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The launch and sharing session of the new book " Six Strange Records" (unsuccessful)

The book was published in September 2020, during the pandemic and lockdown, when all offline discussions and sharing activities had to be terminated. But it quietly circulated among readers and won their love.
紫色 - 藍色漸變


Zhu Dake wrote in the postscript to the Six Strange Records:

It is through my glimpse into desire that I superficially grasp the pain of the Chinese people. And what is intriguing is that I also see a nation that is good at using pleasure to cover up pain. They are good at using words and witchcraft to create all kinds of happy illusions, and spend their lives in the massage of words of blessing each other. As a powerful illusion nation, China has provided a complete sample to the world.

——Zhu Dake


序章   为什么要复兴中国神话

神话跟我们有什么关系?           中国神话是土生土长的吗?

为什么你听过的神话都不是完整版         中国神话到底分哪几个“朝代”? 

人类文明发育的三原则              中国神话是人类精神共同体的一部分


第一章   《山海经》探秘

《山海经》的神奇动物今何在            《山海经》博物志的四重主题

文明等级与华夏中心情结                 山海经》是伟大的地理志  


第二章   主宰上古时代的神界领袖


创世大神盘古的开辟天地                创世女神:补天造人情未了



改天换地的共工革命              地神鲧的受难与复活

洪水时代的超级英雄              大禹和九尾狐的爱恨情仇


日神帝俊、羲和夫妻的儿孙们            日神少昊,海上丝绸之路的文化礼物


大发明家伏羲是如何创造文明的            火神祝融与祂的原型琐罗亚斯德


异乡神西王母的前世今生            周穆王和西王母的爱情悲歌


与箭神月神嫦娥的飞天传奇            大羿与后羿的双胞奇案


三皇五帝:中国神界的最强天团             黄帝与蚩尤:中华起源之战




华夏诸神的四场大战             “帝”与“天”的美索不达米亚原型



第三章   管理日常生活的诸神(上)


守望中国家园的三位女神              观世音菩萨的性别之争


谁遇见过神秘而崇高的山神              先农祠里的祖先神和农神 


仓颉造字体系中的文明密码              风神飞廉吹来了什么风


爱神句芒和他的春神面具              巫山云雨中的性爱女神瑶姬

湘水女神娥皇女英之“变形记              最美女神宓妃和她的粉丝们



重温战神的烽火岁月             刑神蓐收和狱神皋陶


饕餮神是如何从妖兽变为神灵的             写在人类五官上的神学

请盐神给生活加点滋味               酒神杜康和仪狄的悬殊命运



第四章   管理日常生活的诸神(下)


医药神是如何征服疾病的              神秘的炼丹术


彭祖的八百年春秋            女寿神麻姑的勾魂手

老寿星的容貌、坐骑和装备             禄星及其三个代表

财神家族的十大成员             福神和喜神,最受欢迎的额家中贵客


全能木匠神鲁班和他的魔咒           向温柔的纺织女神致敬

窑神爷和瓷都的起源            照亮青楼的五路神明 


家庭的主心骨灶王爷            井神柳毅:落第举子千里救美女



揭开冥神的神秘面纱           十大阎罗及其地狱王国 

孟婆和她的忘怀汤           人与亡灵的万古对话 



​​​第五章   动物、植物和器物神话


鹰蛇之战与龙凤和解             龙兽崇拜:帝王的权力腰带

麒麟和独角兽的东西方对话               驻守中国建筑的神兽军团



《山海经》妖兽的等级制度               五仙南下和百鬼夜行​

情种白娘子和渣男许宣的人间错爱                世间狐狸精的妖媚之术


人为什么要偷吃神树上的果子          上帝的植物园:桃、芝、参 


来自新石器时代的灵玉崇拜​             商周鼎器里煮的是什么汤? 

​铸剑师和剑客的英雄年代              隐藏在魔镜里的X空间 


第六章   佛道神话与民间传奇


八仙过海之吕洞宾与何仙姑            华光、目连与沉香的救母故事


夏商周三代妖女的千古奇冤             屈原谋杀案和端午民俗的起源 


鹊桥仙:在牛郎织女传奇的背后               孟姜女的眼泪武器

揭开梁祝蝴蝶恋的真相              韩式兄弟的人鬼情和化蝶梦

杜鹃啼血:望帝和他的春心            光棍农夫的螺女春梦





Author's Postscript


Desire is a topic that I have been studying for many years. The triggering and birth of desire, the prototype of desire, the form of modern desire and its growth pattern, and the texts produced by contemporary desire production, all these topics revolve around desire. Desire is the core object of postmodern philosophical research.


This book attempts to borrow the Buddhist "six senses" (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind) framework, and uses the secret industries that died with agricultural civilization as the subject matter to depict the basic appearance of "Chinese desire" during the agricultural civilization period. Through the brief history of the protagonist's desire, readers can see the secret process of the growth of desire.


What is Chinese desire? This question is the primary question for writers. As long as you read the history of literature, you will find that starting from the Book of Songs and Chuci, appetite, carnal desire, sexual desire, desire for fame and power, these basic life themes, have long been the main body of ancient desires, and are also the internal driving force that dominates modern Chinese people. The carrier of desire is short-lived, but desire is eternal, transcending all time and space that we can observe. Eastern desire is the most powerful cultural heritage of the Chinese people.


In response to the current situation of the large-scale growth and spread of the maze of desire, the Venerable Sakyamuni taught that the "six senses" ignite and illuminate people's desires, but due to the huge gap between desires and reality, pain comes into being and becomes the highest nature of life. The ratio of pain to desire is positive: the more ardent the desire, the more intense the pain.


It is through my glimpse into desire that I superficially grasp the pain of the Chinese people. And what is intriguing is that I also see a nation that is good at using pleasure to cover up pain. They are good at using words and witchcraft to create all kinds of happy illusions, and spend their lives in the massage of words of blessing each other. As a powerful illusion nation, China has provided a complete sample to the world.


Literature is a kind of verbal witchcraft, and it is the most clumsy of all verbal witchcraft. It can convey desires to a limited extent, and even light up desires and make them burn fiercely, but it cannot satisfy desires. In the game between people and desires, literature can usually only be an arsonist, while religion is the fire extinguisher. This ideological division of labor determines the attributes of literature.


But "Six Strange Records" has no intention of becoming an igniter of desire. It is just a set of historical voyeuristic records. It tells readers in a legendary way how desire is born, multiplied, saturated, decayed and disillusioned, and how it creates the joy, pain and death of life. You will see a paradox that occurs at the level of "three views": this book is a myth about desire, with the appearance of a fictional text, but it tries to truly touch the desire of the Chinese people and the world of illusions caused by desire.


There is no doubt that any literary history is a history of the expression of desire. Over the years, "desire" has been an important subject of my research. But conveying Chinese desire in such a "literary" way is still just a difficult language experiment for me, full of unpredictable crises. Writing is an adventure in words, and a grand narrative about desire is an even more dangerous advance.


Since the publication of the novel "Changsheng Yi" and the novella series "Kojiki", my "transformation" into a novelist seems to have become irreversible. This writing itself contains a hidden desire, that is, to become not only a "reasonable person" but also a "storyteller". You will definitely point out with a smile that this is a typical case of the proliferation of desire.


According to the pre-designed, six types of strange arts, six Taoist masters, six senses and six illusions constitute six seemingly independent novels. They should be combined into a precise narrative community on the theme of desire, approaching the nature of Chinese desire from the six channels of human sensory experience. But after writing this series of novels, I sadly discovered that due to the limitations of cognition and techniques, my expression could not reach the core of things at all. I could only circle around it, like a stupid dog circling around a bone illusion.


Not only that, due to the culture itself, this series of novels also exudes a weird and absurd smell, which makes those literary petty bourgeoisie who like to do warm massage feel uncomfortable. For this, I can only apologize with great regret. Completely different from those "popular literature books", literature should not be a verbal massage, but a revelation of the truth of history/reality. Therefore, it must have cruel and absurd characteristics, and it must destroy all ridiculous illusions. Of course, I also tried to inject necessary hope into the core of the text. While deconstructing the dark illusion, I want to carry out the only bright white illusion to the end, but this is not to please the readers, but to let my suffocated soul breathe.


The various chapters of "Six Strange Records" have been published in various literary magazines, such as "Huacheng", "Tianya", "Shanhua", "Jiangnan", "Zuozhuan" and "Baihuazhou", and are now compiled into a book by the publishing house. For this, I would like to thank the editors for their tolerance of this "heterodox taste", and thank all my friends for their love and encouragement, and thank the animation designer and director Wu Fan for drawing six exquisite illustrations to provide exquisite images for the characters and scenes of the novel. Without the support of these friends, the writing and publication of this book would be unimaginable.

Written in New York on January 15, 2020

Title: Six Strange Records

Publisher: CITIC/Dafang Publishing Group (Shanghai, China)

Publication date: September 2022

Editors: Ren Liu, Xu Yunyun, etc.

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