yan also established a seed bank (Seed Ark) to preserve the seeds of all life in the world. The relationship between man and nature, man and man, and man and God has all been restored, and the world has become better again, but Yan understands that he still has a lot to do for the bright future of mankind. The teachers of the gourmet school must pass on the true meaning of gourmet from generation to generation. ​ To read part of the original text, please click here Young Food God (Season 3) The third season of Juvenile Gluttony is still under planning... Young Gluttonous Season 1 Photo Album 2023 China children’s book industry event 少年饕餮第二季发布仪式 在成都世界科幻大会炫亮举行 Some news reports cover news : Cultural critic Zhu Dake: Chinese mythology provides a prototype for science fiction cover news : When Chinese mythology and world science fiction are intertwined, what kind of textual temperament will literature exude? 搜狐网: “中国神话与世界科幻之间”论坛亮相世界科幻大会 Financial headlines: World Science Fiction Convention Forum: Between Chinese Mythology and World Science Fiction Daily Economic News Exclusive Interview : Cultural critic Zhu Dake: Science fiction is a modern myth based on the logic of science and technology china daily : Myth and science fiction are the enlightenment of imagination and cultural outlook - a conversation with the famous scholar Zhu Dake 中国新闻网: 中国神话能为世界科幻带来什么?恢宏想象力和不竭的激情 Xinmin Evening News : Go to the Fu Lei Library to explore the secrets of Chinese mythology. Zhu Dake’s new work "The Sequel to the Gluttonous Boy" is released. Shangguan News : "The Continuation of Young Glutton" was first published in Fu Lei Library, leading readers into the world of mythology 顶端新闻: 朱大可×孟宪明:打开“闭合的神话”,以新创作打造新IP Related photo reports released in the second season of "Young Gluttonous"

  • Magic mirror | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    "Mirror" Derivative Project This is the strangest part of the trilogy of "Ancient Matters", composed in the style of a dictionary, showing the strange role played by artifacts in Chinese history. The secret love between the highly skilled mirror guard and the beautiful mirror owner, the bloody fight for the magic mirror, the fighting and murder in the court, and the conflict between the two spaces inside and outside the mirror. Transformation, painted an extremely mysterious legendary color for this ancient bronze vessel..... . ​The Story of the Mirror There are two types of bronze mirrors in ancient times, one is vulgar mirror, which is an ordinary mirror, and the other is divine mirror, which people can use to enter another parallel space. Both Zhuang Zhou and Tao Yuanming were masters of such mirrors. Most of the people who own the magic mirror are the royal family and nobles. It is their privilege to have the magic mirror. They can freely enter and exit the other side of the world through the mirror. Since the mirror is the door to the two worlds, it is extremely important to guard it, so a profession called "mirror guard" flourished. And the goggle guard with the strongest martial arts in the world is named Li Ah. ​ Princess Su E stole the best mirror in the palace, and fled to Li Ah's location. Li Ah accepted her request and became her goggle protector. This move became the root of all troubles later. In order to recover the mirror, the emperor sent Luan Ba, the second killer in the world, to lead hundreds of killers out of Beijing to kill Su E and take back the mirror. He went on a killing spree along the way, killing most of the mirror guards and taking away most of the magic mirrors. His final goal is Li Ah, the world's number one killer and number one goggle guard. ​ Su E travels between two parallel worlds and brings back A pair of twin babies, apparently that's her on the other side products of marriage. After he entrusted the child to Li A's upbringing, he disappeared again. Li Ah is obsessed with Su E and has no complaints about it. Luan Ba's army attacked Li Ah's residence, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides. As a result, Luan Ba fell into the maze arranged by Li Ah and the mirror caster Dou Shaoqing, and finally died. ​ Although the threat to the world on this side has been eliminated, serious turmoil has occurred in the world on the other side. When Su E returned for the last time, her clothes were covered in blood, as if she had experienced some murder. After making love with Li A for the last time, she drowned with her two children in her arms, and the magic mirror flew away overnight, and has never been heard from since. Li A forged a magic mirror by himself, trying to escape to the Utopian world, but was killed by the broken magic mirror the moment he entered the mirror. The great mirror caster just disappeared into the shadow of history. ​ 阅读神镜片段 ​Bronze Mirror The legend about the largest treasure in the world hidden in the Forbidden City in Beijing has been circulating unscrupulously among the people and the court, and even Emperor Puyi believed in it. In the summer of 1941, he secretly ordered a task force to sneak into the Forbidden City from Manchuria to search for treasures, but found nothing. This incident alarmed the top authorities of the Japanese army stationed in Beiping. According to a file obtained by the US military in Tokyo, the Japanese army organized a secret team headed by archaeologist Ichiro Hosokawa, carrying sophisticated detection instruments, and spent 17 years. For months, every nook and cranny of the Forbidden City was searched, and several women's hidden jewelry boxes and some jewelry were found in the concubine's residence, but nothing else was found. In 1950, in order to raise funds to solve the famine, Zhou Enlai personally planned and sent people to conduct a three-year survey of the Forbidden City. In the gardens on both sides of the Qinzheng Hall, dozens of corpses were found secretly buried. Other than that, nothing more was discovered, but these cryptic failures made the fabled treasure all the weirder and more exciting. ​ The story I shall tell next was told to me by a dying man. In a rural hospital in Lu County, Shandong Province, I worked as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for two years, prescribing some cheap herbal medicines for poor farmers. On a dark and stormy night, I was on duty at the hospital, and some villagers brought an old man who was about to die. He survived two extra weeks in the ER because of my care. In the dead of night, he begged me to sit by his side, and he related the following shocking experience. "Who I am and what my name is is irrelevant. What I want to tell you is that I served in the Manchukuo contingent in 1941, and the following year I was drafted to the Japanese Army Group. In 1950, I became a A member of Zhou Enlai's Forbidden City inspection team. I consulted all the court archives of the Qing Dynasty since Kangxi, and searched every rainy land in the Forbidden City. I became an authority on the Forbidden City research. But for decades, I have not made any progress in treasures. In the winter of 1968, in order to prevent the Forbidden City from being destroyed by the Red Guards, an army was stationed inside. As the main staff of the Forbidden City Research Institute, I was lucky to be protected, like an incense burner in the palace, gradually emitting some copper rust. Every day I stood in front of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and watched the guards drill, the bayonets shining brightly in the sun. At night, except for the jeering voice of owls, the place was as quiet as a huge ruin. When I walked through the imperial garden, occasionally A woman's sobbing can also be heard, which is said to be the ghost of Concubine Zhen talking to herself. The hut where I lived was the bedroom of the former servants of the palace. It was dark, damp, and musty, like an empty tomb. (Click here to read the full article ) Another short story on the theme of bronze mirror—— Bronze Mirror Cultural Interpretation of Bronze Mirror—— In the deepest part of the ancient mirror light The Yellow Emperor's Century of Mirrors and Optics ​ The Yellow Emperor held a bilateral meeting with the Queen Mother of the West, the leader of India, in the Wangwu Mountain area, which became a famous diplomatic event recorded in many classics. Although we don't know its content, according to "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Biography", after the meeting, the Yellow Emperor cast twelve large mirrors, which were used in turn by month. The diameter of the first mirror is one foot and five inches, and it will be reduced by one inch every month thereafter. By analogy, the twelfth mirror should be only three inches, which is already exquisite and cute[1]. The Yellow Emperor often polished the mirror by the lake himself. For thousands of years, the mirror stone was smooth and no weeds grew [2]. This may be the oldest mirror in Chinese history. Its craftsmanship may have come from the Western Regions, and it is closely related to astronomy, calendar, power and state management, but we still have no way of knowing its original technology and functional details. In this way, the material and function of the mirror are gradually perfected in the legend. It may be made of hard jade or iron ore at first, and then expanded to gold, glass or copper-iron alloy. However, considering the reflectivity of the mirror surface, the polishing process and the manufacturing cost, most mirrors must be made of doped mirrors. Bronze cast in tin, as this material is softer and easier to polish. It is one of the sources of light that eagerly transcends the physical limitations of optical reflection. It faithfully reflects the physical space outside, but creates an illusionary space inside. The whole world is curled up in the bronze mirror, sending an eternal smile to the Yellow Emperor and his subjects...(Click here to read the full article )

  • Young god of cookery2 | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    back to homepage Excerpts from Zhu Dake's Novels Ancient Chronicles Volume 1 ​character ​ one ​ When the boy was lying in the woods and dreaming, the sunlight passed through the dense leaves and hit his face directly, forming some flickering spots, and the light and shadow entered the dream, turning into ripples on the water. He saw himself swimming in the water in the pose of a fish, paying homage to everything in the water. He greets other fish, shrimps and crabs at the bottom of the water, and even snail schools floating on the muddy bank. His heart was filled with great joy. He is free and infinitely friendly to the world. Since he was two years old, he has been indulging in this kind of daydreaming. Every morning, he sneaks into the miscellaneous woods behind the house, and lies under an old flowering locust tree, surrounded by the sun, like wearing clothes. When I put on a robe made of light fibers, the drowsiness immediately extended from my head, chest, abdomen and limbs like tree roots, as if petrified, until I was awakened by my grandmother at dusk. Granny was a witch, and she was the only one who could walk into his dreams, drag him out, spank his ass with a branch, and drive him home. "It's time to eat, my little beast." Grandma bleated like a trembling sheep, "The fish in the water are already waiting for you in the pot." The boy is a mute, born with a missing tongue in his mouth, and cannot describe to his grandmother his happiness in the dream. He grabbed grandma's hand and called, grandma Then he laughed: "Oh, you little bastard, you either sleep or shit." The boy happily ran into the weeds and took a dip in the stinking shit. After finishing, he let out another cry happily, and saw light gray cooking smoke rising from the chimney of the hut. He grabbed two earthworms as shoelaces, and they threaded themselves through the rope buckles of the straw sandals, and tied a bow at the end, and then lay quietly on the sandals. on. He ran into the house with his shoes on, sat by the firepit, and saw a fish with a big mouth and sharp teeth lying in the pot. Across the steaming soup pot, a beautiful little face was looking at him with a smile. That's his cousin Axio. She sneezed loudly and said, "What are you doing in your dream, little bastard today?" The boy pointed at the fish with his finger and pretended to open his mouth to speak again. The girl said, "Oh I see, this fish bit you just now, so you have to eat it." She looked at the boy with a smirk on her face. The boy didn't eat the fish. He quickly ate up the millet in the bowl, and then he went to pull the girl's braids. The girl also dropped the chopsticks and took a bite on his hand, leaving a shallow ring of tooth marks like stamps. . They started playing and fighting around the house. This is their daily homework. Grandma smiled and looked at the grandchildren around her knees, as if looking at the world in a song. Boys tie knots in girls' slender braids. While dodging, the girl said to the boy: "Jie, you are so fierce to me, but I am so kind to you, even if I eat a flea, I will split your leg." The boy laughed loudly, and stretched out a flea to her. The index finger means to give her a finger. The girl added: "If elder brother Jie is a puppy, then younger sister is a small bone for elder brother to run around with." The girl also said: "If we are together in the future, I will make everything come together. I will put my shoes in your shoes, put your socks in my socks, and make clothes with clothes. Pillows and pillows become husband and wife, and my hands and Jie's hands also become husband and wife." Jie became a little shy after hearing this, and stretched out his hand to cover the girl's mouth. The girl pushed his hand away and stuck her tongue into his mouth again. Jie sucked the girl's little meat tongue, like a warm little fish, thinking how soft and fragrant it was, and the body fluid carried the aroma of green grass. The girl said: "Our mouths should also become husband and wife." Jie's head was a little dizzy, and he was shocked by this kiss, as if he had fallen into grandma's steaming tub. For many years afterwards, he could not forget this first kiss of the soul. After late at night, when grandma and the girl went to sleep, Jie entered another state of his own—starting to draw and draw on the mud floor. The creatures of the night have been dispatched, wolves howling in the nearby spring, night owls laughing horribly, and hungry tigers roaring in the valley far away. Jie also let out his own childish howl. Like a little wolf, he sat in front of the house, leaning against the hard and cold door, and began to draw symbols on the mud. This is a technique taught by my grandmother. When the wizards practiced it, they would use ignited carbon strips to draw black runes on banana leaves or sorghum leaves. The way disappears into thin air. Jie drew a talisman in the shape of a tree, and another in the shape of a bird's foot. After erasing, continue to draw the third one, and so on indefinitely. He could feel the energy of these runes, they smiled when they were drawn, but let out a slight sigh when they were erased. There is only one moment from laughing to sighing. Their lives are so short, which makes Jie a little sentimental. The precocious mute boy thought in a dazed way that all these laughter and sighs should be bottled up so that they would not die of witchcraft. His sadness flowed from his fingers and fell into the dry soil. But he kept doing it over and over again. day to day. Dreaming and drawing symbols, this is the only thing in his life. Even when it is windy and rainy, he oscillates between these two states. Cousin Axio sometimes came to interfere in a mischievous way. She covered his eyes with a laugh, played with the round bone on his forehead, twisted his ears, and sent a group of dark-skinned ants into him. collar. Jie is happy when he is dreaming, sad when he is drawing symbols, and happy only when he is teased by Axie. He smiled foolishly, fascinated by the smell of grass on Axie's body. On this day, the witch grandmother dragged him out of the dream, took him by the hand, and led him out of the village called "Hougang" to go to a nearby village to go to the market. Grandma greeted many farmers and women along the way, saying all kinds of strange words. At the market, she again haggled at each stall. In order to buy a handful of vegetables at a low price, she almost exhausted her words of flattery, and even issued a witchcraft-like threat, saying that if she refused to lower the price, she would turn the vegetable farmer's home into hell. In the end, both parties always complete the transaction very amicably. Jie turned a deaf ear to this. He squatted alone by the side of the road, drawing amulets on the ground with his fingers. The villagers all knew this mute boy, and they looked at him with pity, thinking that he was not only a little mute, but also a fool. Sometimes there was a look of contempt on their faces. Yes, humans can tolerate an aphasic, but not an idiot. Jie has long been accustomed to people's eyes. There is always a silly smile on his face, like a charm fixed on his cheek. He draws runes according to the things in the market (chicken, meat, eggs, vegetables, etc.), and then erases them, watching them be born and dying quickly, mourning their short life, and immersing themselves in the tragedy of the circular game of symbols. In joy. After erasing hundreds of talismans, Jie raised his gaze, wanting to see where his grandma was. Grandma was missing, and the crowd was still so crowded and noisy. On a street corner not far away, an old hunchback beggar was being severely beaten. He looked as if he had stolen someone's money, his tattered clothes were covered with dust, and his knotted white beard was covered with blood. Jie was very unhappy. He felt that the old man was very pitiful and needed his help, so he walked over, uttered a cry, and stood majestically between the old man and the crowd with his hips akimbo. Everyone was stunned. The beating man also slapped Jie, causing countless golden stars to appear in his eyes. But he didn't fall down, still maintaining an angry look. Someone next to him recognized him and told him not to beat him. It was the grandson of the witch in Hougang Village. The beater was a little surprised and had to leave cursing. Jie went to look at the old man, but he had already stood up, his hunchback straightened, the blood on his beard disappeared, his ragged clothes became luxurious and shiny, and he looked at him with blazing eyes, as if he had changed into a different person. "I know your name is Jie, and you are the grandson of the witch." The old man smiled, "I have been looking for you for a long time." Jie looked at the old man in surprise, thinking that he was more miraculous than a talisman. He touched the leafy beard with his hand, and found that they were braided into hundreds of strands, each with hundreds of tiny knots, which seemed innumerable. He didn't know if it was a mark of age, or it represented some other more mysterious meaning. The old man laughed and said, "There are 38,000 knots here, which represent my age." If you want to count them, it will take more than 300 days. The old man touched it with his hands, and the knots disappeared completely, and his sparse beard fluttered loosely around his mouth, like a pile of weeds swaying in the wind. Jie was stunned. The old man said: "These are the knotting symbols taught to humans by the gods. You should understand their meaning. Come with me, and I will teach you a new game." Jie followed the old man to a secluded alley. The old man handed him a piece of tortoise shell and a ox blade, and Jie was holding them in his hand to play with, when the old man suddenly stretched out two fingers, quickly inserted them into Jie's eyes, and then pulled them out abruptly. Jie felt a sharp pain, cried out, and squatted down. When he stood up and opened his eyes, the old man had disappeared. Jie felt a little panic, not knowing what happened. Eyes are cooling and seeing more clearly. Looking around, he could actually see two hamsters making out on the chimney more than a hundred feet away. He was taken aback and quickly closed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating. When I opened my eyes again, the hamster had already escaped, leaving behind a few grains of black and shiny rat droppings. Jie felt a little dizzy. He put away his strange gaze and walked slowly back to the street. Grandma was already waiting there with an anxious look on her face. He followed the grandma who had returned home with a full load and walked home. Along the way, grandma looked at him carefully and said: Why did your eyes become double pupils? What happened to you just now? Oh, you dumb little bastard. " Jie ran to the river, and saw that his eyes had turned into double pupils, that is, in the original dark brown pupils, there appeared a pure black pupil, like a big circle surrounded by a small circle, reflecting the moonlight. Fantastic color. "Why is this?" He looked at grandma in a panic. Grandma was also suspicious. They looked at each other. After seeing the changes in Jie, Axie was also very surprised. She watched it repeatedly for a long time, and said in a fuss: "Brother Jie has become a monster, but I like it very much." That night, Jiexiang sat at the door drawing symbols as usual, and suddenly found that his eyes could still see the nature of things in the dark. The souls of those small gravels are dancing on the ground, shining brightly; the souls of trees are sucking the sap of the earth, and even the weeds become brilliant and emit a crystal luster. A few beetles are still working, they are like some gold carved into insects, shining brightly, making the whole dark night appear brilliant. Faced with this change, Jie was a little at a loss. He stretched out his fingers carefully, and saw that the fingertips were also shining, like the buttocks of fireflies. He tried to draw a "worm" symbol on his palm, and it flew up like a paper-cut, suspended in mid-air. Jie startled the boss. Now the talisman not only laughed and sighed, but became a visible entity, which he had never expected. He drew a "window" symbol with his finger, and a pane made of light appeared in front of his eyes. An old man waved to him from outside the window. He was the one he met in the market during the day. He poked his head out and smiled, "We meet again." Jie wanted to say something to him, but he just let out a cry of surprise. The old man smiled: "It seems that you have forgotten the function of the tongue. Now you can speak. I am the great god Fuxi. From now on, you must use your tongue to praise me and the merits of all the gods." Jie nodded with a smirk. "I want to use your hand to change the world. Make a good sign, and you will become the greatest prophet in the world." Fuxi stepped back and disappeared into the void together with the window frame. In this way, Jie obtained the power of writing symbols from Fuxi God. This is not tribal witchcraft, but an unprecedented supernatural power. Jie drew a "tongue" symbol on his mouth, and something suddenly grew out of his mouth. He looked in the pool water and found that there was really a stretchable light red soft flesh in his mouth. Thankfully, based on the grace of God Fuxi, he found the lost tongue for himself. Jie happily woke up Grandma and Axie, showed them his magic power, showed them his tongue, and explained its origin to them. They were all stupefied by this miracle, unable to speak for a while. Grandma lit a pine light, wrote a thank you talisman, and burned it under the statue of Fuxi. Axie sneezed and said, "Brother Jie can talk, I'm so happy." Since then, Jie has the ability to create characters. He alternates his index fingers with each other and writes various hieroglyphs on the palm in turn. When he draws the character "Deng", there is an extra oil lamp in the house; when he writes and draws "鬲" symbols, there is an extra Li pot in the yard. Grandma said, I won't go to the market anymore, you can make it for me. Jie then drew the "fish" character, and live fish wagging its head and tail appeared in the basket; he drew the "melon" character, and the scaffolding in front of the door was full of melons and fruits; full-bodied crops. He also drew a "turtle" symbol for Axio, and Axio immediately got a charming green turtle. It crawled slowly on Axie's little hand, with a hard carapace and soft eyes. When dusk fell, grandma started steaming rice and cooking fish, and there was a faint smoke from the chimney. Axie said, I don't want the dark, Brother Jie will bring me some light. After thinking for a while, Jie drew a "Sun" symbol on his left palm with his right hand, and a "Moon" symbol on his right palm with his left hand, and then put the two palms together to form a "Ming" symbol. Suddenly, the sun and the moon juxtaposed in the sky. The sun at dusk no longer sets, but the moonlight has risen. One of them is on the west side of the sky, and the other is on the east side of the sky, reflecting each other, making the already dim sky extremely bright. People ran out of their houses to watch, thinking that it was God descending from heaven. Axio pulled grandma out of the house, pointed to the vision in the sky and said, "Look, brother Jie did it." The grandma squinted her eyes for a while, then sighed and said, "My child, you have played too much. I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse." Neither Jie nor Achoe paid any attention to the witch's grandmother's worries. Continue to play the game of drawing symbols in front of the door. He drew the symbols of "Shui" and "Ye", and another pond appeared beside the pond; he drew the symbols of "Fu" and "Tao", and a pottery kiln appeared beside the pond. Jie took Axio's hand around the pond to the pottery kiln, touched its outer wall, and found that it was a real object. Jie cried with joy, and he said to Axie: "I will draw a beautiful house for you, and put you in it like a little doll." Axie also smiled: "I want to eat and sleep with you inside." At this time, a loud and pleasant sound suddenly came out from the bright sky. Grandma's face was pale, and she said tremblingly: "Oops, Jie angered the gods. I'm afraid our family will be in trouble." She heard the crying of the undead around, snakes and other reptiles passed through the grass and hid in I never dared to come out of my own cave. There was heavy rain in the sky, and corn, fish and vegetables were mixed in the rain, and the people ran out to pick them up, immersed in the carnival of getting something for nothing. Axie said, "Grandma, this doesn't look like a god is angry." Grandma looked at the rainy sky, and at the rice and vegetables on the ground: "Yes, I'm confused too." At the end of the day, a huge rainbow appeared in the sky. They rose from the hill behind Jie's house and disappeared in the opposite hill, forming a semicircular ribbon. Grandma's sad expression became relieved, and she sat on the threshold: "This is a covenant between the gods and Jie. They have reached a reconciliation." Only Jie knew that it was Fuxi's compliment to him. But he didn't tell anyone. He is still used to the silence of the past. Axie fell ill the next day. At first she was referring to a sore throat, cough, and forehead fever, which progressed to chills and a high fever. She said to her grandmother, "My head hurts so much." Jie gave up sleeping and dreaming, and stayed by her side, seeing bruises all over her body, which turned from bright red to purple. On the third morning, she began to vomit incessantly, uttered strange nonsense, convulsed, and fell into a semi-comatose state. When she woke up, she said to Jie: "Brother, I dreamed that this room is my body. It is hot, and I live in it. My sweat turned into mist and rain in the dream. Now I want to go Now, go to a cooler place." Jie started to cry and said he didn't want her to go, he wanted to drive her away the disease, he first drew the "worm" symbol, and then drew the "knife" symbol, combined them together, and wanted to use the knife to kill the insects, but Axie's His condition didn't improve at all. He imagined how his grandmother would write a talisman to pray for gods, so he drew a "begging" talisman and added a "wen" talisman to form a "save" talisman, but Fuxi never responded and appeared as an old beggar. In the middle of the night, Jie suddenly fell asleep uncharacteristically. He dreamed that many black worms crawled out of Axie's five orifices, and even his mouth was full of worms. Even the tears that flowed from his eyes turned into insect. When Jie woke up, the bug was gone. Axie just left quietly, like a light sneeze. Grandma caressed her small body and sang, seeing off her young soul. Jie burst into tears, His tears flowed to the ground, forming a "crying" symbol, and the tears continued to flow outside the house and into the pond. The fish and shrimp were startled at first, and then they all cried. Plants and flowers wept, birds and beasts wept, and the whole world wept. It was only after Jie grew up that he realized that his talisman magic was limited, and he couldn't even save the girl he loved the most. But Jie still grew up in the unfailing sleep. His grandmother passed away when he was fourteen years old, and a locust tree grew on the grave of Axie, and every day the branch swayed in the wind, whispering to him with unclear meaning. Once, he dreamed that Axie looked at him from that world. When he wanted to hug her, she disappeared. He suddenly realized that Axio was too busy and sent a shadow to visit just now. In the infinite solitude, he became a half-god, half-human talisman maker, and a priest in charge of Fuxi. In his dreams, he used his fingers to write strange lines on his belly, thus constantly creating new characters, and as he created characters, corresponding things were also born in the world. People call this symbol "character", and the act of drawing characters is called "writing". Jie calls his own creation "character creation". In this unique "character creation", he created all kinds of brand new things for the world. I don't know when, Jie's character creation is no longer limited to dreams, but quietly transferred to daily reality scenes. He started generating glyphs in his waking state, and everything seemed freer. He hoped to be blessed by the gods, so he made the word "God", and as a result, a statue of Fuxi appeared on the edge of the field; he built a "temple", and a small temple appeared in the village; "" symbol and "you" symbol, a "temple" appeared at the end of the field, and the big roof covered the statue and the field, becoming a larger place for worship. Cangjie lived in the temple he built and became a priest of Fuxi, responsible for conveying the will of God. When he made the character "che", a single wheel and two-wheeled carts appeared; when he made the character "Lv", laws appeared; when he made the character "city", city walls and cities appeared; , instruments and music appeared. However, free characters will also produce some bad characters and typos, just like the self-malignant reproduction of tumor cells-"骉", "粉", "飝" and "Si Lei (pia)", or characters with too many strokes such as "䵴"wait. Jie can only create characters, but cannot eliminate them. He can only wait for those typos to rot over the years, or grow wild like weeds. Until the end of his life, Jie did not find an effective way to eliminate it. Jie began to carry out his character-making activities more cautiously, because every mistake could lead to disaster. In order to prevent the bad words from spreading, he must find easy-to-access containers for the good words. He remembered the tortoise shell and ox bone that God Fuxi once gave him. These two treasures were used as funerary objects and turned into dust together with Axio. Jie first chose the ox blade, and saw that it was covered with ghosts from hell; he tried to put the tortoise shell to his ear, but he heard the faint sound of heaven, as if God was whispering. Jie then chose the tortoise shell. Kunwu, a helper in the temple, was his first disciple. He collected discarded tortoise shells everywhere, cleaned and polished them carefully. Jie engraved the characters one by one on the tortoise shell, and then hung them on the beams of the temple, just like hanging shells from the ocean. The tortoise board swayed in the wind, making a melodious jingle sound like wind chimes, as if greetings from the god of water and wind. The world at this time is divided into two kinds of things, one is original, and the other is produced through word creation. Characters are also divided into two categories: one is the imitation of foreign objects (pictographic), known as "mirror characters", and the other is the creation of foreign objects, known as "original characters", the latter type of characters are spiritual, Tongshen is a higher level of writing. When Jie created 800 characters, the city will present a complete appearance according to his characters: palaces, temples, workshops, warehouses, roads, shops and city walls, new things emerge one after another, dazzling. Thus nations and civilizations are happily born. The people were elated by this. They went into the temple to worship and knelt down in front of the statue of Fuxi. When they saw Priest Jie, they cheered enthusiastically. Cangjie became a little arrogant. He refused to see the people who asked for help, and he refused to help them, because their petty demands were not worth his time. A little girl with a runny nose said to her: "Jie, my clay doll is broken, can you help me make a new one?" Jie looked at her ugly face and ignored her request. Later, an old woman in ragged clothes came. She leaned on a cane and said, "Jie, I have too few clothes. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this severe winter. Can you help me?" Shall I make a woolen jacket? " Jie smiled and said, "I don't know how to do this, so go to a tailor and make one." It was a day in the depths of winter, and a thick layer of ice had formed on the ground. Jie was repairing his statue. A musician named Shi Xiang walked into the temple with a banjo on his back. He said that his fingers had pointed out the problem and asked him to treat him. Jie flatly refused him. Jie said, "You should go to a doctor or a wizard, not a priest like me." The luthier said, "I can show you my symptoms." Jie smiled contemptuously, ignored it, and turned to leave. But before he had time to walk out of the front yard, the sound of the piano had already resounded throughout the courtyard. Jie was taken aback, turned around to look, and found that Shi Xiang plucked the water sound feather strings corresponding to winter, and played the yellow bell rhythm representing November. On the roof, there is thick snow everywhere. At first Jie thought it was just a coincidence, he picked up the snow, sniffed it under his nose, and said with a smile, "Sir is like a fortune teller, he can predict when it will snow." Hearing what he said, Shi Xiang changed the tune, plucked the wooden horn strings corresponding to spring, and played the bell rhythm representing the early spring and February. Wild flowers are in full bloom, colorful birds are flying in the air, and swimming fish are jumping in the water. The heavy snow and solid ice melted quickly, turning into thin streams of water. Jie was a little dizzy now, he knew that a more powerful character than him was coming. He immediately bowed his hands and said: "Sorry sir, I was rude." Shi Xiang ignored him, plucked the shang strings corresponding to autumn, and played the Nanlu melody representing the golden autumn and August. At the place where the sad piano sounded, a chilly autumn wind suddenly blew, and the persimmon trees in the courtyard quickly borne fruit. Orange-red fruit. The low-ranking priests in the temple rushed over after hearing the sound, and they were all shocked by this strange scene. Shi Xiang said: "You have to understand that in this world, not only words can create things, but music can also create things. There are other ways of creating things." Cang Jie suddenly realized that there is a sky beyond the sky. He knelt down in front of Shi Xiang, eager to worship him as his teacher. Shi Xiang smiled and said, "It's unnecessary to be a teacher. As long as you understand the laws of creation of the universe and know how to treat your people with humility, you will be invincible in the world." Jie nodded. Shi Xiang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and left in a hurry. Jie looked at Shi Xiang suspiciously, watching him gradually disappear at the end of the road, guessing that he was the incarnation of a certain god, deliberately trying to enlighten his stupidity and stubbornness. But no matter who Shi Xiang is, he has learned new truths. He begins to understand that the world is inexhaustible because it is defined by the infinity of God. He is just a worm who can build in this world. Shi Xiang made Jie smarter. He became wary of worship from humans. Facing the endless stream of worshipers, he tried to hide in the shadow behind the statue of Fuxi. He was afraid of those fanatical voices. They would vibrate repeatedly in his ears. It will take a long time for this urn-like echo to fade away. Jie couldn't bear the noise of the people, because he was not worthy to be the benefactor of the people, so he had to move out of the temple and hide in a more remote courtyard, where he meditated and meditated, and let new characters emerge in meditation. Every day, young people come to the temple to practice calligraphy. They copied the words on the tortoise shell and wrote them on the wooden blocks they brought. Jie walked into the temple at dusk that day, and saw a young man laying down on the ground practicing calligraphy very seriously. He also made a soft brush out of pig hair, dipped it in charcoal black, wrote the words on the polished bamboo, and then used hemp rope to write the characters. Connect them in series. Jie named him "Mao Jian", and the recording tools he invented were called "writing brush" and "bamboo slip". Bamboo slips have no divinity, and cannot replace tortoise shells as a carrier for inscribing new characters, but they can be taken everywhere, and they are easy to cut, so they should be the best practice tool. Mao Jian was very happy, knelt down in front of Jie, and wanted to worship him as his teacher. The twilight light outlines the boy's neat appearance and clothes, just like his own appearance in the past. A great emotion suddenly surged in Jie's heart, so he accepted his second disciple like this. Because of Kun Wu and Mao Jian, Jie decided to open a school. He made some high-quality wood, expanded the apse of the temple, turned it into a writing library, and turned the side courtyard into a school building, and accepted more than a dozen disciples. They are responsible for organizing those words and classifying them by radicals for easy retrieval. After the skills of his disciples improved greatly, Jie divided the school into two majors, one is character-creation major, and the other is character-recognition major. Fortune-telling with words, medical treatment with words, deformation with words, and so on. In addition to the pictographic method and the knowing method, Jie also invented the method of referring to things and the method of pictophony, which doubled the speed of creating characters and improved the function of expression day by day. He watched with satisfaction the changes that had taken place in the world. ​ ​ Excerpt from: "Harvest" Magazine, Issue 6, 2017 "Ancient Matters" Volume One, People's Literature Publishing House, 2017 "Qingqiu Chronicle", World Chinese Publishing House, 2020 ​ ​ ​ ​ Freely switch between selected reading pages of various novels Great Pail​ Go to Great Pail Kirin 转到麒麟选读 mourner Go to the full text of Mourner character creation Go to character creation Reading ​有黄 Go to the full text of Youhuang Bone physicist Go to the full text of The Bone Master Divine mirror Go to the Divine Mirror Selected Readings Changshengyi Go to Changshengyi Selected Readings Incense Master 转到香道师全文 Back to Selected Readings

  • Novels and essays | Dake Zhu's speech:cultural renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Introduction to the main works Fiction/essay writing Click to buy Big Barrel Audio/Himalaya Radio ​Exotic Legend Novel Great Pail The story takes place in the tropical rainforest of Central America at the end of the 17th century. A mysterious tribe "Tizoke" from "Yindi" on the other side of the ocean has multiplied here for three thousand years and evolved into an independent round city "Tizoke" driven by a perpetual motion machine, commonly known as "Big Barrel". , lingering under the rule of the high priest Hopi. The high priest tampered with the ancient doctrine of Feathered Serpent God, created lies, ignorance and fear, and turned the entire city-state into a solid "siege". With the help of his earthly incarnation, a loving family, through the miracle of birth and death, Feathered Serpent tries to save this lonely city-state revolving itself from tyranny and destruction... Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House will launch it at the end of 2022, please read it Great Pail was included in the Asia Weekly Top Ten Novels List Report of Great Pail's Authors' Symposium ​ Mythical novels about Cangjie’s creation of characters Chronicle of Qingqiu This is a mythical epic about Cangjie creating civilization with Chinese characters. Under the enlightenment of Fuxi, Cangjie invented Chinese characters and created a great Chinese civilization based on them. But the dark energy hidden in the character itself is gradually revealed. Cangjie's female disciple Jusong, because of love and hatred, challenges Cangjie's kingdom on behalf of the evil forces, and the new civilization is facing a catastrophe. How will Cangjie face this crisis? After he was murdered by Jushang, how will his son Jiagen inherit his father's career, turn the tide, and save the precarious world? This novel takes the legend of Cangjie's creation of characters as the theme, uses the "trilogy" as the frame structure, and uses the usual metaphorical style of "Zhu Yu" to describe the strange situation of the birth of civilization. The whole book is magnificent, the plot is ups and downs, and the imagination is magnificent Fantasy, the characters are ready to appear, showing an epic picture like "Lord of the Rings". It is also a fascinating "A Brief History of Chinese Characters". It not only reinterprets Chinese mythology and history, but also provides a new narrative path for Chinese literature. Click to buy out of stock ​ Essays and short stories Red book of memory This book is a collection of most of the author's poetry, prose, essays and novels over the past 20 years, some of which can be called masterpieces of modern Chinese. The author's deep insights into history and reality are woven into the brilliant and hard style, forming a unique narrative-interpretation style. The pictures in the book are also an extension of metaphorical writing, which not only meet the visual needs of the picture-reading era, but also imply intriguing cultural codes. (from the introduction to the book) Chronicle of Ancient Matters (A Collection of Novella Mythical Novels) Cangjie's creation of characters, Li A's protective mirror, and Zheng He's gift of Lin, three historical legends that no one knows, and three new interpretations of fantasy stories. The passionate exploration of historians, the rigorous investigation of archaeologists, and the magnificent imagination of writers. Zhu Dake, with his magic pen, covered the classic stories of Cang Jie's creation of characters, Li A's goggles, and Zheng He's voyages to the West with a layer of magic and beauty. The invention of Chinese characters hides the secret of people's hearts. Li Ah's magic mirror has the effect of stealing dreams, and the unicorn brought back by Zheng He's voyage to the West witnessed the grievances and grievances in the deep palace of the Ming Dynasty. This is the flower of literature watered by the three archeology and history together. Click to buy Click to buy collection of historical romances Six Different Records "Six Different Records" is composed of six independent stories that reflect each other. At the moment when desire consumption is prevalent, the author Zhu Dake returns to the source of traditional oriental culture, and uses the "six senses" of the senses—eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind—as the framework to write various stories driven by the senses. A story of human desire: In the bag, a dilapidated wolf fur hides the most hidden secret of the illusionist's life; at the funeral, whether the Weeping Singer cries not only determines her own life and death, but also affects the fate of the entire kingdom The political situation; under the moonlight, the proud character maker shed tears and cursed every night, she couldn't hear the mournful cry of the character soul... Desires grow and shatter, bringing strong sensory impact and pleasure as well as endless pain and anxiety. Zhu Da can stimulate his strange imagination and dramatically combine the ups and downs of the storyline with six Chinese folk mysterious arts - illusion, mourning, incense, poison testing, phrasing and character creation. Created a coquettish and gorgeous text fable. ​ Light the fire of desire with literal witchcraft collection of historical romances Longevity Game This book is the author's first historical/magic-themed full-length novel. The work borrows the body of traditional local martial arts novels, injects dual elements of mythology and history in the form of chronicle and linear narrative, and expresses philosophical thinking about human life and death. A writing experiment of a genre novel reflects the author's efforts to seek the integration of public desire and pure literary value. 书评:神话、历史与现实对接的可能性 ——评朱大可小说《长生弈》 Click to buy Go to the novel reading page Publications : Publications

  • Copyright | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Copyright of Zhu Dake's works Derivative series Due to its unique world view structure, Zhu Dake's mythological works have the natural advantages of tree-shaped IP, which can effectively derive from novels to platform dramas, big movies, audio programs, stage plays (musical dramas, dramas, dance dramas, etc.), Various forms of stationery, toys, gifts, restaurants, theme parks, etc. ​Mythological works copyright matrix Zhu Dake Studio is cooperating with relevant animation and film and television companies to establish a deep alliance, starting from human values, to create new myths, new animation, new classics, new national style, new global style... Zhu Dake's Novel Series Young Food God (1-2 seasons) Well-received first season, second season on the way Junior Gluttony Project ​Qingqiu Chronicle (word made) "Qingqiu Chronicle" includes the trilogy of character making, big character making and character gods. It is an epic narrative about the root of Chinese culture, a literary model of traditional "Chinese stories", and the best "mother" for film and television adaptations . Selected Readings of Chinese Characters Six different audio recordings (produced by Xiaolu Studio) Six Different Records ​ Fragrant Taoist ​Xiangdaoshi is one of the six short stories of Six Different Records. It has a strong flavor of Jiangnan Xiangdao culture, with strange emotions and bizarre plots. It is an excellent blueprint for adapting big movies and animations. Selected Readings by the Fragrant Taoist Chronicle of Ancient Matters ​Mirror ​Xiangdaoshi is one of the six short stories of Six Different Records. It has a strong flavor of Jiangnan Xiangdao culture, with strange emotions and bizarre plots. It is an excellent blueprint for adapting big movies and animations. Selected Readings by the Fragrant Taoist Chronicle of Ancient Matters ​Mirror ​Xiangdaoshi is one of the six short stories of Six Different Records. It has a strong flavor of Jiangnan Xiangdao culture, with strange emotions and bizarre plots. It is an excellent blueprint for adapting big movies and animations. Selected Readings by the Fragrant Taoist The game of longevity The novel "Longevity Game" combines martial arts, mythology and historical legends in one furnace. With profound brushstrokes and touching stories, it describes the strange journey of searching for the elixir in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty... The Game of Longevity Selected Readings The Great pail With the background of the secret kingdom established by the ancestors of Yin and Shang in Central America, "The Big Barrel" tells the story of the ups and downs of a branch of the Chinese nation in Central America...... VAT Selective Reading The Great pail With the background of the secret kingdom established by the ancestors of Yin and Shang in Central America, "The Big Barrel" tells the story of the ups and downs of a branch of the Chinese nation in Central America...... VAT Selective Reading IP list of Zhu Dake's novels 1.Chronicle of Ancient Matters (A Collection of Novella Legendary Novels): Zizao, Magic Mirror, Qilin, People's Literature Publishing House 2.The Game of Longevity (Martial arts novel): Huacheng Publishing House 3.Six Different Records (Short Legendary Stories Collection): CITIC Publishing House 4.Chronicle of Qingqiu (A long mythical novel, including the trilogy of Character Creation, Big Character Creator, and Character God), World Chinese Publishing House 5.The Great Pail (Long exotic legendary novel): Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House 6.Young Food God (Children's Mythical Novels): Season 1/2, Volume 10, Dandelion Children's Bookstore ​ Selected Readings of Zhu Dake's Novels

  • historical background of The Great Pail | Dake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Back to Vat Items Olmec civilization Mysterious connection with the Yin Shang Legion Did the Mayans come from China? ​ The Mayans in America, who created one of the world's ancient civilizations, may have been a family with the Chinese five thousand years ago. It is generally accepted that between 40,000 and 20,000 years ago, due to the impact of the fourth season of glaciers, the sea level of the Bering Strait dropped and the sea water froze, becoming a channel connecting Asia and America. Entering the Americas from Asia through the Bering Strait. In terms of race, American Indians belong to a branch of the Mongolian race. From an intuitive point of view, many Indians look like Chinese people. Most Indians have the characteristics of yellow races: black hair and Straight, yellow skin, spade-shaped incisors, and bluish birthmarks on the buttocks of babies born that are absent in whites and blacks. In terms of blood, scientists have also found evidence that Indians and Chinese belong to the same species. For a long time, many people believed that the source of the Mayan civilization was the ancient Chinese civilization, and the relationship between the two was cultural transmission. The theory of "Fusang Kingdom" was first put forward, mainly based on the story in "Liang Shu" about the Chinese monk Huishen who traveled across the ocean to "Fusang Kingdom" in the fifth century, and believed that "Fusang" was Mexico. Later, there was "the theory of Yin people crossing to the east", which means that the Chinese in the Shang Dynasty crossed the Pacific Ocean and brought civilization to the Americas. Famous anthropologist and Professor Zhang Guangzhi from Harvard University once put forward a hypothesis of "Maya-Chinese cultural continuum", arguing that the Mayan civilization and ancient Chinese civilization were the result of the development of descendants of the same ancestor in different times and in different places. Some people believe that the Mayan custom of worshiping the serpentine god originated in the Shang Dynasty in China 4,000 years ago, and the embossed patterns on the bronze sacrificial vessels of the Shang Dynasty are very similar to the mask of the Mayan serpentine god. Unfortunately, the above statement has not been clearly confirmed by archaeology so far. The Shang Army and the Olmecs After the arrival of the Europeans, the population of the original inhabitants of the Americas declined sharply due to disease and massacres, and the culture created by the Americans was also destroyed. So for a long time, people couldn't figure out where the Native Americans came from. Chinese scholars proposed that the Yin people of China had arrived in America in 1200 BC. This view was initially dismissed as "Fantasy". Today, however, more and more evidence supports this hypothesis. ​ In the last years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties (about 1066 BC, the eleventh year of King Wu of Zhou), the Zhou army made a surprise attack on Chaoge, the capital of Yin. Why did a Yin Shang, which was much stronger than Zhou, die in Zhou? After studying this period of history, historians found that the army of the Shang Dynasty was fighting in Shandong at that time, and won the victory. The whole country was immersed in celebration. Among them, they did not guard against Zhou's army attacking from behind, which eventually led to a fatal disaster. It is not surprising that this kind of extreme joy and sorrow has happened from time to time in history. The strange thing is, after the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, where did the army that originally conquered Shandong go? ​ According to historical records, there are more than 250,000 Yin Shang troops in Shandong. They neither returned to the army to fight to the death with the Zhou army, nor established a new country in Shandong, but suddenly disappeared without a trace. up. The history books of later generations never talked about this matter, as if they never existed in the world. Where did they go? Some scholars speculate that they traveled across the ocean to Central America. In fact, this is indeed very possible. First, the Chinese at that time already had a wealth of overseas knowledge. It is said in the "Da Huang Dong Jing" in "Shan Hai Jing": Overseas, there are Fusang and Dagu Xianchi, which are the seat of Shaohao Xihe Kingdom. That is to say, people in ancient China knew for a long time that there were other worlds in distant places overseas. "Hanshu Dongyi Biography": "Wo Kingdom is more than 4,000 miles east, there is Naked Country, and to the southeast of Naked Country is Black Tooth Country, which can be reached by boat within a year." Black Tooth Country is a descendant of Shaowu, in Central America. The records in "Hanshu" prove that sailing to America was already feasible in the Han Dynasty. "Liezi·Tang Wen": "In the east of the Bohai Sea, I don't know how many millions of miles away, there is a big ravine, but it is actually a bottomless valley, and there is no bottom below it. It is called Guixu." Dagu, Tanggu in Central America , east of the Bohai Sea, indicating that the Chinese knew the location of Central America during the Warring States Period. This can only be done on the basis of understanding the shape of the earth and having the practice of sailing. Going back a few centuries, it is also possible for the Chinese to sail across the Americas. Due to the Earth's rotation, there is a west-to-east current in the Pacific Ocean between Asia and North America: the North Pacific Current. Human beings were able to sail and fish at sea 6,000 years ago. At that time, it was very common for people on the eastern coast of China to go to sea. of. Cultural relics related to China all over the Americas are distributed along the Pacific coast, which is the result of sailing across the Pacific Ocean. Copper coins, writings, and statues from the Qin and Han Dynasties in various parts of the Americas also show that Chinese people did not go to America alone at that time. Second, shortly after the disappearance of these Yin people, an Olmec culture with Asian characteristics suddenly emerged in Mexico and Central America. This "coincidence" is likely to be due to some connection between the two. Many of the unearthed cultural relics from the Olmec period found in the Americas are prominently characterized by the Shang culture. More than 300 symbols similar to ancient Chinese characters have been collected from the Olmec civilization and its neighboring cultures. These symbols have been identified by archaeologists and paleographers, and they believe that they are strikingly similar to oracle bone inscriptions in China 3,000 years ago. They also said that if the symbols were found in Chinese archaeological sites, they would definitely be considered to be oracle bone inscriptions from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties of China. Some scholars believe that these Olmec symbols similar to oracle bone inscriptions not only include agricultural characters, such as grain, field, wood, sky, sun, rain, water, saplings, etc., but also ritual and witchcraft characters. It is very similar to symbols such as celestial stems and earthly branches, numbers and hexagram paintings in ancient China. In the Olmec cultural site in La Venta, Indians also found the custom of worshiping tigers. False axes unearthed on the Pacific coast of Mexico are identical to jade kui from the Shang Dynasty. The drainage channels of the Indians also embody Dayu's thoughts on water control. The mound culture of the Indians is obviously a custom of the Shang Dynasty, so this custom in America is obviously an extension of Chinese culture. In addition, the pottery, jade, stone carvings and religious ceremonies of the Olmec civilization are very similar to the Shang and Zhou civilizations in China. The pottery unearthed in Mesoamerica has the same shapes, decorative symbols, drawing techniques, and hollowing methods as ancient Chinese pottery and pottery-making techniques. The jade worship in the Olmec civilization, the various decorations on the stone tools, and the divine emblems, totems and symbols on the jade are very similar to those in the pre-Qin period in China. In Olmec witchcraft, there are also Chinese concepts such as knotting and keeping track of events, the sky is round and the earth is round, and the four colors are square. Like the ancient Chinese, the Olmecs used cinnabar to offer sacrifices, used jade to pray for rain, used animal heads and human amulets as symbols of gods, worshiped their ancestors in shrines, temples, and altars, set up tablets with jade kui, and built mausoleums and tombs. . The Olmec's method of sacrificing their lives to worship their ancestors is exactly the same as that of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in China. There are many similarities and even similarities between Indian culture and ancient Chinese culture: for example, Lingtai culture, Qiudun culture, jade burial customs, and legends about Tiangou eating the moon, similar flood stories, and common dragons. Culture and Feathered Snake Culture, common Taiji Diagram, Taotie and Yunlei decorations, similar sedan chair travel and killing games, the same healing methods of herbs and bone needles, the same seven-hole flute and musical pentatonic scale , Even the folk remedies of drinking children's urine to keep healthy and eating tadpoles to fight fire are the same. Harvard University scholar Ekholm proposed that before Columbus arrived in the Americas, Asian immigrants and explorers arrived in the Americas, making religion, art, astronomy, and architecture in the New World flourish, forming the first civilized society in American history. American civilization may have originated in the Bronze Age Shang Dynasty, because both have similar artistic style and religious consciousness at the same time. Smithsonian Museum archaeologist McGrath, after comparing pottery found in Ecuador with ancient Japanese pottery, believes that as early as 5,000 years ago, ancient Asian residents had cultural exchanges with American civilization through sea transportation. "Ancient humans viewed the ocean as a highway, not a barrier," she said. Therefore, when King Zhou of Shang was defeated and self-immolated, and the Shang Dynasty perished, the officers and soldiers of the Shang Dynasty who stayed in Shandong probably escaped from the East China Sea, passed through Japan, crossed the Pacific Ocean, and arrived at the coast of Mexico, bringing agricultural irrigation technology and astronomy to the local people. Geographical knowledge developed into the first American civilization "Olmec Civilization". In fact, some people in Mexico today admit that they are descendants of the Yin people in China. Mayan and Chinese There is an obvious corresponding relationship between Maya and Chinese, which also proves that the Maya and Chinese are inextricably linked. The basic vocabulary shared by Mayan and Chinese is provided to calculate the time when Mayan and Chinese were separated. Linguists use a table of 100 basic words and find out the proportion of words that are common to both languages in the 100 words to determine when the two languages separated. The common words between Mayan and Chinese accounted for 26 of the 100 basic words, minus 4 that may be similar by chance, and there are 22 common words between the two languages. According to statistical probability, if there are 22 common words in the two languages, the time of separation is about 5,000 years ago, which is the time when the Mayans and Chinese separated. This time is very consistent with the existing research results of linguistics, archaeology, anthropology and history: first, the original Mayan language began to diverge into the current Mayan dialects 4600 years ago; second, the earliest pottery discovered in the Mayan area Manufactured 4,500 years ago, it is quite mature; 3, ancient Mayan documents set the beginning of history and calendar at 3113 BC, which is about 5,000 years ago; 4, the academic circles believe that the Mayans were the latest from Asia to American. The latest time when ancient Asians came to America was 5,000 years ago; fifth, the Mayans said that their ancestors came from the west or by boat from the north. The general direction from China to the Americas is from west to east. If you take a boat along the Pacific Ocean along Japan, the Thousand Islands, and the Aleutian Islands, and then go south along the American coast to reach Central America, you will come by boat from the north. The phonetics and grammar of Maya and Chinese have some other common features, such as monophonic roots and lack of morphological changes. A comprehensive language correspondence indicates that the two languages are indeed related. similar way of thinking The kinship between the Maya and the Chinese, in addition to language evidence, also has a lot of evidence in the way of thinking. The common features of the basic way of thinking of the Mayans and Chinese reflect the unity of man and nature, and the unity of nature and society. In terms of social development, the Mayans believed that prosperity, peace, prosperity and decline, war and poverty were cyclical alternations. And this has a certain relationship with the astronomical and calendar calculations of the Mayans. They believed that there was a cycle of misfortune and blessing every 20 years in 13 calendars. For example, the abandonment of the city of Chichen Itza and the hegemony of the city-state of Mayapan, as well as the decline of the city of Mayapan and the conquest of the Spanish, all show this cycle of rise and fall of the calendar. This view of history is very consistent with the ancient Chinese view of history. The basic outlook on life of the Mayans can be summed up as "don't overdo everything", which is very consistent with the dominant philosophy of life in ancient China, "the golden mean". Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, the Mayans respected the natural environment very much and hunted very restrainedly. First, they did not want to kill innocent animals indiscriminately. Second, they wanted to leave opportunities for other hunters to forage. Before farming and burning forests, sacrifices should be made to pray for the forgiveness and protection of the gods. At the same time, the cultivated land should be measured according to the needs of the population, so as to ensure food consumption without excessive production and damage to nature. Therefore, the way of life pursued by the Mayans is the harmony between man and man, and the harmony between man and nature. The Maya's idea of the unity of man and nature is manifested in all aspects of life, and many of them are the same as the Chinese. The Mayans called the poet "A Feng", and poetry is equal to the wind; the folk songs of various places in China's earliest poem "Book of Songs" are also called wind. In the language of the Mayans, flowers can mean natural flowers, and they can also refer to people's lust and lust, which is the same as that of the Chinese. The symbolic meanings of colors believed by the Mayans are also consistent with those of the Chinese: red symbolizes power, yellow symbolizes auspiciousness, and white symbolizes inauthenticity, so Baifu is equal to the Chinese uncle, and Baimu is equal to the Chinese aunt. In ancient China, milk was called valley, while the Mayans called corn milk milk and corn cobs "breast milk". What is more special is that the ancient Chinese called the year "Zai", which originated before the Xia Dynasty. This concept of time is the same as that of the Mayans: the Mayans believed that each year was carried by a kind of god, one after another. Therefore, the year and the load are closely related, and a year is also a god's load. Similar Jade Stones From 30,000 to 7,000 years ago, there was a microlithic distribution zone from North China to Canada, which has been studied in depth by scientists and paleoanthropologists. The study found that this microlithic distribution belt started from Gansu, Ningxia, and Shanxi regions in China 30,000 years ago, and spread throughout the Mongolian grasslands, the Northeast Plains of China, Northeast Asia, Alaska, and southern Canada. The age of Zhiyu in Shanxi is 28,900-13,700 years ago, the age of Jiuketai in East Siberia is 22,000-10,000 years ago, the age of Novka in Us is 20,000-10,000 years ago, Shirataki in Japan is 17,000 years ago, and the age of Alaska It is about 9800 years ago, and the age of British Columbia is about 7000 years ago. The absolute age decline of these microliths is also a continuous lineage, which is a complete continuous lineage. Microliths are highly specialized tools that could not have been independently created by humans in two places at the same time. They spread to the vast polar regions, pass through North Asia and North America from the northeast, and are distributed between 90 degrees east longitude to 140 degrees west longitude and 40 degrees to 65 degrees north latitude. Because this tradition was first discovered in North China, it is also Known as the "North China Microlithic Tradition". According to the current discoveries, the microlithic culture reached the Fairbanks-Highline Lake area in Alaska more than 11,000 years ago, and then distributed southward. —The starting point and source of intercontinental cultural communication. The earliest and most important cultural site of the Olmec culture is the La Venta site. A group of jade wares were discovered at this site, with the words "Nong", "Xin" and "Nv Rong" engraved on them in the oracle bone script of the Yin Dynasty. The international academic circles named them "Yugui" because it has a slight arc on the top and belongs to the "Wangui" of the Taihao Fuxi clan of the Dongyi nationality; The ancient characters are engraved with the name and genealogy of the ancestors of the Yin and Shang, so they are also called "the tablet of the god of Yugui", and the 16 jade statues are the ancestors of the Olmecs - the Yin merchants. The writing on the four pieces of jade kui has been deciphered, and it is confirmed that it is the writing of the Shang Dynasty. ​ similar customs The kinship between the Maya and the Chinese is not only manifested in language and ways of thinking, but also in customs and habits. Research on this aspect can sometimes promote the study of ancient Chinese culture. For example, in ancient Chinese divination, if a person was said to have an "odd number", it was considered unlucky. When Emperor Wu of the Han fought against the Xiongnu, he did not use the famous general Li Guang, because the result of divination for Li Guang was "odd", which was unlucky. As for how to do divination, it has been lost in China. The Mayan divination also has the same statement: even numbers are good, odd numbers are bad, and the specific practice is preserved. The Mayans used a pile of corn kernels, first randomly took some out and put them aside, and then counted them four by four. If the total number of these four groups is an odd number, and the rest is also an odd number, that is, three or one corn, it is fierce; if both are even, it is lucky; An even number is indefinite. The Mayans and the Chinese not only agree on the saying that even numbers are good and odd numbers are bad, but they even call the fortune-tellers the same. In ancient China, such people were called "Japanese people", and the Mayans called them "ahkin". "ah" is equivalent to "A" in Chinese, and "kin" is the sun in Mayan, the day. So "ahkin" is "Ari", which is changed to "Ahkin", which means "Japanese". This very specific commonality would not be possible if the Mayans and Chinese were not related. When it comes to divination, the Mayans and the Chinese have something else in common. In ancient China, there was a method of divination for lost things or people, called Yuanguang. People let innocent children look in the mirror, and it is said that they can see where the lost things or people are. The Mayans also have this habit. If they lose something, they let the children look in a transparent spar and tell what they see. The Mayans and Chinese also have common characteristics in the form of recreational activities. Like the Chinese folk, the Mayans often played rope games. There is a game in China called chicken claw buckle, and the Mayans also played chicken claw buckle, and the name is called chicken claw buckle. Both ends of the rope are tied together, then turned over and over again, and finally three interlocking buckles are wound in the middle, like chicken feet. The Mayans, like the Chinese, also played dice. They are called playing corn, because they use four corns as dice, all of which are dyed black on one side. If you roll two or four black sides, you win. In ancient China, the number of dice was not fixed, but six dice could be used, one side of which was dyed red, and four red sides were thrown to win. Concubine Yang Guifei and Tang Minghuang played in this way, and the gameplay is very similar to that of the Mayans. The Mayans were also very particular about the difference between men and women. When eating, men and women do not eat together. The man always eats first, the man finishes, and the woman eats. When walking, if a man and a woman meet on the road, the woman should avoid the side of the road, bow her head and wait for the man to pass, and then the woman will go. What's more interesting is that a couple can't walk side by side when walking, but the man is in front and the woman is behind, keeping a certain distance. In ancient Mayan society, men were superior to women, and some taboos were also manifested: women should not let men see when they give birth or menstruate, otherwise they will be unlucky. Moreover, women must maintain chastity, and adultery between men and women is punishable by death. It can be seen that the etiquette and customs of ancient Mayan society were exactly the same as those of ancient China. The common features of the customs of the Mayans and Chinese are many aspects, such as interpretation of dreams: a person dreams of losing teeth means that a relative will die. Of course, these are the common customs of the ancient Mayans and Chinese. Although they belong to superstition, their special corresponding characteristics are worth noting. In terms of basic necessities of life, the Mayans and the Chinese also have many similarities. In terms of eating, both Mayans and Chinese eat with bowls, unlike Europeans and Americans who use plates. In addition, the Mayans ate not on the table, but on mats. The same is true of Chinese people in ancient times. Otherwise, how could eating be called a banquet? The Mayans ate on mats, which is related to their living and lifestyle. They do not sleep on beds or sit on chairs, but on mats, just like the ancient Chinese. When it comes to sitting, the ancient Mayans divided into two ways: sitting on the crouch and sitting on the knees. The sitting on the knees is the same as the sitting on the knees in ancient China. In ancient China, high-status people sat squatting, while low-status people sat on their knees, and the Mayans did the same. Because men are superior to women, women are used to kneeling. The construction method of the Mayan houses is the same as that of the Chinese houses in the past. They are all post-beam structures. First, four pillars are erected, and the pillars are supported by beams. Common people's houses are mud or thatched houses, while noble houses are stone buildings. In addition, the ancient Maya's country was a city-state, the highest leader lived in the center of the city, and the nobles, merchants, handicraftsmen, farmers, and slaves lived outward in sequence. The lowest-ranked people live farthest from the city center, much like the imperial capitals of China's past. In terms of clothing and behavior, the ancient Mayans and Chinese also have common characteristics. The clothes that Chinese people wore in ancient times were a piece of square cloth called Baofang, or gown. The gown is a bag, covering the upper body from back to front, with a button on the front chest or one side. The top of the Maya is also such a piece of cloth, called pati, and its name is also similar to the Chinese robe. The lower garments of Maya men were also loincloths, divided into banners. The lower garments of ancient Chinese men were also loincloths, called Chang. The earliest character for "Chang" is "Shang", which is a pictographic character. The Mayans called the loincloth ex, and x sounds like sh, which has the same consonant sound as the Chinese word "shang". The Mayans paid great attention to road building. Their roads are very similar to the roads of the Zhou Dynasty mentioned in the "Book of Songs", like a whetstone placed on the ground, flat and straight, and built much higher than the ground. In addition, on the roads in ancient China, there were residences for passers-by at certain distances, called "lus". The roads of the Mayans also have dwellings at certain distances, called lub, which is very similar to the Chinese "Lu" in pronunciation. The ancient Maya and Chinese also have common features in burial customs, especially children's burial: one is to use urn coffins, and the other is to drill small holes in the upper part or cover of urn coffins. Sometimes the Mayans would use a part of the mother's finger to bury the child. This naturally reminds us of a saying that we Chinese often describe maternal love: it hurts to bite any one of the ten fingers. It is likely that this means that the Chinese also had the custom of biting off the fingers of their mothers and burying their dead children with them in ancient times, just like the Mayans. ​ similar religion Religiously, the Mayan culture also had the same things as ancient China. The Chinese have long had the saying of heaven and hell, and believe that heaven is beautiful, and hell is a spiritual world that punishes the wicked. There are similar sayings about heaven and hell among the Mayans. People in ancient China had the idea of nature worship. They worshiped all natural phenomena or natural forces with great power as gods, such as Feng Po, Lei Gong, Dragon King, Mountain God, etc., and the Mayans were typical nature worshipers. Not only that, but even the images in many Mayan sculptures and paintings are very similar to the masks of many Chinese gods. For example, the images in Mayan and Indian murals or sculptures are almost in line with Guizhou Nuo opera masks. The images of some gods in the Mayan culture are completely renditions of ancient Chinese evil spirits, such as the Four King Kongs and Hades Judge, etc., can all be found in the Mayan culture. (Excerpt from Su Xiao's "Maya Legend and the Future of Humanity", Central Compilation Press, 2017) Back to Vat Items

  • Studio works | Dake Zhu's speechDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Zhu Dake's studio main members Chief Writer: Ke Xinger Planner: Wang Shengjie ​Planning and writing: Zhang Ji ​Team group portrait Wang Tianjiao, whose pen name is Chu Xing'er, is a master of arts from Tongji University, a cutting-edge children's literature writer, and the core creator of Zhu Dake Studio. He has participated in the creation of "Mytopia" series projects, "Chinese Mythology and Stories Collection", "Chinese Folk Tales Collection", etc. He is good at fantasy themes and is committed to creating good original Chinese stories. His personal works have been published in magazines such as "October Juvenile Literature" and "Golden Boy", and have won children's literature awards such as "Little October Literature Award". Wang Shengjie, male, young scholar, Doctor of Philosophy of Tongji University, planned by Zhu Dake Studio. Under the tutelage of Professor Zhu Dake, he focuses on cultural history, cultural studies, cultural sociology and cultural philosophy. Main planned works: Juvenile Taotie (Season 1), "The Treasure of Kublai Khan", etc. The papers "The Expulsion and Reconstruction of Alchemy in the History of Science" and "Knowledge, Power and Identity: The History of Anti-Superstition in the "Science and Metaphysics Controversy"" were published by the CSSCI Philosophy Class A Journal "Research on Dialectics of Nature". Zhang Ji, playwright, literary planner, film and television screenwriter, graduated from Shanghai Academy School of Drama Directing, his works involve small theaters and big movies, and participate in the development of games and animation. For many years, he has received cruel training in "literary alchemy" in Zhu Dake's studio. He is good at mythological (fantasy) themes and urban suspense/criminal investigation themes. He has participated in the planning of "Youth Gluttony" and "Kublai Khan's Treasure"; "The Melting Pot", "The Fourth Front" and "The Mountain and the River Are Safe"; the main creator of "Bad People", "Weird Man" and "Yasha"; the game world setting "Witch Song". ​Jiazi, Zhuyu, Chen Di, Zhu Yanran, Wang Tianjiao, Liu Junhe, etc. Children's Works of Zhu Dake Studio Click to buy Zhu Dake's New Myth Series·Young Gluttony (5 volumes in total) A fantasy adventure with "mixed flavors" is given to every growing teenager. The new mythical story created by Zhu Dake, a well-known scholar based on rigorous folklore research, is a unique literary work based on traditional culture, which has received numerous praises. The creator of the picture book, Ma Penghaochun, hand-painted exquisite illustrations, which are visually stunning and exquisitely conceived, constructing a childlike and unique taste world for children. Recommended by Zhu Yongxin, Wang Zhigeng, Yu Shicun, Cai Chaoyang, Yang Lihui, Ermao and Subei. Produced by Dandelion Children's Bookstore. ​Young gluttonous first season 30-episode drama is brewing ​ The second season of Juvenile Glutton is expected to be published in May 2023 ​Young gluttonous first season 30-episode drama is brewing ​Young gluttonous first season 30-episode drama is brewing Collection of Chinese Folk Tales A collection of Chinese folk tales (ingeniously interpreting 20 classic folk tales, a number of illustrators polish exclusive illustrations one by one, suitable for parents and children to read together, and bring children a unique experience of traditional Chinese culture). Carefully researching ancient literature and classics, selecting classic selections, and reinterpreting folk tales in lively modern Chinese. Produced by fruit and wheat. Click to buy Click to buy Collection of Chinese Myths and Stories A collection of Chinese myths and stories (a new member of "Growing Up with You", mythologist Zhu Dake carefully selects and drafts, 50 classic myths and stories are newly written, and more than ten professional illustrators polish exclusive illustrations one by one) with many references and comparisons Based on various ancient documents and relevant research results, select storylines suitable for children to read, and reinterpret them in concise and vivid modern Chinese, with a more uniform language style and story length; it is suitable for parents and children to read together, and relive the childhood dreams of ancient China. Produced by fruit and wheat. Collection of Chinese Folk Tales A collection of Chinese folk tales (ingeniously interpreting 20 classic folk tales, a number of illustrators polish exclusive illustrations one by one, suitable for parents and children to read together, and bring children a unique experience of traditional Chinese culture). Carefully researching ancient literature and classics, selecting classic selections, and reinterpreting folk tales in lively modern Chinese. Produced by fruit and wheat. Click to buy ​Genre Fiction Lab Works "Mystery Tuobang" novel series ​Eastern Publishing House grandly launched in July 2016 references Zhu Dake: Mythological Archeology and "Awakening of Eagle Wings" Cultural pioneers: "mytopia" and "one man's renaissance" Nanfang Daily: A "mytopia" born for "genre literature" China Art News: Open up a new atmosphere of Chinese genre novels Zhu Dake Cultural Creativity (Shanghai) Studio old appearance)

  • Research Zhu Dake | Dake Zhu's speech:one's cultural renaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    Research by Zhu Dake Academic Profile This section is a brief summary of Zhu Dake's academic history. In the form of a brief introduction, Zhu Dake's education, occupation, academic part-time job, social role-playing, achievements and influence in academic and creative fields, as well as his multiple academic transformations. Open Sesame Reported by Zhu Dake This section collects a small number of news reports and special interviews about Zhu Dake, not only showing Zhu Dake’s influence on the cultural field, but also through interviews and dialogues, to understand Zhu Dake’s secret thoughts outside of writing, and those Thought constitutes Zhu's background. Open Sesame ​Comment Zhu Dake This section selects some comments about Zhu Dake. Commentators observe and comment on Zhu Dake from different angles at different times, just like watching an evolving life. The standards of these comments vary, but they all have their own characteristics, which can provide researchers with reference ideas. Open Sesame Historical Archives This section collects some events and documents related to Zhu Dake, which can be interesting circumstantial evidence of that era that has passed. Open Sesame ​Research Institute This section lists Zhu Dake's research projects and related research institutions that have been established or are being established, and provide researchers with the necessary academic map. open sesame

  • global cultural information | Dake Zhu's Speech:one's Cultural RenaissanceDake Zhu's speech:A personal renaissance

    return to home page Global Culture Trail Deco Ju 5d 可怕的周朝酷刑:2500年前骸骨做出无言见证 Deco Ju 6d 英伟达超越微软 成为全球最有价值上市公司 Deco Ju 6d 苹果发布AI新功能:ChatGPT和iPhone融为一体 Deco Ju 6d 在喜马拉雅山麓,勇敢的夏尔巴人用生命谋生 Deco Ju May 22 男性睾丸塑料化:人类生育力大幅下降的原因? Deco Ju May 22 白宫女厨二人组:近十年来在国宴上演绎烹饪外交 To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Login / Sign up 四种文化小道消息 无论大道小道,皆是人间正道 发布新消息 文学与艺术 Follow Posts 22 文明与历史揭秘 Follow Posts 50 文化与哲学 Follow Posts 6 大众流行文化 Follow Posts 95 New Posts Deco Ju hace 5 d 可怕的周朝酷刑:2500年前骸骨做出无言见证 文明与历史揭秘 一辆拥有3000年历史的周朝时代战车在中国被修复 © chinanews 有些考古时所发掘的早期人类古物可以说明很多有关文明及其习俗的信息。最近在中国发现的两具具有2500年历史的骸骨正是这种情况:它们表现出类似的残害迹象,表明截肢在当时被用作一种惩处当事人的刑罚。 这些具2500年历史的骸骨是在河南省三门峡市附近挖掘出来的,可追溯到公元前 771 年至公元前 256 年统治中国部分地区的周朝。其中一具骷髅,可能是男性,左小腿被砍断,而第二具骷髅,则是右腿缩短了几公分。 在周朝 最好是按照规矩行事 该研究发表在《考古与人类学科学Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.》期刊上,其中一个细节尤其令该研究的成员感到震惊。双腿被截肢至相似的长度,并通过手术以惊人的精度进行截肢。通过将这一发现与中国东周时期有关法律和制裁的大量历史文献进行交叉引用,科学家们现在确信:截肢是当时用来惩罚犯罪的常见行为。所以在周朝,最好是按照规矩行事。 《考古与人类学科学》期刊,是一份经过同行的读书委员会评审过的科学期刊,发表有关人类学和考古学问题各个方面的文章,包括地质考古学、地质年代学和古人类学。 无人能幸免这项惩罚 :这两个不幸被截肢的人到底做了什么,以至于得到这种截肢酷刑的惩罚呢?我们不可能知道。不过,科学家们已经找到了一些线索。 发表有关科学研究的独立在线出版物暨新闻来源的《科学警报》指出,两名男子中的一人可能受到比另一人更严厉的惩罚,因为截掉右腿是针对那些罪行更严重者所保留的。如果你的双脚被砍掉,那是因为你做了一些真正无法补救的蠢事。 这份科学媒体补充道,一旦腿被截肢后,受惩罚的人就有可能被允许重新融入社会。鉴于截肢骨头的手法特别好,这两个人肯定接受了治疗以帮助他们康复。他们可能因为身份地位而促进了他们的重新融入社会。 事实上,每具骸骨都是按由北朝南的向埋葬的,这种埋葬方向通常是为那些上层社会成员保留的。陪葬品,就像他们骨头中存在的同位素一样,表明这两个人的饮食很好,毫无疑问:他们确实属于贵族阶层。周人之中无一人免于被截肢。 来源:法广 作者:珍妮特 日期:2024年6月20日 Like 0 comments 0 Deco Ju hace 6 d 英伟达超越微软 成为全球最有价值上市公司 大众流行文化 美国财经频道CNBC报导,在美国纳斯达克交易所(Nasdaq)交易的英伟达,周二盘中股价上涨3.2%,推升该公司市值达到3.33万亿美元,市值超越微软。 英伟达市值在6月稍早首度抵达3万亿美元里程碑,并且超越苹果。 英伟达股票表现强劲,受益于公司在人工智能(AI)、数据中心和自动驾驶等领域的持续扩展。公司最新发布的AI芯片和数据中心解决方案获得了广泛认可,推动了收入和利润的显著增长。 英伟达以其领先的GPU技术和CUDA并行计算平台著称,这些技术在游戏、专业视觉化、科学计算和AI领域发挥着重要作用。公司持续投资于研发,确保其产品在性能和能效方面保持领先。 通过与多家全球顶级科技公司的合作,英伟达不断拓展其技术应用范围和市场份额。重要的战略收购,如Mellanox和ARM的计划收购,进一步增强了英伟达在数据中心和物联网市场的地位。 英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋表示:“这是对我们团队努力和技术创新的肯定。我们将继续专注于推动AI、自动驾驶和高性能计算的发展,为客户和股东创造更大的价值。” 来源:法广 作者:不详 日期:2024年6月18日 Like 0 comments 0 Deco Ju hace 6 d 苹果发布AI新功能:ChatGPT和iPhone融为一体 大众流行文化 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook) 苹果(Apple)公司将通过与ChatGPT开发商OpenAI合作来增强其智能语音助手Siri和操作系统,以便在人工智能(AI)竞赛中赶上对手。 这家iPhone 制造商在周一(6月10日)的年度全球开发者大会上宣布了对Siri的大改造以及许多其他新功能。 这个新的个性化人工智能平台称为“苹果智能”(Apple Intelligence),它旨在为用户提供一种更轻松地浏览苹果设备的方式。 苹果还宣布iPhone和Mac操作系统的新版本将允许通过与开发商OpenAI的合作来访问ChatGPT。 ChatGPT还可用于增强其他工具,包括文本和内容生成。测试版本将于秋季推出。 苹果全球开发者大会开幕式在公司位于美国加州库比蒂诺总部举行。 公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在会上表示,此举将把苹果公司产品“推向新的高度”。 然而,这一消息并未受到所有人的欢迎。特斯拉(Tesla)和Twitter/X的所有者埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)威胁称,由于“数据安全”的原因,他将禁止旗下的公司使用iPhone。 马斯克在社交媒体“X”上表示:“苹果公司完全不清楚,一旦将自己的数据交给OpenAI,到底会发生什么。” 他指出:“它们正在出卖你。” 在竞争对手通过采用AI技术迅速崛起后,苹果公司正面临在其产品中引入新的AI功能的压力。 今年1月,微软取代苹果成为全球市值最大的公司。6月初,苹果公司市值又被英伟达(Nvidia)超越。 CCS Insight首席分析师本·伍德(Ben Wood)表示,虽然苹果新的个人AI系统“应该有助于安抚紧张的投资者”,但其ChatGPT集成可能会揭示并给该公司带来更深层次的问题。 他对BBC表示:“可以说,苹果承认了其局限性,因为ChatGPT将在Siri不再能够帮助用户时出手。” 最近几个月,科技公司发布了大量AI产品,但苹果公司基本上缺席。 库克在2023年告诉投资者,公司将谨慎对待AI这项技术。周一,有关AI进展的方案终于被制定出来。 什么是“苹果智能”? “苹果智能” (Apple Intelligence)本身并不是一款产品,也不是一款应用程序。 它将成为客户使用的每个应用程序和苹果产品的一部分——无论是通过智能写作助手完善你的短信草稿,还是向你展示如何抵达下一个日程预约事项的最佳路线。 从这个意义上说,它与微软人工智能助手Copilot类似,但人们不需要支付额外的费用来激活它。 苹果公司在2010年收购的智能语音助手Siri已焕然一新,采用了新的界面,可以通过与用户聊天,帮助他们无缝衔接和浏览其设备和应用程序。 苹果在周一全球开发者大会上的主题演讲中特别强调了“苹果智能”的安全性。 一些处理将在设备本身进行,而需要更多算力的较大操作将被发送到云端,但不会存储任何数据。 对那些为了苹果的隐私承诺支付高价的客户来说,这点至关重要。 苹果软件工程高级副总裁克雷格·费德里吉(Craig Federighi)表示,该系统“将强大的生成模型置于iPhone、iPad和Mac的核心。” 他说:“该系统将基于你的个人背景为你提供最有帮助和最相关的情资,并且在每一步都保护你的隐私。” OpenAI 和苹果合作意味着什么? 人们普遍预期苹果会做出整合OpenAI的ChatGPT技术的决定,但对于一家如此严密保护自己产品的公司来说,这是个非同寻常的举动。 谷歌和微软近几个月来因其AI产品所犯的错误而面临审查,在AI产品的错误答案在网上疯传后,搜索巨头在5月份取消了这项新功能。 苹果多年来还拒绝允许客户下载App Store之外的任何应用程序,理由是这些应用程序可能不安全,而出于同样的原因,苹果也不允许客户使用除自家Safari之外的任何网络浏览器。 后来,在欧盟立法强制下才有所改变。 这是承认苹果现在也无法与ChatGPT竞争的标志吗? 如果是这样的话,它告诉了我们很多关于AI巨头OpenAI当前的实力。 该公司确实表示未来将整合其他产品,但没有透露具体名称。 与此同时,苹果宣布其混合现实耳机Vision Pro将于7月12日在英国上市。该产品二月份已在美国上市。 苹果公司在周一还发布了其它一些消息,包括: • 通过卫星发送短信 • 安排稍后发送的消息 • 使用头部动作(点头表示“是”或摇头表示“否”)来控制AirPodsPro • 可跨设备访问的专用密码应用程序 • 隐藏某些应用程序或将其锁定在面容ID或密码后面的能力。 • —————————————————————— 人工智能技术正在高速发展,它改变着现代生活的方方面面。 什么是人工智能(AI)?它是如何工作的? 人工智能I让计算机几乎可以像人一样学习和解决问题。 AI系统接受大量信息的训练,并学习识别其中的模式,以便执行诸如展开类似人类的对话或执行预测在线购物者可能购买的产品等任务。 AI技术支持语音控制虚拟助手Siri和Alexa,并帮助Facebook和"X"(以前称为Twitter)决定向用户展示哪些社交媒体帖子。 AI还使亚马逊(Amazon)能够分析顾客的购物习惯,以推荐未来的购买产品。与此同时,亚马逊公司还利用AI技术来打击虚假评论。 ChatGPT和Midjourney等人工智能程序是什么? ChatGPT和Midjourney是所谓的“生成式AI”。这些程序从包括在线文本和图像等大量数据中学习,以生成感觉像是人类制作的新内容。 而ChatGPT等所谓的聊天机器人可以进行文本对话。Midjourney等其他人工智能程序可以根据简单的文本指令创建图像。 生成式人工智能还可以制作视频,甚至制作著名音乐家风格的音乐。 但这些程序有时会生成不准确的答案和图像,并且可能会重现其源材料中包含的偏见,例如性别歧视或种族主义。 不少演艺人员和作家警告说,这类人工智能允许其他人在不付费的情况下利用和模仿他们的作品。 最近加入这些呼吁的艺人包括美国歌手和词曲作者比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)和美国说唱女歌手妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj),她们是呼吁停止音乐行业“掠夺性”使用人工智能的200名艺人之一。 来源:BBC 作者:佐伊·克莱曼(Zoe Kleinman) 、丽芙·麦克马洪(Liv McMahon) 日期:2024年6月11日 Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless return to home page

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